Let's predict what the reviews will be like for the Remastered version

Let's predict what the reviews will be like for the Remastered version

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10/10 it's okay

Probably the same or lower. Reminder that the IGN reviewer who gave God Hand a 3/10 still stood by his score for the game years later. These people never learn.

Games journalist are gonna hate it because it isnt some deep story about being transgender and is actually challenging. None of them are gonna realize that the dodge and counter powers can be bought in shops and are required.

Surprised that we still don't know if guts and doge will be unlocked from the getgo, since that was something Platinum mentioned due to lots of players ignoring those vital skills in the shop

WAY too hard. 8/10

Just my guess but 6 out 10 with a major complaint being the camera and maybe some of the minigames like the spaceship shooter segment.

>"Since there is no Gamepad support, they took away the drawing mechanic, making the game almost impossible to play"

this one is the most likely

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switch 92
PC 88
PS4 82

Sameish score as the Wii U. Slightly higher due to better graphics, frame rate, and load times.

Anyone got the screencap of the guy not knowing how to do the number puzzle in stage 1?

I expect it to run a lot better on PC and PS4 but as usual fags will say "so im picking it up on the switch" and then complain it doesn't run as well as it does on PS4 or PC but continue to ignore those platforms because "it won't feel right"

Why would anyone get it on PS4?

Switch offers unique features
PC offers unique features
PS4 has nothing

New mission retweet this twitter.com/PG_kamiya/status/1234310665843728385 for more collabs on the remix album

Because some people own a PS4? Are you fucking retarded user? Jesus.

PS4 only players aren't interested in games like W101.

Yep, you are fucking retarded. The delusional little bubble Yas Forums lives in.

I want to help out on these but I refuse to have a Twitter

How about some will be like that retarded one from Blistered Thumbs
tl;tr: "its control scheme sucks, so we stopped playing after 2 hours. 3/10"

They're going to copy their old reviews verbatim and never actually play the game.

>pc offers thomas the thank engine and shrek mods
big deal

Doing my part, thanks user.
Also been having a thought. I want to get some of the higher tier stuff but the cost is a bit up there. What are the odds I could sell off things like the vinyl to recoup the difference?

They're gonna be slightly higher than the original
Expect words such as "cult classic" and "overlooked" coming from the same people who shunned the game for not making everything obvious for them
One or two will have this version as their first and they'll have some of the same complaints as the journos did on release, such as "I never found Unite Guts to be particularly useful"

I'm optimistically hoping they will sell the vinyl stand alone at a later date due to not many people backing that tier

"Still needs a dodge button. 7/10."

I wish they'd do the mask and jacket too
I wanted them but man I've got bills to pay

Hoping for a turnaround like what happened with the Switch version of DK: Tropical Freeze compared to its “cheap deaths and uninspired levels” on the Wii U reviews.

I'm hoping I don't get fucked over for import fees when it comes to delivery. Otherwise might as well just buy it in store when it comes out

47k until Luka's second mission. We are going to make it aren't we bros?


Convince me to back this instead of waiting to pirate it

Higher chance we will get a sequel if you buy it

Same man, same. I'm glad we're getting the pepakura mask though, I plan on going crazy turning that into a nice quality piece.

The gameplay is mundane, Wonder Pink's panties bother me, and the game is way too difficult and non-rewarding 4/10

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It is cartoony and resembles capeshit, so it will fall into the "joyous charm" mental space game journalists usually reserve for Nintendo games and such, rather than the one where they complain there are no transgender black women couples.

>Expect words such as "cult classic" and "overlooked" coming from the same people who shunned the game for not making everything obvious for them

9/10 "because otherwise people will not like us and we need to prove how good we are at games and like hard games as evidenced by Dark Souls 2 metacritic"

I think that depends on how the get around the gamepad segments. If they do nothing, then the scores may end up lower.

All of what you said has already happened in the past when it first released on the Wii U.

Probably, I'm curious to see just how high it'll go though. Most Kickstarters see a big boost towards the end and I'm hoping this one is no exception.

Reminder that Kamiya said they made Easy easier. 5% better average review scores for that alone.

I’m glad the devs expanded on the picture-in-picture mode with adjustments for size and transparency. Now the reviewers just need to find it (I think it was the - button on the Wii U).

>expecting game journalists to know how to press buttons on a controller

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Any anons able to do the cosplay challenge? I would if I had the time and ability, but I'm not there quite yet.

just put on a red sweater and cut a mask in black paper

I have the ability to maybe dress as the fat civilian if I have the right color shirt
this is what I get for not having any hobbies

>it isnt some deep story about being transgender
Name (5) games


To hard and complicated to play.

Not sure how they'll restructure the gameplay for the Switch as the original version sort of demanded the Wii U tablet.

I won't buy it unless they add more content for the Switch version otherwise not much reason to get it. Same thing happened with TMS: FE-E,and they just added some songs and Tiki being playable, Not worth 60 dollars

All the threads on Yas Forums are going to be whinging about the tanks and turtle shell enemies as retards try to just use the sword on everything without using unite guts or dodge.

>Not sure how they'll restructure the gameplay for the Switch as the original version sort of demanded the Wii U tablet.

nope. you didn't even need the gamepad to play the game at any point.

>I won't buy it unless they add more content for the Switch version

Kickstarted backers get free DLC

>Not worth 60 dollars

It's $35/$40

>Not sure how they'll restructure the gameplay for the Switch as the original version sort of demanded the Wii U tablet.
even the original had PiP and it was better played with the analog stick

After DMC5's popularity every other action series on Yas Forums is getting shat on so expect lots of low effort bait about how this game is bad.

Considering how limited things are (they don't intend on selling anything separately) some of this shit is going to be worth a fortune later. You could totally look at that vinyl as an investment.

Yeah same i really fucking want the official mask, but there's just more of what I want at the Pure Platinum tier and I can afford it. I wish the richfags only studio tour tier weren't the only tier that included everything.

Retard game reviewers will be more open to the plot and graphics but they'll still complain about the controls.

See that's what I'm wondering. I only really want the full soundtrack, so the Tunes tier was a godsend to my budget. But the other extra shit is so tempting, like the pendant, but throwing another $150 or so is crazy talk. I would totally do it and sell the vinyl and others, but I'm afraid they won't be as sought out as one might hope.

I can't wait for the filtering

>Celebration stream on Saturday hosted by Video Games Awesome

oh fuck me are you serious

Who cares about review scores?

>None of them are gonna realize that the dodge and counter powers can be bought in shops and are required.
To be fair they should've been default since you're pretty much meant to buy them after the tutorial anyways.
Also this is by far the most casual Platinum game ever, or at least it's second to Bayonetta 2 in normal mode. The combat flow is legit so slow outside of Volken fights it's really hard to get hit, makes me wonder what the fuck Kamiya was thinking when making the game.

>Tears over the tanks and turtles
>Tears over the spiked enemies
>Tears over the Gah-Goojin boss
>Tears over the Punch-Out bosses

This game will humble so many anons.

tw101 on normal is considerably more challenging than mgr on hard, bayo2 on hard, and bayo1 on normal

I don't know who that is. I'm assuming this is a bad thing?

2/10, it's now slightly less shit than before. You can polish a turd.

cynical fuck who sucks at games


Not many people are getting it on PS4. The polls here show a break down of roughly 55:35:10 to NSW:PC:PS4

i love w101!

me too

I wonder if this is a joke, cause this is a Kamiya tweet and I was blocked by him, and considering how many people he blocked... not sure if this goal will be completed.

I can't imagine it would get to 2.25 mil but 2 mil is easy enough

We have 48 hours to make 46k

This is gonna be fucking close

I think we can do it.
I also think I'll help, I'm going to look at my budget tonight and consider bumping up a bit.
Let's see how many last second additions there are, too

Still can't make up my mind
back it with the last bit of spendable money I have until god knows when or pirate it?

Ask yourself if you have anything else you'd rather buy in the next few months and decide. You can always get the game later once it releases

True. Bayo 1 requires quicker reflexes.

From what i've seen the game controls exactly the same as the stick controls in the original and the second screen parts are now just picture-in-picture. Nothing much improved except framerate and maybe a minor visual touch up. I really want them to encourage going to the shop as soon as possible so people know that it isn't some optional power-up store, but I won't get my hopes up.
80 critic score
85 user score

A hundred 1's

I want to see as many pledges as possible but with the coronavirus hitting everything you should probably keep your money if it's a strain on you.

Anyone have the screencap of when Kamiya visited Yas Forums? That was a good thread.

Not bad advice here either. You can always buy the game later. Better to save your money for the moment just in case you really need it.

You'd think by 2020, this would've been playable on Cemu, but in 2020, Cemu is still a BOTW Patreon entity

emulation as a rule is homo
i need to rebuy a phat ps2 so i no longer have to deal with emulation stuttering bullshit

>its a another "all ps4 owners are fifa/gta fags" episode
Do you fuckers get tired of this shit? By your same logic nintendofags arent interested in this kind of game because it and bayo 2 bombed, obviously everyone who owns a switch is a 10 year old girl who exclusively plays smash and animals crossing so why would they buy a hardcore action game? :^)

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bayo 2 sold considerably better than wonderful 101

Have they said anything about the game size?


>5/10 too hard and the game keeps bullying me for being a scrub

Why haven't you faggots retweeted this yet?


you do want more Collaborators added to the Remix album don't you?

i already did

I don't have a Tw*tter