N-no bro you HAVE to play, like, five long games of this franchise in order to get into the real meat of it...

>n-no bro you HAVE to play, like, five long games of this franchise in order to get into the real meat of it, that's when it gets good, trust me bro
>Series proceeds to shit itself into a laughable yet somehow still boring trainwreck by that point, invalidating the entire point of playing the series and wasting anyone's time that they invested in it
Don't fall for the worldbuilding memes, kids.

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As someone who played CS1 and 2 first, if anything Sky 2 is when it gets good and Cold Steel at its worst is at the "still worth playing if you're already invested in the franchise" level.

CS is pretty good and nips agree

>4 fucking games and at least a third of the new will star these idiots
This nightmare refuses to end


>at least a third
Sky and Crossbell will be two short prologues, the mean Rean machine will take up 95% of the game as he should.

At this point it’s just Stockholm syndrome for those of us who are invested in the series

This game fucking sucked. A lot do people told me that with games like persona you’ve gotta get past the 10-15 hour mark to really get into it. That was true and years ago P3 became one of my favorite games, with P4G and P5 also falling into that camp. Trails of Cold Steel is shit. People said the same thing - “bro just give it time it gets really good.” Okay, I thought. I’ll give it a fair shake. I quit at the 40 hour mark on this shit. It’s fucking garbage. Even at 40 hours dudes were like yeah bro just give it a little more time and it might take until the 2nd game to click. Fuck off. I shouldn’t have to invest 100 hours into something before I like it. Especially not a video game.

Trails in the Sky 1-3 are the only games worth playing in this franchise, you got memed OP.

>He didnt play any other Trails games
>He's not invested in the world or the characters
>He usually only plays overhyped AAA trash

It's not worth getting invested into the world and characters when Cold Steel actively trashes what you liked about them and spits in your face about it with the Machine.

Harsh truth: every kiseki game is shyte and only autismos think it's good.

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That is completely valid.

That’s why I just stick to Ys

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You two are both retarded. Sky and Crossbell are absolutely worth playing. Telling someone not to play Kiseki because Cold Steel drops the ball is like telling people not to watch Dragonball because GT sucks

My fucking fellow adventurebro

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False equivalence, Dragonball isn't a franchise that prides itself on having long continuous stories between shows, unlike Kiseki with its arcs spanning game generations.

Ao > Sen III > SC > Zero > Sen IV > FC > Sen > Sen II > 3rd

Kiseki arcs are both independent & interconnected. You can enjoy Estelle and Lloyd’s journeys without having to play Sen (a little less so for Lloyd because of Hajimari.)

Similarly, if Kiseki picks itself back up in Calvard, Cold Steel wont have too much of an influence because most of the things people dislike about the arc have been resolved

Ao > Sen 3 > SC > Zero > 3rd >Sen IV > FC > Sen II > Sen

Its funny how falcom really snapped with Sen 3, i almost thought the series was back on track

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Those are not the same things at all, faggot. Playing five+ games that all take 30 hours or more to complete just for the following five thirty hour games to shit all over the story, characters and general zeitgeist of the first five is fucking unacceptable. You can eat shit.

I tried playing Tokyo Xanadu because it seemed to be standalone, but the constant Trails references ruined the game for me.

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>for the following five thirty hour games to shit all over the story, characters and general zeitgeist of the first five
Is Cold Steel really this bad?


The old characters arent shit on though.

One of the things Sen 4 actually does right is that its respectful to the returning characters.

Sen 3’s Hamel scene is also powerful payoff.

Im about to finish the first game. I wasn't enjoying the game at first, but after the second field study, I'm liking it a lot. The characters are cliché and Rean is fucking shit, but the world building and the sense of 'going in adventures with friends' are pretty good.

I don't know if I'm going to like 2 that much though.

>its respectful to the returning characters
>oh yeah, let's suck Rean's dick and praise his heroism while being caricatures of ourselves and not showing any of our development
Estelle doesn't even have her S-Craft she inherited from Cassius, what a joke.

>Hamel scene
Pure nostalgiabait for Skyfags

Estelle doesn’t suck Rean’s dick, she barely even interacts with him.

Rean idolizes Lloyd and wants to be like him rather than the other way around. Rean even calls them both heroes and his senpai.

The Cold Steel cast sucks Rean’s dick, yeah, but it doesnt apply to Estelle, Joshua, Lloyd, the SSS, etc.

Rean’s friendship with Randy is actually one of his better relationships because they actually feel like friends who go out for drinks instead of his fanclub.

The Erebonia arc literally had to cover Hamel, the village where the empire slaughtered its own citizens. It would be weirder if it didnt.

As if I would ever care about anything other than gameplay

Braindead people like you are why EA and Activision get away with so much greed.


>implying that EA and Activision make anything other than DLC, lootbox, and microtransaction simulators with gameplay being a crutch

You are one dumb mother fucker with the shittiest taste.

Calvard when?

Attached: calvard when.png (405x646, 20.16K)

Can't wait for CS III on the pc. Cold Steel is one of the few engaging games still left. The rest is all soulless trash even Civ got far worse with VI.

fuck off to your dead general retard

Reminder that Calvard will also have an isekai protagonist with his own fresh brand of harem.

Thankfully the first three games are the best of the series.

>from bracers to church fag to cops to..... Highschool kids

If trails of cold steel’s characters and world is remotely representative of the series as a whole I can wholeheartedly say it is dogshit.

Cold Steel is the definition of soulless trash though, tastelet. Literally made for pandering to fujos, otakus, zoomers, and the rest of the scum.

Considering that Falcom always uses popular tropes and settings when developing their games, do you think Calvard will be an Isekai story?

DB GT doesn't suck.

>he doesn't know about McBurn and Towa

Damn, guess it's my fault for not having played Sen 3?

Just play suikoden

>n-no bro you HAVE to play, like, five long games of this franchise in order to get into the real meat of it
>thinking CS is the real meat

Attached: 1561366646365m.jpg (1024x1024, 106.18K)

Dead series

>Can't wait for CS III on the pc. Cold Steel is one of the few engaging games still left.
This is how you know when youre pretentious and shallow when sen is written like your average light novel.

>not dropping the series entirely after Ao
I hope you're joking user.

Same for me.
It keeps Yas Forums seething eternally because they can't enjoy a game without shitposting.

Attached: CS3_SL1500_.jpg (926x1500, 324.41K)

And this isn't? It's been finished long time ago

The people who have been making the game covers needs to get fired

I liked Sky
I liked Cold Steel
Haven't played Crossbell yet
But I like everything I played and enjoy it all. Not being an idort in the Trails franchise CAN make you lose out on enjoyment.

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>switchfags are going to get into the eighth game out of a series of nine games and counting
Thanks, doods

Today, I shall remind them of the best damn school festival

Attached: 1578770506688.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

the amount of cringe in this is hard to describe with words

>buy Trails in the Sky on steam since there was a big sale
>run it
>literally doesn't fucking work, only brings up configuration menu but nothing else
fucking kill me

Ah yes the Falcom quality animations...

Attached: falcom_animation.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

What the fuck

Wtf this is the cringiest shit i've seen in a long time. Why isn't this more known?

It's only cringe because the rest of the world doesn't have school festivals. Instead, they just have a field day where you run around outside and do nothing all day.


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It's like most of the retards here see a Japanese media product for the first time in their lives. Most of the "golden era" stuff, even "masterpieces" like Suiko 2 had school segments.

Yeah but those aren't weeb cringe

I started with Cold Steel and am having a blast. Don’t even bother with the other games. You can probably just read the wiki

Suikoden is one of the most "weeb" series around with school arcs, furries, OHOHOHOHO'ing ojou-samas and other stuff. Some Idea Factory games seem tame in comparison.

say whatever you want i love it

haha... you go elliot ...

Nice cope weeb. Suikoden is one of the few JRPGs series that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Sounds like you're the "weeb" in denial here, faggot.


Holy cringe

Seethe weeb.

>using "cringe"
That's how I know not to take you seriously

Suikoden stopped being worth playing after 2

>implying dogi will ever appear again
Enjoy your loli blunt characters with gigantic hammers.

Post the rest of them, I know you have them.

My roommate said it was either 4 or 5 that went back to its roots and was good. It's been a while so I forget which is which, but one of them is supposed to be really and the other is supposed to be really good.

user, I think you a word.

Yeah I did, I forgot my glasses in the car and can't proofread without me taking three times as long to post.
>one of them is supposed to be really "bad" and the other is supposed to be really good.

ys is like the shittest series ever
yeah kiseki isn't amazing either but ys is like a game for babies, its so simple and basic that it would feel right at home being a nintendo first party series

Why do people get so mad over Kiseki nowadays? It's a good series but you literally can't talk about any of the games on here without people completely sperging out. And it's not even just the Cold Steel games, can't even talk about Sky or Crossbell anymore. I miss when we used to have comfy threads about the series and people who actually enjoyed the games posted in them. Now it's like just a constant pissing contest between contrarians and ironic cold steel memers.

>t. got filtered by Fagullion
Just how many shitters like you are out there, I wonder?

Attached: runincirclesretard.jpg (428x650, 86.29K)

from my understanding, 4 was the bad one and 5 felt like it went back to it's roots.

I can't be for sure since I only played 5

how do i get filtered by a game being so basic a toddler could play it lmfao
god ysfags are fucking stupid

Kek, stay mad.

Attached: toplilia.png (270x340, 79.19K)

>can't even defend his shit game
this is what i expect from an ysfag

Which ones take place after 2, again? I think 4 and 5 take place before the original two, no?

But muh music is good

Cold Steel cringe thread? Cold Steel cringe thread.

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every cold steel thread is a cold steel cringe thread haha

What's cringe about that?

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no idea

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On Yas Forums games can only be 10/10 or 0/10, there is no room inbetween and if a game isn't a 10/10 that automatically makes it a 0/10. Just shitpost with the rest and don't bother trying to have honest discussions.

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having feelings is cringe

this segment of the game was kino though

Pictured here: an absolute retard lamenting not being to save the life of a terrorist who tried to kill him and his friends repeatedly. So much for those "shining bonds" forged at the academy.

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but if he killed him, he would become just like him

Oh, I'm sorry, "dazzling jewels".

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The silly, histrionic wording of the sentiment. This dude is supposed to be a high school kid, not some hacky poet.

Also, I'm shocked someone saved all my images.

This happens within the first hour or so of the first game.

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But the target audiences of the game are adults/chuuni

>the target audience of a handheld game in Japan

Attached: market_penetration_by_platform.png (413x748, 36.12K)

I guess I can agree with that, but I'm not sure it would make a game trash. It's just over the top chuuni shit from what I can tell.

Preparing for the school festival and with Angelica in tow

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Cold Steel is such a fucking shitstain on the franchise you wonder how anyone can stomach it.
Then you look at Yas Forums and realize they have constant Isekai generals and you begin to understand.

based bump system doing god's work of weeding out the plebs, as per usual

As far as I knew, Cold Steel wasn't a handheld game.
And even if it were, EVERYBODY that uses the train (like 90% of the city population over there) is on their phones constantly. So yes, they would be right to target them anyway.

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>spend 5 games building up erebonia as a ruthless highly militaristic society planning to basically go to war with the entire world
>finally get to erebonia game
>lol its actually just modern day japan with european buildings, haha look at these kids and their japanese high school antics

>point out how the games are literally the most basic shit imaginable
>n-no you just got filtered l-lol
you can only be filtered by things that are actually difficult or complex, lol
the absolute state of ysfag delusion

don't forget the mecha[/spoiler that was thrown in at the end of the game

Yeah Rean's stupid speeches got incredibly fucking obnoxious very quickly.

More specifically, that was Rean reacting to Vulcan's death, a terrorist Jaegar veteran in cahoots with Crow, and who literally states he knows and has accepted the risks of being in his business.

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You say that like it's a bad thing

Oh, don't be like that, dude just wants to have a bit of fun with his colleagues.

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god damn cs 1 and 2 were fucking ugly
fuck the vita i wish that piece of shit never existed, it held back jrpgs for so long

kek, this is some fine assmad kisekifag projection

Don't bother arguing with yskeks, they have a room temperature IQ and can't play anything that has at least an attack button.

this is peak ysfag denial, the games are simplistic babyshit yet you retards pretend like its the peak of action rpgs

Imagine waking up with this dripping wet cumdoll riding you crotch haha who cares about characterization

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Tell me about the Rean, why does he hold back so?

>Suikoden stopped being worth playing after 2
5 is the second best entry in ther series.
If you exclusively look at the gameplay, it's the best.

Tactics is also good.

Attached: 552996-genso-suikoden-v-genteiban-playstation-2-extras.jpg (800x1131, 177.91K)

because hes afraid of the dark power lingering inside him and doesnt want to unleash and hurt his friends and awaken his sharingan

I got bored during the third chapter of FC, these games are simply not fun to play and anyone who likes them is probably into cinematic movieshit and/or really long-ass cutscenes as well.

maybe you just don't like jrpgs

you don't have to play games you don't like you know.

FC is like 40 hours long. It doesn't have more cutscenes than any other JRPG does and there's plenty of gameplay to be had. I think people just get filtered by the slower pace and lower stakes, it doesn't get into chosen one save the world bullshit so that means "lol nothing happens"

Let me reword that: I like JRPGs that have properly paced plots with fun gameplay making up the meat of the proverbial game sandwhich. Shit like SMT and SaGa. Trails is not one of those series.

So she has an incest fetish then tries to become his little sister. How obvious can you get with the thirst for dick?

>Let me reword that: I like JRPGs that have properly paced plots with fun gameplay making up the meat of the proverbial game sandwhich.
Damn I was going to respond to but damn, you worded it perfectly.

BASED, Yas Forums gets filtered by another series yet again

The problem is that with this series, people have to play the games they don't like in order to play the games that they do, or else they'll be lost or not fully appreciative (or condemning) on what's going later on. Such is the fate of all long-running interconnected series: the continuity snarl is just too much to bear at a point, and Kiseki passed that point a long time ago.

Haha, that's our Alfin...

The only people that enjoy the Cold Steel series are desperate or have never played a good JRPG.

The series is like a bunch of shitty fan games that thinks quantity is quality and that taking all the "cool" stuff you see from your favorite JRPGs and smashing them together results in a good game (and not an incoherent mess).

The protag Rean perfectly embodies this. He's an amalgamation of all the shitty tropes and clichés in both anime and JRPGs.

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There is nothing wrong with enjoying a story in a JRPG. A good story gives you context for the gameplay and after all most of the genre is story focused and the gameplay is fine enough for what it is.

>muh shining bonds
>muh chosen one tropes but i'm still a jobber
>muh 50 mira, muh Crow
>muh class vii
>muh inability to get over high school
>muh LN battle harem games
>muh light and dark side
If I had a button that would let me kill modern Falcom and all the fags that eat their literal, unironic shit, because Sen is shit in digital form, I would press it multiple times every day.

I have always liked chuuni content and Cold Steel was perfect for me. I've played a shitload of JRPGs, enough that I'm sure you would consider at least one of them good (from the story/character perspective, since that is what your post is about).

How does one man cause so much butthurt and seethe on Yas Forums?

Attached: the bean machine.png (800x1050, 160.14K)

>There is nothing wrong with enjoying a story in a JRPG
Never said that there was anything wrong with it, shit, I was enthralled by the scope and themes of Xenogears, but that's because it got to tackling its points relatively quickly. I never once felt that sense of urgency and thrill when playing FC, though perhaps that may be a positive to you.

You haven't played the games have you? This sounds like you've formed your opinion from v shit posts

Not him, but Cold Steel is pretty close to what you get when you smash together Suikoden, Xenogears, and Code Geass without any regard for cohesion. Rean is just a microcosm of that, being the combination of stock shonen and LN protags with all of their cliches and very few of any interesting qualities that lets him strike out on his own, to boot.

Geotrannies when?

I started with CS1 and liked it. FC sucks though.

I love Cold Steel 1 and the characters are FULL of cliche's. I'm honestly surprised people try to say that it's not.
>first few minutes in your first dungeon and a girl "fell" on top of the MC in a mounting position
>"easy, hands where they can see 'em..."
>gets slapped in the face
It's like this for the whole game. The main plotpoints aren't cliche, but most of the main characters involve a cliche or at least playing off of a cliche.

To be fair the whole series has tropey ass characters, CS has more tropey situations though, it being a school game and all.

I don't really care, but Reanposting is the most fucking hilarious thing I've seen on this board in a long, long time.


Just played 1 and 2. Then i stopped after they started to censor shit and ruined the translation.

This is you don't believe Skyfags when they tell you to play their boring-ass games. Everything you need to know about the world of CS is contained within the first game.

I bought and tried to get into all 3 games.

Glacial pacing, below average writing (at best), extremely shit and bland characters (they're all basically generic stereotypes), terrible narrative, uninteresting plot, graphics are balls (legit worse than ps2 games aesthetically), kitchen sink combat that is an unfocused heap of trash.

I seriously struggled to keep going every time and I've managed to struggle through some really shit games.
Even my brother that managed to force himself throug the first game had enough of the series after that.

These games are like what de-evolving a genre is like.

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>that screenshot
please tell me left had a bigger budget or something. holy shit

Okay, braindead Senfag.

>Cold Steel is pretty close to what you get when you smash together Suikoden, Xenogears, and Code Geass
weird because those are literally all 3 of my favorite games/anime but these games are all shit

The fact that you idiots think CS3 is the best one is what makes me realize that its okay to like CS2 and CS1 because you clearly don't know SHIT about writing.

Haha, that's our obsessed Skyfag for you...

It became a meme to shit on the series because of the retarded Rean pastas and it slowly devolved to shit on everything else about the franchise.

Not an argument you fucking Sen shiteating catamite. You and your ilk are comitting suicide when Rean's games are dead. I salivate waiting for that glorious day.

>It became a meme to shit on the series
The series was never good. Rean just become more and more absurd and the idea that "things could improve" could only keep going for so long.

Cliches are fine, what matters most is if the characters are well executed or not, if they have depth or not.

Why it isn't good?

Do you think they had depth or were executed well? I loved all of the characters except I didn't care at all for Julius and green-haired-kid


I simultaneously feel pity for the people who got into this franchise through Sky and now are compelled to watch it come crashing down with Cold Steel, and contempt (or smugness?) for them who got into such a boring, stale franchise in the first place and then screeching down our ears about how it was so good for years. It's quite a strange but satisfying feeling.

Attached: smuglan.png (160x192, 1.99K)

Trails is amazing exactly because it has "properly paced plots" instead of rushing everything like 99% or RPGs. Not to mention that AT is a much better combat system than anything Atlus ever came up with.

Sums up my feelings exactly, take that Estellefags.


He meant that FC doesn't have a properly paced plot with fun gameplay.

But FC has the best pacing in the series and arguably in videogames overall.

I gave up with trails in the sky 2. Boring gameplay, characters are forgettable, ouroboros fights that end with you losing and deus ex machina. Slow game with way too much text. Liked cold steel better.

>best pacing
>with that shoehorned school play

Nobody deserves to suffer through Sen 2, bro, especially not those who started with Sky in the first place.


I think most of the cast in CS1 had time to shine in that game, but as other games came along, some of them were left behind and underdeveloped. In regards to "main characters" of the Cold Steel saga, I generally think like this.

Attached: my-image.png (1216x575, 536.02K)

Have sex

>mfw Trails idort

Attached: smug.jpg (540x540, 45.21K)

>complaining about the best segment of the game

Man I wish Gaius wasn't shafted because I thought he was cool

You should consider having it with Rean, since you like him so much.

I mostly agree, but would put Angelica a tier or two higher. CS3's chapter 3, and especially its ending, was great for her.

Where is the quick reandown

I honestly completely and totally forgot he existed. Not even just his name, he just did not exist at all in my memory of CS1 (the only one I've played). Sorry user.

Now if only there were Ys threads that aren't just Ricotta circlejerks

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back...
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi (a better and cooler katana) and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>can get with and utterly dick down any girl of his choosing
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

Attached: reandown.png (554x392, 367.33K)

Cs4 was kind of a trainwreck though.
So much characters that the whole dialogue went to "we have to prepare 1 catchphrase for each character for every cutscene", and no character was important at the end.
Even rean became unimportant after fragment

Sorry, even though I'm a CSfag I'd prefer Joshua

Attached: joshie.jpg (720x720, 99.67K)

Yeah I really enjoy being told 8 games in how the entire series is a Link's Awakening situation

Thank fuck Ys games are 90% standalone as long as you know who Adol and Dogi are.

Cant wait cs4 gets translated and it gets bigger

Hey now, they offer great promise and won't overstay their welcome. Their initial premise is miles better than the shitfests that are Trails threads, you can get genuine discussion in them if you ask for it, and they'll die out anyways once IX releases here.

>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
That's extremely hot

>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
No way, that wasn't there in the original. Don't you fucking tell me they actually did it

>Yas Forums doesn't wanna play as a megachad who has women thirsting over his cock, but a lame dirty disgusting virgin so they can relate to him
Yeah don't see the problem here desu...

Kevin is based fuck you Senfag

Haha... that's our Rean Alter for you...

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I dont believe this

Who here is a fucking retard waiting for geocucks zero before continuing the series?

I am

>>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Please tell me this isn't real.

>Interviewer: From the entire Kiseki series, which character are you the most attached to?

>Kondo: It has got to be Rean. This whole time these five years... even longer than Estelle!... I've been with Rean since he entered school until the end of Sen 4. There's not really any specific scene/line from him, but I've just become deeply attached to him during this whole time. While I've portrayed him for longer than others, I feel like he's also been the most human character. Estelle was a very pure character... always courageous, brilliant throughout her time. In comparison, Rean has a lot of weak and rough elements to him. He's relatable like how you view your family, you don't always just see the good parts... you see each other's weak and timid sides too. So in that sense I'd say I'm even more attached to Rean than either Estelle or Lloyd. I think Rean is the most deeply (and longest) portrayed character in Kiseki series. By the way, every time I always feel sorry for Rean. Like "Yamero, yametekureee" and all that (laughs).

Attached: 1564152782452.png (1126x142, 86.41K)

You know, you hear so many jokes about rednecks fucking their sisters and cousins. Why don't you hear more jokes about nips fucking their sisters and cousins?

Sadly, I didn't realize there was going to be a better translation until after I reach end-game of Zero. Going to take a small break before starting Aoi though

That's the most entertaining part when newfags read this pasta and don't believe it, only to go on and play the games and realize that most of it is unironic and true in plainly describing Rean's feats.

Ummmm, Estellebros?? Oh no no no no we got too cocky, we should've told less people to play her games so we wouldn't get embarrassed like this...

I play video games to escape from reality.

Because we're all fapping to it instead.

He can't keep getting away with this bros, now there are two of them...


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like pottery

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>lol crossdressing Joshua
>haha look at the quirky academy students with their quirks
>awww look how Kloe's getting jealous of Estelle for Joshua, aren't young romances so kyuuute~?
God, it's like a ten-year glimpse into the future of the series.


Haha... Haha...

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You can downplay literally any scene to make it sound retarded, but that only makes you retarded. In fact it
>further develops the relationships between Estelle and Joshua
>sets up the whole Klose/Joshua subplot. >shows and develops quite a few of supporting characters
>shows one of the legends about Eidos
>shows us the history of conflict between nobles and commoners in Liberl and at the same time foreshadows one of the major conflicts of Sen
So that's gonna be a haha from me, my dood.

That's our Richard for you haha...

So you're the guy who makes these daily seethe threads because you missed out on teenage romance for yourself?

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>>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
And people say this series is good if you're into romance? Fucking kek.

>joshua getting cucked is character development

Sky had a way comfier art direction. None of that overly sleek light novel adaptation shit.

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Kloe is my wife!

Kloe will get married off to Rean the future Emperor as part of a plan to ameliorate relations between Liberl and Erebonia


It isn't. Kondo was talking about the writing, not the characters.

Which is largely comprised of the characters and how they interact with each other.

CS has comfy art and art direction too.

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You literally have to have a mental disability to enjoy Sen in any capacity, ironic or otherwise. Any and all replies to this post are faggots unable to cope with the truth.

People have been calling Cold Steel shit since the very first one, if you fell for the meme then you deserve it

lol Xenosaga 3 was made in a shoestring budget after its prequels flopped.

Crossbell is good too

That's not comfy that's just fan service shit.

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>anime girls eating isn't comfy
>now here's an anime girl eating but with a guy in the picture

Yeah, it isn't. The art style isn't comfy either.

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