Haha, isn't it funny how the wholesome animal friends game comes out on the same day as Doom?

Haha, isn't it funny how the wholesome animal friends game comes out on the same day as Doom?

Attached: cute dog with halo.jpg (678x960, 88.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, it is very funny. The tone contrast lends itself to comedy very easily.


How funny, now lets make the joke and advertise these games for free 500,000 more times. Likes and upvotes deposit directly into my bank account :)

Yes, creating content about something necessitates the side effect of bringing awareness to it in some form. Artists get free advertisement by being associated to big brand names, people get free humor out of it, and the companies get their free advertisement as well from the whole thing.
Everyone wins. Except joyless fags that don't actually find the jokes funny and thus need to find something to complain about, but nobody cares about them.
This sure was a productive thread.

>Man, I've never heard of this "doom" thing, but I'm going to buy it now that I've seen a picture of it's MC being funny with the cute dog haha

Yes I heat up milk and then pour cereal on top of it, come at me.

I eat cereal with no milk

wow user that's so crazy and weird that totally makes you such an interesting person


I love friends

It's at least funny, if compared to the regular way they do if just making a retarded console war, and you idiots fall for it for literally fucking 40 years.
Kids fall for this shit since at least the colecovision vs atari.

no one:
literally not a soul:

AC/doom fans: Oh mY GoD ImAGinE iF The GaMEs WeRe InverTed Lol

Go back to YouTube comments you cretin

>milk before cereal

Attached: image.jpg (480x337, 97.36K)

Found the demon.

I don't give a shit. I never have breakfast anyway. I also like pineapple on pizza.

I do the same.

>Isabelle memes have never been funny
>Doomslayer memes have never been funny
>Combine them into one meme

Attached: l71fjx6e22k41.jpg (1754x2480, 532.78K)

I still don't understand where this meme comes from, it's the same as the muh pineapple on pizza one.

The joke is absolute trash anyway.

Attached: 1583326340483.jpg (678x960, 188.96K)

I should try one day to put milk after cereals

Me too, brother.

Based. Me too.

Attached: da8a61d2ddd1e995aeb42d7d2abb9a67.jpg (1281x1200, 86.65K)

bro that's hilarious where did you get it from

i do this too when i pack a very light brunch or something, i dunno why it's so shocking to my co-workers

Yes, stop trying to be a contrarian faggot

haven't eaten cereal since middle school


Are you fucking retarded? You want us to talk about Twitter screencaps instead of VIDEO GAMES or what?

>Hey Yas Forums! Yas Forums! Look! I've noticed a pattern, look! Aren't I special for being able to notice this pattern? I don't actually have anything to say regarding it but I NOTICED A PATTERN and I feel that's inherently worth pointing out!
Stop making these threads; you're not as clever as you think you are.

i saw room for improvement in your post

Attached: file.png (888x332, 399.34K)

Bro, but have you noticed that Yas Forums sometimes has multiple consecutive threads about a VIDEO GAME? There's something going on here...

no one:
literally not a soul:

some mobile fag: Go BaCK To YouTube CoMmETs YoU CRetiN

The AC/Doom crossover is an excellent pleb filter actually; the juxtaposition between one being violent and edgy with the other being cute and wholesome will tell you the quality of a person depending on where they like the joke to land. If you have a high IQ and are a true gamer you'll enjoy doomguy (yes, doomguy) and Isabelle palling aorund in a wholesome way even if the backdrop is them fighting demons. If you're a fag you'll like making Isabelle edgy which is on par with mario mushroom drug jokes.

You can't talk about game! That's free advertizing. Especially if it's talk that I don't like!

>Isabelle edgy which is on par with mario mushroom drug jokes.
Huh, I never realized edgy Isabelle is the new "WHAT IF MARIO GOT HIGH"

AC's go-to joke used to be "haha, Tom Nook is greedy, what if he were a mob boss" but edgy Isabelle really is the series' new unfunny Dorkly-tier joke.

Attached: 1563377058052.png (278x248, 55.1K)

Rosterfagging killed Doom


Maybe consider not being salty about goddamn everything.


Yes it is indeed enjoyable.

Attached: EQbsC-KW4AEyhPl.jpg (1500x1500, 508.26K)

I don't miss being so humorless.

It might help you guys out if you just lighten up over pointless stuff.

One day being so tense is going to stop your heart.

Attached: 1582976253756.jpg (900x507, 71.6K)

Imagine being this paranoid about never mentioning anything that is a retail product. What is left to discuss on a VIDEO GAMES board?

Extremely based

>Mentions video games

Lmao okay shill

Reloading animation is vital part of the joke you're not getting
Cramming two panels into one makes it worse

Oh no Yas Forums stop advertising the two mega obscure titles Doom and Animal Crossing.

This Yas Forums meme where they try to make gag comics as short as possible was originally a valid criticism to a few strips, but now it's just satire.

if you pour a solid into a liquid it tends to make a splash due to water displacement. therefore the most optimal way would be to pour the liquid over the solid to ensure no spilling occurs. pineapple on pizza however has no legitimate basis as its just a topping that is in no way objectively better or worse than anything else youd put on a pizza (i.e. anchovies, black olives, barbecue sauce).

what game do you want to talk about, user?

I'm so glad I'm not a cynical depressed faggot like most of this board.

Do you splash when you pour cereal into milk?

I think you may have a disorder.

Kill him

I dont pour cereal into milk. As i just stated it is not the most efficient way to prepare it.

Yeah i know, but it's a B^U specific thing because of how much filler text that comic usually have, unlike op

just make it a single panel at this point

Unironically some cereal are better to eat dry like a snack, Put that shit in a bag and make a trail mix out of it.

Every fucking time. Why do you niggers need to change shit to fit your tastes better?

I love these

Attached: 30B99303-6992-4AED-8732-485B3BFED356.png (1280x1208, 515.93K)

I want to shoot the person that made this comic, and the ones that laughed at it
and the person that posted it on Yas Forums

>if i sneeze i'm advertising kleenex
how the fuck do you survive

Attached: 1583331316276.png (655x332, 246.34K)

If it isn't following the 起承転結, it's not a well paced gag

and yourself

Stop being a bitch and get a sense of humor.

I'm not sure it's a meme so much as autistic, humorless fucks who latched onto the idea that shorter = funnier always.

what bait does doomguy use?

I love these Isabelle/Doom pics

Attached: 1582220844496.jpg (2048x2048, 398.96K)

Why the fuck would you pour cereal first? You'll end up with soggy cereal in no time. If you pour the milk first, the top layer of cereal is still crunchy while the lower layers slowly dissolve into the milk and give it added flavour.
What the fuck kind of barbarians are you?

I love how Snake has snake eyes

lumps of Kellogs cereal are kinda like cookies

The old B^U edits were actually funny and satirical though
These new ones are so pointless and unfunny that it seem they genuinely think they're improving the comics by just removing elements

Attached: 20200320.png (785x938, 522.27K)

dangerously based

The thing I hate about these twitter trends is that maybe only the first two or three people actually gave a shit about the games, characters, or just about creating something cute, and the other half a million people are just trying to catch a ride on the passing trend with recycled jokes and the same low effort premises that they saw online and wanted to emulate the success of

Attached: 1568048252972.jpg (424x434, 46.53K)

kill yourself

Just stick your hand in the box and go to town if you want to eat four layers of dry ass fossil cereal. If you pour the cereal first, the milk snakes through it and moistens the flakes or what have you on the way down. It also ensures a much better milk to cereal ratio in each spoonful, with the added benefit of not making you look like a cat skinning sociopath.

pour in the milk on the side, you'll still maintain the top layer crunch while maximizing cereal capacity

>Consoomer chore simulator: The Game
I wonder what kind of retarded mongoloids play AC.

I'd prefer Isabelle/Coom but what can ya do

No, but if you are a moron who uses Kleenex as a synonym for tissue paper, you might as well be.

the "isabel is edgy now" jokes are stupid, but pics of her getting along with characters from gritty games are top tier
also, doomguy canonically loves cute things, he fits more than any other

Fishing lure

Attached: 687cc0221f72e13bcb0c52a08acb523c.jpg (236x248, 7.28K)

Bruh wtf I dont want to heat up my cereal, obviously I'm gonna pour the milk first

demon spinal cord

Alright niggers. Less than a month left.
What is your island going to be called?

You're not gonna be one of those people sitting on the name entry screen for 2 hours, are you?

Why did you screenshot your own post?

Yeah I've never really cared for the whole "what if we took an element from Animal Crossing and made it edgy". It's always felt like a genuinely cheap joke that doesn't have much to it.

Who here /fryingpan/ masterrace?
Milk niggas need not apply.

continuing the tradition it will be assville or rather assisland

>You can use it as a drying pan

Half the fun is dipping the cereal into the milk after you've poured it though.

I appreciate you, user. I just wanted you to know that.

Attached: ER1qWhUU4AAJBRS.jpg (4096x3030, 1.74M)


How did you get this recording of me?


>milk before cereal
Please tell me y'all don't do this.

Attached: I'VE COME TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT.jpg (600x600, 41.1K)

Not gonna lie, I thought it was gonna be an audio version of the post, but it was just going to be AC-speak followed by a Doomguy grunt.

halo is a cool guy
eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

The funniest thing about this juxtaposition is the possibility that Isabelle is likely older than Doomguy himself.

Attached: ERViWKFWsAE55ue.jpg (1300x1027, 166.95K)


Attached: 1572296308786.jpg (386x279, 44.09K)

Didn't they say at the end of 64 that he spent centuries fighting demons before the events of doom 16?

People that say "wholesome" should die

You just did. So you might as well pull the trigger.

Well? Go right ahead.

It didn't exactly leave an impact on his age somehow.

I'm actually not sure if it is wojack, it does kind of look like him but wojack shitters usually won't post an image where some of the faces aren't wojack.

All according to plan

Attached: 9282331-suicide-bomber.jpg (682x1024, 230.58K)

I don't eat fucking cereal at all

Did it once when I was very young.. since then it was cereal first...

This is a dangerously based wholesome reply.

>Sonic Heroes theme at the end
Fuckin based.

Attached: tumblr_ac2bbd53adafd1da63e4775d57b60933_29ebf553_640.jpg (640x559, 27.66K)

I’m trying to remember the last time an unfunny meme was this pushed. Judging by my inability to remember what it was, I feel assured that this will be forgotten just as easily.

>I feel assured that this will be forgotten just as easily.
It won't. It's been going on for weeks now. You just want it to be forgotten.

Holy shit, you're right. Talking about games is literally free advertising. And talking about movies and other stuff is free advertising too! I know, lets all agree to never talk about anything we're interested in ever again. That way the marketers lose and we win.

>Shit topic in OP
>Someone says its shit
>”Well I guess you just want off topic [things that aren’t necessarily off topic] then?”
Why are redditors like this?

I hated cereal. Even the sugary ones.

Meat. Eggs, bread and cheese. Croissant, hell I’d even take a yogurt over cereal. It’s just trail mix you can’t saver unless you want really soggy trail mix

Worthless autist you didn't improve shit.

We need more anons like this.
Its human nature for people to talk about their interests. Talking about said interests is not necessarily an endorsement or being a shill either. God forbid someone wants to talk about a game they like on an anonymous american video game imageboard.

Based seriousanon

Maybe time doesn't work in hell like it does elsewhere. Or killing demons is the key to eternal life.
There was also that seraphim thing. Or maybe doomguy was dead all along.

Chocolate milk isnt that good.

Strawberry is clearly superior.



Absolutely based


Reddit >>>>> that way



Attached: 1581496323826.png (1754x2481, 2.02M)

I came up with this in 5 seconds.

Attached: idk.png (1754x2481, 2.01M)


Why does this make Yas Forums seethe so much?

But how am I supposed to coom AND have a good breakfast before work?

Just eat Jimmy Dean's. Those TV breakfasts are the shit.

I love how people get triggered by a one-off joke that gets turned into a stupid meme.
Everyone is going to forget about this after the games come out, just like Bowsette.

Animal Crossing WAD when?

Attached: DOOM Isabelle plushie.webm (1080x670, 1.68M)

Based, I do this too so I don't upset my tummy with cold onions milk


Attached: EROST8XU0AAmh78.png (885x768, 617.66K)

Attached: Untitled.png (236x276, 113.92K)


Attached: funy.jpg (678x960, 185.53K)

>you can't talk about video games or THE SHILLS WIN AHHHHHH

Attached: Yesthatsthejoke.jpg (579x818, 294.32K)

Here we see the Autist, Autistic people have trouble processing comedy and often can't help but take jokes literally. Getting confused at why people enjoy jokes and socially isolating themselves by asking 'why was that funny?'

Boxxy has lewds?

I don't mind it at all desu, it's cute

you're getting both games, right?

Attached: E32301B5-6E75-4F67-9196-3B8D3BE8B8E7.jpg (643x562, 150.71K)

Is that Kark Pilkington with the hair of a Chinaman?

Attached: 1581549540112.gif (498x281, 2.76M)

Shoops, Fakes, Captions, Deepfakes, tributes, the works!

Attached: 0.png (1080x1802, 1002.33K)

Attached: 15833263404832.jpg (678x960, 166.5K)


I use chocolate milk with fruity pebbles.

>I’m trying to remember the last time an unfunny meme was this pushed.
Literally every fucking day. Don't strain yourself too hard remembering.

Attached: ERur6HIXYAEe3uW.jpg (1304x1081, 164.86K)

Unironically there is nothing wrong with microtransactions if they don't make you win.

>Doomguy hurting animals

Attached: Prof Retard.png (411x394, 221.97K)

Why was this the only one to make me laugh

Attached: 61900676-D570-4CB7-8042-2651517F4E18.gif (498x280, 2.2M)

I think the joke is he mistook her as an unholy demon vampire

Look at the horns. It was an honest mistake.

holy shit

Attached: 1494551542024.jpg (250x201, 9.08K)

Attached: succicide.jpg (569x818, 174.73K)

How is squidbillies still airing

Based non pessimistic poster

I mean, that wont stop me

I pour my milk on the left side and cereal on the right side

Me love Isabelle. Also, I am a normal individual just saying Hi. Just visiting. Watch out for the liar who uses the names of those that are not anonymous for his own amusement of horror

God forbid you utter a brand name at any time, for any reason, under even mundane circumstances. Go carefully calculate how to sidestep anyone else's existence benefiting from your own, you spiteful fuck.

>Nobody is ever allowed to talk about things they like or that make them laugh. It is undeniable SHILLING and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Give it a rest, you insufferable faget.


Spergs are the exact type of highly repetitious troglodyte user described. You fuckers have ruined Yas Forums in general.


Attached: laughh.png (491x279, 372.5K)

Name a gayer word



Most people who memed bowsette don't even know where the idea came from.

>S-stop liking what I don't!
You must be a joy at parties

You're a good man, user.

Attached: 1416169011798.png (840x708, 233.7K)

And here comes the reddit basedjak projection post

Attached: CC46800B-7EFD-4CA8-96C8-5F04B2DF9A18.jpg (1000x832, 174.97K)

The least funny meme formats are the ones that boil down to "thing I dislike is bad"

user you came here complaining about a joke meme

These are honestly cringy

Wrong guy. I'm defending you.


It's easy to misconstrue other people's words on the internet, my bad

have another (YOU) based user

>it's another "Yas Forums kills a comic with obsessive condensing" episode

How about you just do us all a favor and point the gun at yourself to start

>OP got played like a fiddle
I feel kinda bad because he's obviously a poor autist dude that cannot grasp social conventions, but still, ouch.

Attached: mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.3u1.jpg (464x550, 56K)

I can't remember the last time I saw someone get immolated this badly on here

I eat cereals raw, without milk or anything, and with my hands.

user the order of the milk dosent matter at All!
>Heats up milk
user what the fuck.

Fucking nintendoshitters leeching themselves on a real game.
Imagine the work and care that went into eternal and then compare that with garbage tier single mum farming simulator game.

>cold milk

Attached: 1556834538319.jpg (1080x934, 77.73K)


We get it OP. You don’t understand basic comedy.

Bro it's just twitter artists having a little fun with a juxtaposition. Stop trying to make everything into a big deal.

I laffed

I dont give a single fuck about your comedy or whatever tickles your balls.
I dont fucking care about your art or whatever.
Cool we get it you are somehow overflowing with joy that the two dates merge.
Big fucking deal.
But for the love of god stop merging threads posts and every single thing imaginable forcing me to make mental fucking gymnastics trying to talk about doom while you spergs talk about that fucking farming simulator under every post.
I want my own fucking thread instead of these abominations that pop up every time someone with three [3] braincells makes a fucking thread.
Yeah you have a game we get it.
We have a game we get it.
Then keep those games separate instead of merging the threads killing any sort of meaningfull discussion.

Attached: 1581718218257.jpg (2048x908, 205.8K)

You know user, you can just... not click on threads that you don't like

Attached: 1582220721368.png (1169x948, 44.46K)

My god why didint i think of that.
What a fucking shame that the only other doom thread is made by guess who.
A fucking artistfag who wanted to really badly discuss the fem doomguy.
What a fucking relief that i found that thread.
Almost as if this one wasn't exactly the same clusterfuck.
And to top it all out jannies that dont get paid in any way shape or form will purn any other threads made about coom.

Attached: 1581785416847.png (500x468, 94.01K)

Then stop being a bitch and ignore the fucking threads. You have a hide button. Use it.

Just make your own Doom thread then you fucking whiner
This is the biggest "first world problem" thing I've ever read

Then make your own fucking thread, the world doesn't revolve around you.

high tide based

>pour cereal
>finish cereal, still have half a bowl of milk
>pour more cereal

I am the alpha and omega

>And to top it all out jannies that dont get paid in any way shape or form will purn any other threads made about coom.
Reading is not strong with these two.

Attached: Coom.png (644x896, 1.16M)

I've been online for so long that I recognize someone suffering from Asperger right away.
You sir, are suffering from Asperger Syndrome. and that's not an insult, your entire reply was a carbon copy of many posts that I have seen on Internet forums throughout the last 20 years. all of people who would eventually admit to suffering from Asperger's Syndrome.
Actually saw a guy like that on Sega-16 the other day, same angry way of venting about a pointless little thing.

>Instead of making meaningful discussion I'l just bitch instead
Wow, you're a faggot
>I-if I make a real Doom thread the jannies will just delete it
I think that you just wanna complain, user

frothing. seething.

You are the biggest faggot i've ever seen and i've fucked men.

Attached: 1563016392114.png (312x568, 240.17K)

Keep complaining instead of making your own thread. That'll show them.

You have an overactive imagination if you think Janitors are THAT on top of duplicate threads. Not like they'll delete the thread actually trying to talk about a game when there's some gag art thread alongside it.

Needs to be half a panel and then it's perfect.

I knew you were gonna say that. because all people with A.S. reply like that.


But everyone here is losing since the constant viral marketing of shitty games like Doom and Animal Crossing is contributing to the death of the medium.

Stop worshipping corporations.

>play ops little game
>turns on him and op gets absolutely BTFO

Ummm based department? I'd like to give my compliments to the chef ;)

>since the constant viral marketing of shitty games like Doom and Animal Crossing is contributing to the death of the medium.

holy shit

pathetically not funny.

now let's get more good vibes in here.

Attached: DoomEternal_AnimalCrossingNewHorizons.jpg (955x542, 48.3K)

Came from that Sonic Forces thread didn't you

bro you pulled a trap card on his ass

what Sonic forces thread? I just made that cause i felt a bit bored and wanted to do my own take.

I want to see these 2 fuck with these proportions

>People drawing fanart of Doom and Animal Crossing is ruining ALL VIDEO GAMES
I'd love to hear that logic explained

I’ll see you March 20 user.

Attached: 8BA13FBC-B371-45FC-BCCF-5C3B40573AA7.jpg (658x751, 76.28K)

>Fun little meme about two diametrically opposed games is corporation worship.

Be honest user, you're mad that there is one less Smash thread in the catalog aren't you?

Attached: 1481404227376.gif (300x226, 2.02M)

Just shut the fuck up and admit you don't like when people enjoy things because you're not happy.
Both games are filled to the brim with fun and attention to detail just for the fans.
Instead of taking themselves too seriously, both games seek fun over cinematics.
Both games look pretty much flawless for their intended goals and mark a new high for their devs.
Both will bring audiences together in a fun way and in all cases serve to holster the medium to the high standard games as a whole should meet consistently from AAA studios.

Stop sperging.

It's just art. calm the fuck down.


Two shit games come out on the same day, hahaha so funny

I knew you were gonna say that. because all faggots. reply like that.


Attached: BULLSEYE.jpg (500x417, 140.2K)

Holy shit you fucking killed him dude

Attached: 1579851374309.png (680x808, 712.78K)

Jesus fucking christ that ending.

Attached: 1579229107064.png (940x633, 1.2M)

Thanks for the shill goyim

Forced pairing created by social media marketers

Artist don't give a shit about these characters, but they need to draw them if they want followers

Shit like this is why Yas Forums has become the butt of the joke at this point.

shit like this makes me feel like we're post-post irony

Jesus christ have you thought of logging off the internet?
No, the only option must be ruin fun for others. Pathetic.

Attached: Evil-Isabelle-With-Doomguy-Fan-Art.jpg (740x389, 40.33K)



Just say it's cringe furfaggot shit, don't go all fucking marketing conspiracy theory on it

this actually made me laugh


>when the entire board starts fellating a pro-shill fag
There's nothing humorous about artists gaining free advertisement by taking advantage of current trends. It makes their work insincere, not to mention they're advertising for a corporation for free, giving them more power and influence over the industry and thus supporting the creation of shitty games.
Yas Forums can be dissappointing sometimes. Literally no difference between this place and Reddit right now. Pure cringe.

>I will not be remembered as the man who lost this city to those vile creatures!

>Well, I for one don't like it

Imagine typing this out unironically

Holy shit what have you got stuck up your ass

>Never draw fanart, it's killing the video game industry

Attached: 0Q51B2J.png (512x512, 143.53K)

anyone gonna post porn of these two or what

Okay, faggot.

Attached: 1501530800005.jpg (750x780, 124.9K)

isn't it funny how we are talking about video games instead of Ecelebs and shitty garbage?

>OP so bumrustled about the whole thing that he ends up exposing himself as a spastic

Attached: geddit.jpg (579x567, 134.33K)

nice, have another (You)

Attached: 1556862375288.gif (150x150, 16.54K)

Attached: assclown.jpg (209x246, 21.97K)

>the chad "lol this shit's gay"

Talking about video games on Yas Forums is inherently bad because it's playing into the pattern of people talking about video games on Yas Forums, and every pattern I notice, no matter how mundane, has got to have corporate jews and essjuwuhs behind it.
Remember back when the worst shitposters we had on Yas Forums were still talking about video games? Good times.

Attached: BAP.png (1007x838, 501.77K)


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Attached: 1562540959436.png (764x715, 321.38K)


thanks user you made me explode into an asthma attack because I was laughing so hard

Attached: 1580544990565.png (681x681, 321.1K)

>talk about game = advertisement, you must never speak about or enjoy ANYTHING because I AM MISERABLE

I hope this is bait user, you seem like a very boring and sad person otherwise.

>Good to wake you up in the morning

I mean no disrespect, But I've never actually had hot cereal before.

Attached: 50DAD8A2-0976-44BB-8606-F4FDFDA3C2CB.gif (200x199, 679.42K)

You can only complain about games, otherwise you're a viral advertising shill

absolutely based, thank you user for putting these contrarian niggers to rest

Look at this motherfucker

Attached: 1580288270180.png (227x411, 125.56K)

Post THAT comic

Another guys dick

haaaaahahahaha fucking hell


Yep, with you there. They think that recycling those old jokes somehow helps them to understand what others are feeling.

I hate them so much.

>tfw not as jaded and sad as some of the anons in this thread and can find this doomguy/isabelle stuff cute

Attached: Capture+_2019-09-13-17-27-52-1-1.png (493x646, 276.45K)


fuck yeah



based humorless sperg

I'm Yas Forums and it doesn't make me seethe.

Attached: doomguy.webm (400x225, 914.14K)

This, people are too damn jaded and pessimistic.

>(((mob boss)))

how do those boots taste for you?

Dumb normalfags


>If you enjoy fanart of games you're a bootlicker
Here's a (you) since you've been extremely desperate for them this thread

Pineapple on pizza is pretty great, same with hawaii toast.
Hating on that is pretty much US exclusive.

>all these replies
did smashies really never hear this months-old vocaroo before?

Gommies btfo

I do it. Go ahead boo me.

Meanwhile I'll be over here enjoying how my cereal is not soggy because I was fast enough to eat it thanks to extra time and I am able to control how much cereal fits in without the upper ones pushing the lower ones down.

Also, everytime you eat your cereal but there is still milk left and you wanna eat more cereal, youre either forced to waste milk by drinking the rest up and filling again or you fill cereal in the left-over milk, thus ending up having to do milk before cereal

Fucking immensely based.

That game just lives in your head rent-free, doesn't it

>Meanwhile I'll be over here enjoying how my cereal is not soggy
I pour the cereal first and this has literally never been an issue for me. What, are the extra couple of seconds submerged in milk gonna destroy them that much quicker?

Based and redpilled.

Fair enough
I used to have my hot choccy milk with cookies for dinner
Too bad it now gives me terrible gases

Cry more, bitch nigger.

>But everyone here is losing since the constant viral marketing of shitty games like Doom and Animal Crossing is contributing to the death of the medium.

I'd love to hear your insane autist logic to back this statement up.

>never draw or make anything about things that you like, NEVER HAVE FUN IF ITS MADE BY A CORPORATION YOU FOOL, I don't like it therefore it isn't funny or interesting

Jesus fuck, crawl back to whatever bitchnigger hole you crawled out of, sperg.

Attached: sorry for wojaking.png (680x635, 77.28K)

>Yas Forums can be dissappointing sometimes.
I imagine it must be shocking to learn that even here, most people aren't as far on the spectrum as yourself.

see how can people hate something like this, how is that even possible

>Yas Forums can be dissappointing sometimes
Considering it's infested with retards like you constantly bitching about the smallest things, I agree. You niggers always have a bug up your ass.

Attached: ESOQQb_XsAAhOxP.jpg (1819x2048, 198.25K)

Attached: Butthurt.gif (255x144, 862.42K)

Zoom trying to leech off of Animal Crossing's popularity lol.

Or maybe the fans are just having fun. There is no leeching. It's just harmless fanart revolving a release date and funny juxtaposition. Nothing more and nothing less.

I've got a fucking hilarious joke guys
Guys listen right
So like right
Get this yeah
Right so
Cute thing yeah?
Cute thing wants violent thing right
But violent thing wants cute thing
Cause you didn't expect that at all and is totally original as doomguy would never be involved with anything cute at all!

>Cause you didn't expect that at all and is totally original as doomguy would never be involved with anything cute at all!

I can't tell if you're being retarded on purpose or not.

Attached: daisy.png (400x320, 71.24K)

Are you saying Daisy wasn't cute?

>loads 2 empty shells

Attached: 1579202013030.png (600x632, 253.49K)

Have a guess seeing as most fags talking about nuDoom don't even know who Daisy is.

>the entire plotline of doom

Guess we can't even call them boomers either if they don't know about her.


There is something wrong with you.

Seek help.

my wife Lalatina is so cute

Shit, so we're only allowed to joke about shit in the public domain now?

I like powdered milk, so there's no reason for me to mix it in a glass to then pour into a bowl, that's just more dishes. So of course I just mix it in the bowl and then pour the cereal.

Attached: 15.png (847x1200, 294.34K)

What's the matter was my joke too deep to understand?
It's simple really. You see cute thing likes violent thing and violent thing likes cute thing, it's totally original and never been done before so I can understand your confusion due to such a revolutionary concept.

You already basically admitted to not knowing Daisy.

Daisy is from Mario you retard.
No wonder you can't understand such a complex joke as the one I told.