I Am Ferdinand Von Aegir.
I Am Ferdinand Von Aegir
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why did you spray paint a belt beige and sling it over your shoulder
I must guide them well.
I'm Basch fon Ronsenburg
I am the beginning.
Best black eagle
I am Ferdinand Von Higher
I have farded and shitted my pants.
Best crit quote
And then they changed the VA to a meek faggot. It's no longer the best crit quote.
Him yelling that while doing the dumb spinning punch crit animation made me laugh every time, making him a war master was the best decision I ever made.
I like the pope outfit too much to not keeping him as an enlightened
I can't stand the BE routes so I always have to make sure to recruit the best eagle
he kinda cute,i wanna fuck hisss asss
Still not sure who's bigger cuckold him or Hoist
Both canonically are Edelgard bootlickers and would do anything she asks
>I Am Ferdinand Von Aegir.
Of Dalmasca!
Hubert is the biggest cuck sacrificing his life for a girl who'll never love him
Ferdinand was ready to duel Edelgard to death for her title
>Ferdinand was ready to duel Edelgard to death for her title
And in all routes he never does this while in 3/4 routes serves her
>And in all routes he never does this while in 3/4 routes serves her
That's why you recruit him
>recruiting outside your house
>Not recruiting Ferdinand von Aegir
>Ferdinand was ready to duel Edelgard to death for her title
And gets easily BTFO
I am Ferdinand Von Wider.
>Time for bed, Ferdie honey, it's strap-on time tonight
>not helping victims of circumstance be on the right side of history and unwillingly support people they'd otherwise oppose (edelgard killed ferdinands entire family and destroyed his family and we're expected to think he'd say "yeah this is fine")
I am Ferdinand Von Buyer
I am Ferdinand Von Fryer
I am Ferdinand Von Pacifier
Independently of Edelgard, he privately implicates to Byleth he's considering murdering his own father as a matter of justice it's not so clearcut.
Haha kek
>Edelgard's father destroyed entire families that refused to submit to his rule
>they start a coup against them
>Edelgard destroys entire families too instead of just the people responsible
>and we're expected to think he'd say "yeah this is fine")
Well yes, this is that he did after all
I am Ferdinand (v)ON Fire
You don’t know how humans work do you?
Poor man's Sylvain who is just poor man's Lorenz
>only way to get his paralogue is to use him in any route that isn't CF
Did they ruin him as a unit? Been a while since I played heroes but I remember how poorly they treated Death Knight
Shame cf is canon route, right?
You're playing your hand way to hard, user.
>Everyone in Golden Deer is named after characters from King Lear
>Black Eagles is the route where characters seize power and overthrow their parents
Seemed like a massive oversight on localization's part.
was it autism?
They have the same names in the Japanese version, so it's more of Koei Tecmo's fault.
I'll cut a bloody path.
best quote
>tfw Ferdinand's at max HP
>how poorly they treated Death Knight
Good, DK is a terrible person and didn't deserve a good kit or stats
because he's a strapping young lad
>dancer Ferdinand dodge tanking everything
literally untouchable
Someone post the image with her saying Nigger
>tfw you hear it in his voice
damn fine voice acting
Hubert is best mage in the game, change my mind
Annette is better
She literally burns her own capital just for chance to stop you and your madness
Not even close.
>"Don't struggle..."
Both Dimitri. But the best crit quote, in the entire series by far, isn't even in Three Houses. It's in Awakening, and Frederick says it.
>"Pick a god and pray!"
Who's the best voice actor in this game and why is it Dimitri? It's not even just the angry, edgy shit he says, even though those are fantastic:
>"A wasted effort."
>"You are a monster too, General. You just have yet to realize it."
>"I'll rip that head from your shoulders, and hang it from the gates of Enbarr!"'
>"Stab your chest, break your neck, smash your head... I will allow you to choose your own death."
But it's just everything he says. His voice actor nails his tone, especially in Part 1 where he genuinely sounds and feels like a kind, loyal man who has a lot of inner turmoil. I especially love his support with Alois, where he actually bursts out laughing at Alois' joke. It's such a small thing, but he seriously, actually sounded like a person who was unexpectedly laughing at a shitty joke. Three Houses' voice acting is spectacular and I never see enough praise for it.
I hate Edelgard's because she enphatizes too much the "s" sound, listen to it with headphones and it'll get very annoying
My favourites are Seteth's, Felix's and Jeralt's
Seteth's voice actor is brilliant too, you can see it most in the chapter where Flayn's gone. Dude actually sounds like he's holding back tears. Also amazing in him and Flayn's A support, when he's begging Flayn to stop calling him Father.
Jeralt's voice actor is incredibly pleasant to listen to, especially in the intermission screens, but he's terrible at emoting and showing emotion.
>but he's terrible at emoting and showing emotion
I think that's just Jeralt's character
Is that why Silver Snow is the default route when don't do Edelgard's requirements, and even then the first option is the Church over the Empire when it comes up?
Annette has a shitty spell list so no
Why do people argue about "canon" routes in a game series where multiple universes exist with people interacting from multiple endings of the same game
I love him so much and I wish he wasn’t locked to the worst route
But CF is the best route
>the route where you kill the two best characters is the best route
gonna have to disagree there bro
>I am an instant demote.
Game where you play as non CF Ferdinand dropping guerrilla attacks against Edelgard’s forces with his lads when
But Dimitri dies in all routes outside his own.
I am Annette Fantine Dominic
the boar...
Nah, he probably survived in SS
Claude sniped him as soon as he pulled off his edgy shit on allied factions
who is the best wife for Dimitri?
Seteth confirms Dimitri was one of the major casualties in the three way battle in SS. Byleth apparently talks to his ghost. And Dedue states that he's only helping Byleth's crew to "avenge his majesty." Face it, user. He dead. There's no way Dedue would ever abandon Dimitri for a suicide mission against the Empire unless Dimitri died before him.
Fembyleth, but Dimitri's best paired ending by far is with Dedue.
Probably why that user said TWO best characters, Dedue survives in VW/SS and storms Enbarr.
Annette for future generations
Marianne for sadfags
Byleth for gays and women
Hold on, that's gay though.
If you're autistic and want to cut all loose ends: Hapi. Their pair ending deals with TWSITD and Hapi's monster summoning condition.
Excalibur is based tho
>Dimitri/Hapi paired ending confirms the slither shitters are destroyed
does this mean Azure Moon is the most complete and perfect route by far? the most people survive and you pretty much solve all problems by the games end with minimal bloodshed
I'm a sucker for the redemption arc so I really like Felix's ending with him more than Dedue's.
>church is still around
CF is still the only complete route
Yup. The Slithers are dealt with, only a few people have to die, Claude leaves on good terms, and no nuke went off. Good ending
Ferdinand is always better as an adorkable need/geeky type of person who is easily flustered with women.
Church is still around in CF, dumbass, it just gets renamed and under new administration
Are we posting fav crit quotes?
>You're making me WORK
>church is still around
led by (You) so yeah, you solve literally everything
its also still around in CF, so you have no argument
Golden route dlc when?
But in CF Edelgard and the rest of her fuckhead lackeys aren't gone, so it can't be the most complete route.
Azure moon with every possible character recruited, all problems solved, only casualties will be Edelgard and Hubert, it is the quintessential golden route
you can't really have a golden route without rewriting Edelgards character entirely, she wants to conquer all of Fodlan and will not abandon her ambitions for a "happy ending"
You mean THE BORE.
>I will break you
>I WILL break you
It's the little things
She would abandon them to save her empire from the slithers who took it over.
>I’d like to switch over to talking about the story a bit. In all four routes the player can go through, each story ends with Fódlan at peace, yet somehow there’s still this air of sadness. In Fire Emblem Fates, Revelation served as the all-encompassing “route” that wrapped up the games’ story. Was there any reason you didn’t make something like Revelation again?
>Kusakihara: If we had created a route for Three Houses like Revelation was to Fates, that route would have definitely ended up being perceived as the “correct” route. In Three Houses, each route is its own history, and we wanted players to be able to decide that for themselves. In this game, the leaders of the three houses have their own unwavering beliefs and worldviews that are unique to themselves. We wanted to model the story and its themes after a dilemma that was grounded in reality, so from the beginning there were never any plans to make something like Revelation.
>Yokota: I actually really love the big all-encompassing finales, but Kusakihara-san was so passionate about not including it we decided not to go with it. I also felt like we might just end up doing the same thing we did in Fates… I was pretty worried about it, so from the beginning I had decided I’d just go along with Kusakihara-san’s decision.
nice headcanon, she still wouldn't abandon her ambition for conquest, the fact that she wouldn't is one of the biggest defining traits of her character, taking down the slithers if they took over would just be a speedbump to her, she's determined to destroy the crest system and the current leadership of the church and will stop at nothing to see that through
>Fate turns against you!
Also Sothis's "Revenge, it lives!" but you'll never get to see it.
What said. BL is the closest thing to a Golden Route we'll ever get, and I'd like it to stay that way. A super happy ending where everyone lives and the central conflict between Dimitri/Rhea and Edelgard is "solved" would undermine all of the game's themes.
Just play Blue Lions. It's the best and most complete route.
based Kusakihara, having a "correct" route just spoils the integrity of the other routes, because why play or discuss the routes that are inferior to the "correct" one? It would essentially make any choices for houses completely meaningless for your super fucking gay "happy" ending, Revelations fucking sucked and we don't need another of those
Who should I make the dancer in GD if I'm not actually going to use a dancer? Nobody seems like they'd benefit much from the sword avoid and sword dance aside from maybe Ferdinand and Felix who I've recruited.
>Recruiting Felix from BL
>4 move
Just use the dancers battalion on a mounted unit, you'll use it way more
Choose Annette, she gets super happy if she wins
I will break you blows everything else out of the water
Marianne gets a Sword magic relic so you really want those abilities if you intend for her to make use of it
The sword avoid could make Assassin Ignatz's life slightly easier, but then again he needs strength and still prefers bows.
Marianne does not serve much purpose if she's not made a dancer
For what it's worth, Marianne is probably the least terrible Mortal Savant in the game, so putting sword avoid on that could kinda funny.
Sell me on the no dancer meme. They let your best units pull double duty, they're not limited use unlike battalions, and their low movement can be mitigated with items and skills. I get that the sword avoid would be great on a swordmaster or assassin, but I'm not convinced that makes up for the loss of a dancer.
For me it's because they generally can't follow mounted and flying units around, which are the characters I'd want refreshed the most, and they tend to fall behind when rushing.
I could dump the movement items on them so they can keep up with mounted units, but at the same time I could give them to someone else so they could be directly more effective.
All a dancer does is let one of your good units move again, so why not just make the potential dancer into another good unit? The no dancer meme is just that, a meme
They have to be baby sit
Sword avoid is unironically too fucking good
But people keep trying to push certain routes as canon for arbitrary reasons. Solved one problem created another even worse problem. Plus i want to know more about sothis and her hows and whys. Wouldve been nice to see her come back from the dead and lay the smack smack down on everyone like she did to the slithers.
Mage Annette is Flayn but worse.
All it takes is Movement +1 and the March Ring to get your dancer to 8 move, which is equal to your mounts and fliers, though the dancer obviously won't be able to ignore terrain. Super Canto makes it easy for a unit to attack and move back into dance range, so that should only be a problem if you're advancing your full movement every turn.
Dancer only really works well with an infantry army when the only infantry you'll have are underleveled mages that couldn't become Dark Knight, and Raphael, maybe Dimitri Catherine and Felix if you left them as infantry. Edelgard has galeforce anyways.
Lorenz is fairly solid in the role.
>Dancer only really works well with an infantry army
> What is small overall map size and canto
With a little investment, dancers will only struggle to keep up with fliers. And even then, you'll often be able to canto them back into range after attacking.
>small overall map size
Just use Lysithea to warp your best unit and one round the boss. You don't even need a dancer unless you're double warping
We don't know his stats unless there's been datamines, but the skills he comes with are awful and he looks like an easy 4-star demote.
Basically ruined, yes.
Double Warping is better anyway, so that is just another feather in the Dancer's cap.
Really it depends on how small the map in question is. Lysithea warps quite far that she should be able to do it on her lonesome
>everyone's going to roll for Annette on the new banner because of Crusher's ability
>Not rolling for +18 atk on initiation, ignoring res buffs, and always active 2 turn specials
>implying this is better than 4 mov rallies
I made Yuri my dancer on my current playthrough and holy shit is he good. His relic basically means he’s a dancer with Canto and his overall stats means his Avo is through the roof to begin with so I have a dancer who’s a strong attacker in his own right and can easily go deep into enemy lines without any sort of worry
Annette's ability is basically a worse dance, you use up her turn give +1 move and a rally instead of another turn.
Only benefit she has over a dancer is being a decent combat unit, and there are already dancers that do that.
Why does Claude fight at Gronder in Silver Snow? He was working with the resistance army and should have had better sense then to follow Dimitri’s retardation
I like the pre and past timeskip changes
Like say ignatz going from
"I-I get things done!"
"I-I did it! I did!"
"Huh, it worked out."
"I actually won!"
"For the future of Fodlan."
"No mercy."
"I wasn't about to let you go."
”Ah, still alive.”
"I took care of it."
>want to recruit as much students as possible
>can only use 10 of them on each map
God I despise this.
he had sex during the timeskip
>can set maximum 3 adjutants
what were they thinking?
Why does Gronder happen at all? Two of the sides have roughly the same objective despite one of the leaders being in the midst of psychotic breakdown while somehow being able to convince his allies to also kill non-hostile units.
>"For the future of Fodlan."
>"No mercy."
>"I wasn't about to let you go."
>”Ah, still alive.”
>"I took care of it."
Now you make me which that webm was Ignatz because these are just as good if not better because it would be Ignatz destroying Edelgard for the future of Fodlan
Ignatz's post timeskip grow up was actually great, only thing is he sometimes falls back into his old personality seemingly by mistake. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw him show up after the skip to fight the bandits.
>Fell Star
>Womanlet / BOAR / Joe Zieja
>The speedy sword trio, sewer twink, sasuke uchiha and xena warrior princess
>15 year old magical nuke
>mercedes benz
>Garech Mach crime statistics clearly show-
>dumb bitch bimbo
>your waifu/husbando if not there already (dancer)
There, every single FE3H roster
>Church is made a puppet of the Empire
bad end
Ive been stuck on that part for years. Idk how to raise people's belief or whatever. How do
Eh I prefer Claude's actions in the epilogue. Having a mentality unstable guy as a king of all Fodlan isnt really the best "ending" imo...
CEO of Racism wasn't all that good for me. She had okay RES, but her STR always ended up being so shit that she sucked as a magic and dodge tank, and she would die so many times on Enemy Phase.
>he didn't stick increased mov on knight Dedue
Pre Time Skip
Where's the gay healer? I don't take character building very seriously in this game but I feel lik Lind has been the best healer my two playthroughs.
I'm really annoyed that the DLC story is in it's own bubble.
He may be decent stat-wise, but there are a million other lance cavaliers for various niches. I'd say he will end up being a perfectly serviceable unit. His default skills are:
>>>>>>>>>>>Fortress Defense
Rouse Spd/Def
Wha do you mean?
Lysithea is one of the best characters you can give a Levin sword to, so she would probably work pretty well thanks to her hidden talent.
Haven't played an FE since FE8, have snipers/archers had 3 attack range base for a while now? Is there any other way to augment it further in this game outside of longbows?
Feels pretty great being able to reach that extra tile to kill things. I had Lorenz a Dark Knight with his relic as well and he was basically able to reach across time and space to murder anything with low resistance. Between Ignatz, Cyril, Beradetta, and Shamir, who makes the best sniper?
>fortress defense is probably going to be the 4* skill
haha man this sucks, poor Ferdie
Yeah well it's either her or "I'm so fucking horny for Captain Jeralt, holy shit"
The Ferrari to MB
Dedue is a weird choice for dancer but hey, not gonna judge
The Ashen Wolves storyline doesn't effect the main game at all. When you recruit them in the main game nothing carries over and you meet them for the first time.
>Fell Star
Byleth is pretty shit I'd rather not use him/her if I could.
And that bothers me because it gives byleth a good reason to dig a lot deeper into the church and shit.
The supports of those characters and others can affect the ending on some routes and apparently the Dimitri/Hapi one adds something. Byt yeah they dont change the main narrative when playing the game. It's mainly a subchapter kind of thing.
Havent played it personally.
It's the same thing as Gaiden where you get more bow range the higher tier class you are. Sniper is basically "Hunter's Volley: The Class," so anyone with decent attack will work fine in that class. Bernadetta and Cyril certainly have better options than Sniper but the game is super easy on any non-Maddening difficulty so that level of optimization really doesn't matter.
Which route fits the DLC characters the best? I'm thinking of doing church since I haven't done that or Edelgards route. I'm not sure if either fit their characters or supports well.
Also maddening seems frustrating rather than an enjoyable challenge.
The story would muddle things up a bit if added to other routes. Like Blyet getting more information about his mama. I disliked that Jeralt never joined the fight.
Is BL the best route for the characters? I wanted the DLC to be something you play alongside the main game. You should try it though. It's a nice challenge.
What's so bad about them?
Mercedes too holy shit why
>Golden Route
>Everyone thinks it's going to be the three lords fighting together
>Turns out, it's just Jeralt surviving his assassination and him and Byleth ignoring Rhea/Edelgard's conflict going directly for the slithers instead
Would you play it?
Jeralt being based would not be enough to balance out losing focus on the 3 lords and gaining focus on one of the most boring silent protagonists to date. So nah
I want the Seiros route. It's a fucking crime that the very first cutscene of the game is an 11/10 dragonmommy OHKOing Geralt of Rivia and she isn't a playable lord
As much as i like Jeralt, a golden route would ruin 3Hs story structure, even if it massively rewrites the story it would feel like a disservice.
I want to try out a NG maddening playthrough. Would I be cheating if I used the ashen wolves early on but cut down on other recruits?
I was thinking I'd only get Caspar for the paralogue, and maybe Lysithea or Marianne to have another caster.
>Golden Route
>its Byleth giving up on everyone and deciding to just go fucking nuclear on everyone
>Is BL the best route for the characters?
Both Yuri and Hapi are from Faerghus so I assume there's some connection between them and the BL students.
Balthus is from Leicester and Constance is from an Adrestian territory. So make that as you will.
Dunno if BL needs an almost overpowered character like Yuri but you could male him an Assassin and keep him there. Dunno about Hapi though.
I don't know, it could be kind of neat.
>Find out the battle at Gronder field was a skillful manipulation to place the three major factions into conflict with one another to wear them down
>Have to ride out quickly in a mission to stop it
>Do so by redirecting a javelin onto the empty field before the battle is joined, causing the three sides to retreat and postpone the conflict as they attempt to figure out what the fuck happened.
>Edelgard thinks the Slithers openly betrayed her, Claude and Dimitri realizes the empire can't do that on their own
>War starts to boil down to a cold war while the three assess the situation
Ashen wolves don't break the game, Yuri is really good but he won't make Maddening a cakewalk, recruit the usual suspects from other houses and focus as much on mage sniping, don't rely on flyers and bring at least 2 healers, Lind and Mercie. Only real essential paralogue is Land of golden seer so Lys can solo the game for you, so don't forget to recruit bowlcut.
I would rather they allocate resources to fleshing out both CF and SS, the decision of a route split in one of the 3 houses makes it so that both of them feel weaker compared to the other two. Make SS less of a copy of VW(or VW less of a copy of SS if you want to see it that way), give one or two more chapters to CF and give it cutscenes, bring up more focus around the Insurrection of the Seven much like how Duscur is integral to AM. Stuff like that
So how different actually are the other routes? I'm finishing up Edelgard but I'll be bored if the other routes are just the war in reverse.
Honestly Silver Snow is just wasted potential. Here's how they should have done it imo:
-Keep Azure Moon as it's the best route right now;
-Keep Crimson Flower (maybe expand on it more);
-Do not lump a secondary route in BE
-In Verdant Wind, make Seiros playable against Nemesis. So that it could maybe make sense as to why she's exhausted. Also make some big decision beforehand (after defeating Edelgard) as to if you're going to side with Claude to change things in Fodlan through reforms and such or side with Rhea to continue the existence of the Church. And if the second choice is made, add the Rhea becomes a Dragon because of exhaustion thing at the end of Verdant Wind as the last boss.
SS's big weakness is its final boss. Honestly, SS should've had Nemesis as the final boss and VW should've had something else. Putting Rhea as the final boss of SS just feels like a cop out.
Edelgard's route is the shortest but has some pretty cool maps, Church, Claude's and Dimitri's are similar because they all share the goal of killing Edelgard
After her route, play BL and/or GD. Dont bother with Silver Snow as it's just a copy and paste from GD imo.
>But the best crit quote, in the entire series by far, isn't even in Three Houses. It's in Awakening, and Frederick says it.
>"Pick a god and pray!"
Based and redpilled
Both SS and VW are similar almost to a T until the last boss. Prefer GD's epilogue imo though.
Well for one post timeskip they are all twice as long as Crimsonised Flower.
>Talks to a strange Dimitri
>Blacks out
>Seteth asks who were you talking too
He gone user
I'd say make SS something you get during the academy phase for all factions if certain choices are made. Change VW's maps to be more about clandestine battles to unite the Alliance instead of just one map capturing the bridge, maybe focus more on Claude building support to erode Edelgard's support base rather than attempting direct confrontation. SS would be the one you assemble the knights and go crashing through Empire territory to bring a swift end to the war and uncover the slither plot.
Claude is irrelevant even in his own route. His entire character is "people were mean to me because I was mixed so fuck borders"
>bring up more focus around the Insurrection of the Seven
The issue is the Insurrection is solved offscreen during part 1 so Edelgard can surprise attack everyone in all routes, so making it more present in the plot would require a huge rewrite and another delay
>What's so bad about them?
Really average stats for a character that's usually a melee. After a few chapters he's basically Caspar unless you got lucky considering the Jagen headstart makes him usable
Best route unironically, dude just wanted to be a mercenary
The whole point of fighting Nemesis in VW is that Claude is Fodlan's future wiping away the sins of its past, fighting Rhea in SS is (You) coming to terms with your heritage
Switching them would fuck the themes up
But, ultimately I think they should have either had just the 3 houses and no Church route, or just 2 houses+SS route split and no 3rd house. As is having 4 potential campaigns stretches the game's resources and storyline really thin and it seriously shows
To be fair, he grievances do feel legitimate. Being mixed IRL means you wind up not really being accepted by either side and are doomed to always be somewhat on the outside of things, and that feeling of outsiderness often leads to wanting to tear down the fabric of society to "fix" that.
The big difference between him and someone like Rhea is that Claude wants to break everything down to put everyone on an even playing field while Rhea doesn't give a shit about your background so long as you fight for a common cause. Claude fights in opposition to an ideal while Rhea fights in support of one, and that's partially what makes Claude somewhat ineffective in other routes -- he knows he wants to get rid of the current order, but he doesn't have a concrete idea on what to replace it with.
>playing CF first
>don't know who anyone is
>don't know anyone's motivations
>all I know is that I must conquer
Probably. The extreme physical torture she went through could have caused brain damage, for real.
Oh, I'm not allowed to say no.
Well I guess I can stop playing the Golden deer route, what a cunt this guy is.
I love Edelgard
One route always fucks the another, in fates it was the same shit
>Kill everyone that you don't know of the other faction
You only get sad on the 2nd route
>First playthrough of the game
>Don't recruit outside of my house except for one character from each of the other two houses.
>Have to fight the other houses post timeskip, but it doesn't really bother me.
>Second playthrough, intentionally don't recruit outside of my house again.
>mfw seeing all those former allies I'm having to murder.
Who are the usual suspects not on BL aside from Lysithea?
Why him instead of Marianne or maybe Dorothea?
I feel like Dimitri is the only lord that honestly gives a shit about you.
Claude just leaves a blank slate in charge and fucks off. Dimitri becomes a saint due to how much he helps people. Just have the pope fuck him while Edelgards ghost watches in eternal cuckdom.
CF is the best route
>Manleth art with Edelgard
>it's Korean
typical, how does it feel that your waifu has been tainted by yuriniggers and twittertrannies?
I've only done VW so far, and Claude only seems to really like you as a springboard towards his goals. Not that he's a dick or anything, but it feels like you're just another chesspiece in the game he's playing, albeit a very potent one.
Also, are Byleth's growths shit or did I have bad luck? I ended the game with like 25 strength, 24 magic on him.
Tbf you're mostly just their teacher to most of them pretimeskip
I could beat up Hegemon Edelgard in a fight
anyone can
>you're just another chesspiece in the game he's playing,
maybe if he actually did some planning instead of being memed as "le political schemey guy >:)" like he's fucking Tywin Lannister or some shit
>Also, are Byleth's growths shit or did I have bad luck?
They are genuinely shit, they're basically a glorified Caspar if you don't count Combat Arts, same Strength, same Speed, and same Dex, worse hp but better everything else
>maybe if he actually did some planning
He was planning to kill Rhea if he had to probably sometime later but Edelgard started a full blown war first.
Dedue is for Dimitri ONLY!
I was going to argue that you couldn't but those trips shut me right the fuck down.
Why yes, I am Ferdinand Von Aegir, how could you tell ?
>plans to kill Rhea with poison or some shit
>she just downs it no problem cause she's a fucking dragon
nice plan you fucking mutt retard
Based Ferdinand
I really hope we get more jsrpgs with named characters, time skips and permadeath. Diverse time periods would be nice too.
He said he would genuinely fight her, and since he's a canon Wyvern post-timeskip he stands a good chance.
see Lindhard's crest gives him extra healing and his passive makes it so he can heal himself when hes on the move, Marianne isn't as good and Dorothea is a mage first, healer second, and she gets outclassed in both by other units.
His grievances feel like shit because Fodlan doesn't like Almyra because they attack them all the time. Claude is just butthurt about it and doesn't even understand that or his own people's plight as shown in his support with Cyril. Seriously, fuck Claude and his bullshit.
> "I sell first aid kits"
Because he is. Dimitri thought you were fucking creepy at first then gets over it. Edelgard loves you as a tool kinda and that is probably all she can love as so ehh on her, probably loves you as much as she is capable of. Claude only actually cares about you in the last few chapters.
Dimitri is also the only lord to have Byleth in their ending picture.
>since he's a canon Wyvern post-timeskip he stands a good chance.
Leicester is a massive shithole that can't manage the military power of Faerghus or Adrestia, and Seiros could probably choke that little retard out no sweat, no dragonform required.
>Flayn just raw shuts down her dragon uncles
Not gonna lie. I'd want to see how Seteth and Flayn get along with their family.
>people were mean to me because I was mixed so fuck borders"
How is that a bad thing again?
Anyone else glad Ferdinand is the demote so it is easier to +10 him? Second best boy deserves love there. I hope Lorenz gets the same treatment so I can +10 him easily as well.
Claude is mostly pissed about being born in Almyra to a Fodlan mother and getting shit there for it, which is why he came to Fodlan in the first place, where he immediately received shit for being an Almyran. His entire childhood is him being shunned for being one or the other, so his solution is to tear everything down so no one gives a shit anymore.
Of course, Almyra is literally an aggressive nation of tribals with Khans and horsemen running across the steppe, so Fodlan has a pretty good reason for hating them because they just rape, murder, and pillage when they feel like it, so it's not like Fodlans are unjustified in hating Almyrans. But justified or not, it doesn't change that Claude is fucked by accident of birth rather than anything else and will always have someone that feels resentment for what he is.
If it was limiting to trading partnerships then nothing would be wrong but you know the mutt would go full cultural enrichment on Fodlan if he could.
Besides, Almyrans are subhuman and don't deserve rights
>Wyverns and Lysithea
>no Wyverns
They only can't manage because Lorenz and dad doesn't like Claude. Neither do the other students.
ok dimitrifag you don't need to go that far.
>literal prince of Almyra that runs off back there and literally admits he doesn't see himself as Fodlander
>shows up out of nowhere and snatches the Alliance away from a genuine Chad like Holst despite not giving a fuck about his people and wanting to shill his gay ass ideology
>is generally a enigmatic untrustworthy fag
>"wtf why nobody like me"
it's called picking a side.
>guy who tried to make death of your father about himself
>gives a shit about you
The problem with your theory is that no one knows he is from Almyra in Fodlan. Lorenz just doesn't like him since he appeared out of nowhere and took the Alliance away from him since it was going to go to him next. So he really has no fucking excuse in Fodlan. He doesn't even admit ever until you see his ending title that says he goes back home to Alymra and becomes king.
>and Lysithea
who doesn't give a flying fuck about Claude to the point where she jumps ship to Edelgard at the first opportunity?
Not even his fucking retainer cares enough to stick by him.
>Don't struggle.
Dimitri opens up foriegn relations and does more for improving racism in his end than Claude does though. So it is clearly another fag.
hmmm, it's almost as though he watched his dad die in front of him too or some shit and is just trying to be helpful
>Not even his fucking retainer cares enough to stick by him.
Unironically she can't join Edelgard for some reason
Which is out of character as fuck
>invades your country because "duude it's just my culture" and generally makes life miserable for frontierspeople
>expects not to be despised and calls Fodlanders racist and xenophobic
No one likes him I already said that, why do you think he has blackmail on the Sword of the Creator guy, but what he does have is a Wyvern and Failnaught. Honestly the only thing two things you need in this game
Dude. You are confusing Edelgard with Dimitri here. Unless this is bait and I am stupid.
Did you misquote me?
It's bad because people are going to simply separate themselves into groups anyway, tearing down the structures that provide stability without replacing them with something else is just batting the issue down the road rather than fixing it. Without providing a common banner to group under, you'll still be left with strife, except this time there won't be a racial component to it.
It's the same issue in real life. Mixed race individuals naturally cannot align themselves to a specific group on race, which means they have to find some other group they can align themselves with. Failing to find one, they instead sow discord and strife to break down what they can't be a part of, and the only way to prevent this is by aligning them to a group in another way. Cyril is a good example of the alternative, Rhea took him in and cared for him despite him being Almyran and he's wholly devoted to her.
>wyvern vs dragon
>when the strongest fighter in Fodlan couldn't even touch the dragon when she was in human form
I would love to know what this dumbfuck's plan was to deal with Rhea when his "lol poison" didn't work
Edelgard just tells you to stop being fag and help her
Dimitri literally starts roaming about how he understands and how his dad was killed too, literally making everything that happened to you about himself
Lorenz should've been the GD house lord
It's called Empathy user.
Try it some time.
Empathy would be knowing that not everything about his gay revenge
Well Claude has Almyrian blood. It would probably be easy to deal with them. He probably has connections. Also it's not just about Almyria, but the other territories nearby like Sreng, Brigid or Dagda.
>expecting resident waifuautists on Yas Forums to understand basic human emotions
>strongest fighter doesn't have Canto
Rhea doesn't have shit against Claude's ultimate scheme, Canto the best skill in the game
Almyrans as a whole generally don't give a shit what Fodlan thinks of them, they see them as weak and effeminate people that they can take what they please from. Cyril thinks they're a bunch of retards despite being Almyran himself and Claude is just mad that he can't fully be Almyran or Fodlan.
Well good thing there now exists an item that gives Canto and +1 move.
Rhea has probably been holding Fodlan from using their crests to conquer the planet, come to think of it. Every nation that tries to start shit with them tends to get fucked up, its weird that they haven't gone colonizing in a 1000 years
She lacks a bow so she'll be tailing him anyways
Plus if we're counting gameplay we can just say Claude mastered assassin and just procced his 12% lethality rate on human Rhea
I heard the Blue Lions house were the strongest, I was not expecting them to be this strong.
>Felix in the background: fucking boar
Bosses like the Rhea are immune to Lethality user.
It's the commander ability, play the games please.
>Claude double or triple crits with brave bow killing Rhea turn 1
Claude's in a good position to accomplish what he wants actually because his mother is House Reigan nobility and his father is the King of Almyra as shown in his support ending.
who's the new transfer student? She related to Flayn or something?
All the routes together have less maps than a single regular FE game
Reminder that the stupid zoom in feature no one uses is like 95% of the reason why there are so few unique maps in 3H.
Rhea makes sense when you realize her ultimate goal is everlasting peace to prevent another massacre of human or dragon kind. She's willing to kill for it and do questionable experiments to resurrect her mother, but in spite of that, Fodlan not only has been relatively peaceful for hundreds of years, but also hasn't asserted dominance over any of their neighbors outside of the empire sticking their nose in Brigid's territory.
The alternative is that Claude's suggestion that the outside world has their own pantheon of gods that actually exist and protect them is true and that in the grand scheme of things, Rhea, Sothis, and the slithers are just small fish in a big pond.
You can clearly tell this was made by a Dimitrifag. Why is the first chapter of AM in blue if it's not an unique route? That episode is the same for SS and VW for example.
>Rhea, Sothis, and the slithers are just small fish in a big pond.
If that's true then Edelgard's ending is completely doomed, since without divine intervention or crests Fodlan is completely open to attacks by nations with literal demigod commanders
Edelgard says that a week after he dies then says she will be ready to take your hand when the time comes. She has a problem with making things about herself and this shows it. Dimitri says he can relate to you and even went to go find you himself and gives you what he would have wanted to hear after Duscur since he knows what it is like. Claude is still the worst one just taking advantage of the situation to steal your dads diary and wont take no for an answer.
Except Blyeth wants revenge and when Dimitri calls them on it they admit it, soooo?
he used Azure Moon as the baseline you fucking illiterate
We need a classic mode just like DQ
So Edelgard is just Anakin, right?
>She has a problem with making things about herself and this shows it
Caspar literally says it himself in case the dumbfucks were too slow to get it
She doesn't even do any questionable experiments. They tried to make her look shady but really she did almost nothing wrong and it is pretty funny.
So what? That clearly colors the whole narrative faggot. Pick out the real unique maps/episodes instead. And then we can talk.
I think they just ran out of time to make new maps. If that's true it would be one of the stupidest things ever. Plus the zoomed-in parts still look like shit so I can't imagine anyone spent time on it
because AM is used as the base, all its routes are counted as unique
Make it Adrestia.
>because AM is used as the base, all its routes are counted as unique
Who? You? ISIS?
Well, Rhea in her sexy Seiros form has 46 effective protection with a humongous 72 HP
So Claude would need 40 strength to OHKO with the Brave Bow and I guess a little less to 2HKO with two crits which just seems very RNG based.
*Said by
Did you even read the chart? Are you incapable of understanding the information? I legitimately have no clue why you're so buttblasted
Not him, but one of the routes has to be a baseline, and it ultimately doesn't matter. If anything, the infograph says that only CF and VW have unique maps to their playthroughs, insinuating that you should play them for a more complete experience.
"aren't you tired of being nice? don't you just want to go ape shit?"
The result is the same if any other route was used.
This isn't an image showing which route is best it's an image showing which maps are reused.
They are also re-used in AM with changes to enemy placement and levels due to them taking place in a differing order.
You're a fucking retard.
Finally some Edelgard with MByleth
With who though, Raphael’s sister?