Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Kojima invented cameras.
Is there anything he can't do?
Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Kojima invented cameras
Other urls found in this thread:
He's autistic, but what he's actually saying here is that he invented the idea of having the game switch perspectives from 3rd person to 1st person when using shit like snipers or the RC missiles. Which I still doubt is true, but he's not saying he invented cameras.
>Ego Hugeman
La creatividad...
what a fucking hack
His next tweet will be "I came up the idea called electricity"
Which was one of the worst mechanics in the game and shouldn't be even there in the first place.
Kojima is the Thomas Edison of game devs.
He's talking about the "Camera" item in the game, you pedant.
MGS1 was the first 3d Metal Gear, but it was still presented as top down third person, having the "Camera" as a selectable item gives you that first person view, that's what he's talking about.
This fucking guy. Top kek
ITT: people who are underage and dont know about the camera item in MGS. please point and laugh at the zoomers boys
Insanely based
He has to just be shitposting at this point. Gotta be just trolling people and laughing at spergs over-reacting to his dumb comments.
Too bad MDK relased like a year before. Once again he needs to shut the fuck up and be humble instead of masquerading as an auteur
it's lost in translation
he's trying to say he came up with the idea of switching perspectives since the game was 3d
even then he's probably not saying that he invented it, just that he got the idea to do it
it would be better if I could move with the sniper rifle and switch perspective as I like kojima
also fuck you for ruining mgs3 with your stupid fucking top-down camera, even in subsistence the boss uses that camera and it's not well done
But you don't need any of those items to go into a first person view. There's a button dedicated to it.
hopefully corona chan pays him a visit
I used to be able to tell posts like these were jokes.
Places like this are why he does this shit. His head is so inflated from celebrity treatment he has actually become a crazy person.
Yas Forums, I sincerely hope you all find someone who loves you as much as Kojima loves himself.
>hurr i deliberately misinterpret japanese man with poor grasp of english
there are hundreds of reasons why you can call him arrogant and you chose this
yea, he doesnt know when to stop
he cant be serious kek
This has to be a fucking edit.
Dook 3d came out in 96 and switches to 3rd person for the jetpack. So he's dumb and wrong.
>Is there anything he can't do?
Make death stranding a good game.
I heard Kojima also invented light bulbs. Any truth to that?
Hard to tell if this thread is full of retarded children who've never played MGS1 or just people pretending to be retarded in order to bitch about Kojima. Not that it matters.
In Metal Gear Solid (1998), I came up with the idea of a camera item. Given that the world is fully 3d, I thought that it would be possible to swap between a 1st person camera view and a rear camera view and in doing so, make items like the sniper rifle, remote control missile and the camera more effective. Photos were taken from a first person perspective and the colour could then be modified. After this, the photo was compressed into a jpeg and saved to the memory card. I also added spirit photos to the game.
Didn't he invent cars, televisions and the internet? Man's a genius
But this quote is actually extremely based
Didn't Dark Force do this years before MGS1?
He is okay.
MARIO 64 had a fucking POV camera in 1996
The only thing he did there was that you could actually save shots taken then.
Otherwise, MDK came a year before so he can get fucked
Yeah but having quotes of yourself at your workplace is a pretty huge dick move desu
Pretty sure Mario 64 did it first
Indeed. Kojima is a very smart and humble man.
MGS1 was very first camera type game.
Spyro released in the same year and did the same thing.
The first Twisted Metal game released back in 1995 and had a third person and first person camera view. I'm fairly certain there's more and even older titles than that, but I can't be arsed to remember them all.
I came up the idea called "urination" in Death Stranding (2019). I thought it'd be effective having the item like "Monster Energy Drink" if we could switch the liquidurination view if the game world can exists all in 3d.
Post the edit
>tweet something about your older game for the fans
>move on and dont think about it
>seething anti-kojima cultist skims through the twitter like he does every single day of his obsessed life
>yes this will do
>post it on Yas Forums and seethe about it for hours
>repeat next day
Has there ever been such a case of rent free? Only person I can think of is Donald Trump.
n 2017, I went to Australia. I only had a trailer, and I also explained verbally to him. George Miller said, "In all aspects, you are correct. Mathematically, psychologically, physically, philosophically." He kind of started to draw a diagram, he has this theory, so he said, "What you're trying to do is correct." I should have recorded that! I should have sent it to the staff! That was really a happy moment.
If it wasn't for this dickhead Kojima wouldn't have his head so far up his ass.
You dirty gaijins cant understand the mind of a genius.
He is not talking about something as mundane as switching perspective with the press of a button, but actually have to go through the inventory to select an item called "camera" that switches the camera.
Oh, the sheer brilliance of his mind is blinding me!
This but unironically, guy is always ahead of the time
t. hasn't a Dual Shock
>kojima was full of shit since 2017
lol summer
I wish I had an art-gallery dedicated to myself.
He's specifically talking about a fixed camera game having an actual 3D environment (Usually fixed camera games worked like the resident evil games, where you just walk around on a .jpg with invisible walls stopping you from going places that are not supposed to be walked on) that you could see in first person when you used special items like the sniper rifle or the RC Missile.
Yes Mario had a first person look around thing, but it wasn't really part of the gameplay (apart from the red switch "hidden" room) 99.9% of looking around was just done with the third person camera
You can, if you find someone stupid enough to give you a blank check
Kojima put that together so you can as well. Just write a bunch of quotes from yourself on the walls and put photos of yourself up. Promote it through social media by saying how you invented chairs.
What's stopping you?
this picture reminds me of the aging puzzle in RE1
I saw Hideo Kojima at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Monster Energy in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I love how much Kojima makes people seethe
Division 2 demo on PS4
>can't jump or crouch
>jump button is used to take cover
>crouch button is used to climb
>can't just reassign buttons in game
Nice controls, idiots. Really sets your game apart from other generic shooters.
el steve jibs de los videojuegos...
woah, Kojima really is a hack
now imagine if he was just as capable of making a good product
Of all the pastas you had to use the less believable
Kojima doesnt buy groceries, he only eats at the best restaurants
He's not claiming credit for the camera and I don't think he's trying to say he invented the concept of a camera item in video games either, he's just talking about his design process in broken English.
That was my first thought as well
No he really gave himself a medal.
Fucking idiot.
Hahahaha! Upvoted! Reddit gold for you my good sir! *tips fedora xDD*
No, i'm obviously not talking about the bottom of the image.
>More seething from Xbros
>wasn't really part of the gameplay (apart from
Okay Kojimbo
Stop Hideo from foiling his plans.
I hate every one of you neo-Yas Forums faggots mindlessly shitting on Kojima. For one, this sentence makes a lot more sense if you consider how it would read in Japanese. He is trying to say he came up with the idea of a switchable camera for the benefit of the game, not to brag he invented fucking photography. Secondly, given that MGS1 was in development long enough to have originally been slated as a 3DO, he might actually have been the first to come up with it.
Ok that one is actually funny
Build Engine is not full polygonal 3D, so you’re dumb and wrong.
fun fact: they used legos to plan out the maps for mgs1.
very funny joke Mr Metal Gear. Next thing you'll say you invented the FPS genre
>no photography
I came up with the idea called "shitpost" in Yas Forums (2020). In thought it'd be effective like "based", "cringe" and "shitpost" if we could switch usernames anonymous if the website can exist all on the internet.
Camera Inventorman
Looks like the front cover to some JAV
>you will never walk past kojima’s museum of ego on your way to work
>switches to 3rd person for the jetpack.
No it doesn't
>But this quote is actually extremely based
it's actually quit fucking general and stupid, just to make shit and say it's true is pretty lame.
you must be a fag to like such things
>He is trying to say he came up with the idea of a switchable camera for the benefit of the game, not to brag he invented fucking photography
He's still wrong you fucking idiot. People are shitting on him because he lives in his own bubble, an echo chamber he crafted specifically to masturbate to his own ego 24/7. EVERY hack does this, so he isn't even special in that regard, outside of how egregious he makes it.
I used to idolize this guy. What the hell happened?
it was fucking novel in MGS2 when you could aim in first person. There hasn't really been a game that plays like MGS2 and 3 since then.
Too bad mario 64 did it first. Sorry kojimbo, you're forever a hack and a nobody.
he's making shitty games so he became pretentious
What the fuck is wrong with this retard?
How does he even breathe with his head so far up his ass?
In engrish, "came up with" probably just means "I decided to use". I don't think he's implying he invented it.
Hes useless without his team holding him back from putting annoying shit in his games
I read in some article that kojima wanted to implement a 1 week long boss fight in mgs3 which his team stopped him from doing
Sure it does sound intriguing but in action? you really want the longest part of the game be this one shitty bossfight? That means 99% of your playtime would have been spent on that 1 fight would fuck with the games pacing alot
If this is about the idea of changing perspective from 3rd person to first, then SM64(1996) did it first.
>it was fucking novel in MGS2 when you could aim in first person
And then the likes of wolfenstein and doom copied it
Is there nothing that Kojimbo can't do?
It says "came up with", but he also says "item", not "idea".
You grew up and realized how shitty his games are compared to these:
Deus Ex is superior when it comes to writing and freedom of gameplay.
Thief is the best stealth game to exist.
Splinter Cell defines tactical espionage action more than any of the mgs turds ever did.
the gameplay of deus ex is garbage my dude.
Ive never played thief.
i like splinter cell but that doesnt make mgs bad, sorry.
Mgs combines all these 3 and turns them into a great game
Thief has shitty looking graphics and ai too stealth is too easy
Deus ex is unplayable today aiming and gunplay is shit and the story is your typical boring tripe about how the state is evil
Splinter cell was just forgetable i cant even talk about this game without becoming sleepy
Lovin all the kojimaggots trying to defend their riceshitting idol by pretending its just poorly translated.
Im sure the retarded hackjob that thinks he invented a persistent online world by calling it "the strand" genre in games didnt actually say he invented switching to 1st person view
no, it actually says it really says: he'll scc dick for free; fags unit
Jesus fucking christ you could solve the worlds energy problem forever with all the hot air this guy emits.
I honestly can't take any of you seriously, because when Kojima was fired from Konami you were all bashing Konami, without any evidence or anything, just word of doritopope, and anybody that tried to tell that Kojima deserved it was reeeeeeeed at by autists here. You were all sucking his cock here before death stranding. Literally a hivemind and sheep logic.
Every sane user realized that he was a hack after MGS 3 and got then proven right again with his 80 million dollar spending on an unfinished game.
he refers to the ingame item "camera" retard
I am pretty close to my right hand.... but left hand is very close too.
Hes saying he invented the idea of switching perspectives between 1st and 3rd. Hes still wrong and an egomaniac, but at least the claim isnt as egregious as it first seems
I love how you don't even need to change anything about this copypasta. Kojmbo is this far gone.
it says item, not idea in the untranslated post.
well, konami instantly went on to announce a new metal gear zombie survival game. also everyone realized kojima was a hack after death stranding, so i guess your problem is that it took them that long? how is that sheep logic or a hivemind, if anything youd expect them to still defend him after deat stranding
Nigga just screenshot your post right there, print it, and put it on your wall.
Came up with the idea MGS1
Ban all ESLs
Its a proper sentence
Other than Inafune, Kojima has destroyed his legacy in such a crazy short amount of time.
What a fucking hack, egotistic faggot.
imagine being obsessed with some gook movie man's twitter activity but not actually being able to understand english let alone moon
>got then proven right again with his 80 million dollar spending on an unfinished game
You mean that cross-generational title that simultaneously launched on five different platforms worldwide whose development suffered because the company got exposed for severely mistreating its employees, going as far as to prevent the director from talking to his team months before release, and despite that was profitable? Pfft yeah, what a fucking hack!
And Cookieman, Matsuno and Kamiya.
There are at least 20 games before MGS that did it first.
>hideo says some incredibly stupid shit
>people mock you for it
>"l-lol you're obsessed"
Anyone else starting to (or perhaps, already) think the Japs at Konami were just his tard wranglers?
Peak zoomer post
Iam just not blinded by nostalgia when it comes to games
I grew up on sega genesis
Most games before the 2000s are unplayable shit not worth to be talked about even and i dont care if zoomers also think like this
>I came up with the item called "camera" in MGS1
there I fixed it
Resorting to namecalling over arguments usually means you are in the wrong
ok she fucked horses
what else?
youre entitled to have an opinion, no matter how objectively wrong it is. you do you.
I played MGS in 2017.. I still think it's more interesting than any of those games.
What happened to Matsuno and Kamiya?
He didn't destroy shit beyond making some people on the internet pissy over some tweets. This entire thread is a bunch of people frothing at the mouth over the most innocuous fucking thing imaginable. See how this screencap went completely ignored and there's still people thinking he's talking about camera perspective.
Kamyia acts a million times worse on social media and even directly insults people talking to him, yet hypocritical Yas Forumsermin swooned over a kickstarter for a port of one of his games. I don't even dislike Kamiya at all mind you, what I hate is seeing retards spinning a narrative.
the only reasonable way to get upset at being called a zoomer is if he hit the nail on the head.
Directed by Hjdeo Kojima
A Hideo Kojima Gameplay Mechanic
A Hideo Kojima Production
So youre saying thief doesnt have dogshit ai? Have you played that fucking game? Or inplying that the gunplay in deus ex doesnt make you feel like a retard flailing around with his gun? Maybe youre the zoomer trying to fit in by callling popular shit games good?
Name 5
Mgs is more fun than thief or deus ex
Fuck off faggots with your overrated shit games
It is just inconceivable how much chutzpah can fit into one tiny gook. Seriously, rabbis in Israel should declare him honorary merchant for having so much chutzpah.
The only reasonable way to get my fist up your asshole is if i would punch your asscheeks apart wanna try?
im what im referring to was >Most games before the 2000s are unplayable shit not worth to be talked about
youre gonna miss out with that attitude, but if thats what you want then im not gonna stop you.
How did you enjoy backtracking 4 times during the game?
so how old are you then?
How am i going to miss out? 80% of the vidya i played in my life is from before 2000
I mean, just Kojima is insane doesn't mean Konami was in the right. Just a case of a piece of shit company hiring a dickhead developer.
I fucking swear I saw my country version of this just the other day, but I can't find the cover anywhere online.
so despite 80% of the games you played having been "mostly unplayable shit", you kept playing them for some strange reason, did I get that right? are you retarded or something?
Kojima doesn't even match up to Carmack's levels of ingenuity. And Carmack himself attribute his ability to making sure he gets 8 hours of sleep every night.
Iam just saying new games are mostly better so basicly what iam saying is if the ps4 would have been out back then i would instead have been playing the games on it
king of the zoomers then innit?
Die soon, boomer.
youre a gobshite is what youre saying. scrub the semen off of the spacebar.
Are you in your 30s? Honestly thats even more pathetic being in your 30s and still browsing this shitty site
Your old games are shit grandpa get those nostalgia goggles off
The guy or whoever is translating his tweets really needs a english class.
The big problem was that you idolized him. You and the legion of retarded teenagers who didn't know any better thought Kojima was some amazing developer. Some Godlike entity gracing video games with sophistication and deep themes.
Is this a strand type shitpost?
>"I came up with the idea to put a camera item in MGS1 to take photos with"
>wtf is this fucking pretentious hack claiming he invented the first person camera?
Kojima threads really bring out the angry brainlets.
I’m pretty sure the camera was invented in 1850
You sure that wasn't just about The End bossfight skip?
Honestly, name one. I can't think of any.
Goes to show why this board is so shit compared to others. The posters are simply stupid.
Jap here, I think the japanese to english translations have only 60-80% of accuracy in general when we don't try to explain it in a simple way for non-japanese speakers.
You can make fun of his tweets or his interview. I don't care about that. I'm not a fan of him 2bh. But to me, it feels like you guys are making fun of a robot because it can't move like a human.
It could be better if they hire a better translator but inherently this issue will never be magically solved as long as it's translated from japanese to english or vice versa.
Thomas Edison was a shrewd businessman that while he wasn't a great inventor, he knew how to sell his products. The man is utterly ruthless and knew what to do to win. He earned his reputation.
This is what you guys get for sucking his dick for decades his egos boiling over
>I-it's just a mistranslation
Why is it when ever Kojihack says something retarded the defence force ALWAYS jumps to this?
just like kojima then
thing is Kamiya makes good games, Kojima (after he got fired from Konami) doesn't.
Also I haven't seen Kamiya hyping his game so much that he pretended to have invented a new game genre, nor hiring actual hollywood celebs to generate hype
Im not even a XBro, but I seriously think the guy has gotten really full of himself. Its not even funny anymore.
the Kojima Cult defends their Lord 24/7, to the point they actually larp, like this
damn he filters brainlets even with just a post on twitter, holy based.
>can hire b-tier hollywood celebs, costing Sony gorillions of dollars
>spends most of his budgets travelling around the world
>can't afford a few thousand shekels to hire an actual translator
topkek, defend more Kojimbocuck
He didn't invent changing between 3rd person and first person camera you fucking idiot. god kojima fans are retarded.
Yes Kojima is a GOD and GENIUS isn't he Kojidrone?
You're essentially admitting that it's okay for a guy to act like a complete shithead as long as you like his games, and that the entire reason why people are upset over Kojima is because of their own subjective tastes, and some largely extraneous bullshit.
You couldn't have made this argument sound worse if you tried. This garbage is on the same level as grannies being up in arms over a soap opera or teenage girls fighting each other over their favorite pop singers. On top of constant twitter screencaps, Yas Forums might as well be a fucking pink gossip magazine at this point.
If you just made that now, that's great.
sorry corona-chan, the country has closed its ports and airports, now we're just doomed to wait until the cure reaches 100%
I told you not to develop lethal symptoms during the early game, you raised the awareness too quickly
Kojima has a great physique for an old guy.
You sound like the type of tranny to say ”Who cares who faggots sleep with? It's their life!!!”
>Tactical Espionage Action
>Strand game
Why does he keep making up terms for stuff that already existed before him? Is he that much of an egomaniac?
Sony is still protecting him. Once they go, he goes.
spotted the Kojimbocuck
>as long as you like his games
but most of Kamiya's games are objectively good, that's not just an opinion you dumbfuck
>subjective tastes, extraneous bullshit
Death Stranding is a bad video game, period.
don't be a Kojimacuck, user. you also sound like an angry man in his 30s
>but most of Kamiya's games are objectively good, that's not just an opinion you dumbfuck
You are a dumbass who can't even read.
He's just saying that while the mechanics had existed before, he was the one that coined the terms that officially defined them and other people eventually used later on.
>other people eventually used later on.
Name 5 other games that use those terms.
Oh yeah, it's such deep and profound truth, he's a philosopher of our times.
How can one Jap be so based?
He's the Steve Jobs of video games
But literally no one uses those terms except him.
That pic reminds me of the Fortnite magazine page with all the stupid fart jokes.
Women really do have the mind of a child.
name a more pretentious developer than Kojima
But I heard japs are humble
I hate japs now
There are far too few normal dutch porn actresses. Most of eurowhores drug addled alt-girls.
this radioactive gook has braindamage. he has been sniffing his own farts for way too long now.
someone needs to tell him. Someone really needs to tell him to shut his stupid mouth and publicly humiliate this fag whose ego has ballooned up to Quenchin Fartatino's.
The stupid gook thinks is some fucking auteur Akira Kurosawa of video games.
Super Mario 64 had first person -> third person mechanic way before Movie Game Solid.
And I bet a buch of other games did as well.
Fucker is delusional at this point.
Zelda Ocarina of time did it as well. MGS isn’t the first.
This but unironically.
>hes talking about the camera item in the game
>kojima literally says "having items like sniper rifle".
dumb ham sandwich
>Super Mario 64 had first person -> third person mechanic way before Movie Game Solid
This is getting seriously embarrassing now.
There are SO FUCKING MANY games that did it before that.
no sense in arguing with Kojimacucks, they're literally too brainwashed to defend him
Thomas Edison was like Steve Jobs. He invented nothing, but was extremely important in the development of technologies and their proliferation.
Kojima just sucks.
Thank you for the 3d camera, Kojima. If you had patented it... Such a genius!
Jajajajaja AYYY CARAMBA hue hue
Whenever somebody tells me they're a Kojima fan I immediately think "pretentious brainlet"
so basically he took a mechanic that was already pretty standard in first person games and just put it into his 3rd person game?
name fucking many
I don't know if you could call this as some eureka moment because I don't recall any other 3D game for the PS1 that primarily had a birds eye view. As for the sniper rifle, that would have happened eventually but the camera for the RC missiles is the only thing I would say is unique.
>He's not saying that
>I haven't seen Kamiya hyping his game so much that he pretended to have invented a new game genre
Nigger everyone and their mother sucks off DMC1 for having "invented" 3D action games. Kamiya lives off previous achievement and is constantly going "remember that other thing I made?" even when he's now on a different company.
He isn't anywhere fucking close to claim to have invented a first-person view OR the switch from 3rd person perspective to POV.
Read the first sentence of that tweet carefully, then read the rest of the thread that for the actual context . What he "came up" with was the camera ITEM, where you could do a bunch of shit like edit the color of the photo and spot some neat easter eggs which became a staple of the series.
What's unclear is whether or not he thinks he invented such feature, or if he's simply saying he was the one who pitched that idea to his dev team. All in all, to me this just seems like a completely inoffensive bit of trivia at worst written in clearly terrible English.
In MGS1 (1998) I came up with an item called "camera".
If the entire world exists in a 3D space, you'd be able to switch between first-person and behind-camera, so I thought items like "sniper rifle" "remote controlled missiles" and "camera" could be more effective.
Taking pics in first-person, changing the colors, and saving it as a compressed jpeg to your memory card... I also added ghost pictures (laughs)
and it lived up to the hype
meanwhile Death Stranding became one of the most disappointing games, literally everyone's opinion on it is 50/50
also compared to Kojima, Kamiya actually knows what he's talking about
didnt banjo kazooie do this
This man does not speak English.
>instead of spending a couple of dollars for a professional translator he wastes his money by hiring celebs and making the next le deep philosophical game
tha's racist
He didn't. Dumb gook didn't fucking come up with a camera. So many games did this shit before his hack ass did.
What lived up to the hype? Platinum has been putting out flop after flop until recently, and then the games that put them out of that streak weren't by Kamiya, because he hasn't made a game in years. He couldn't even direct Bayo 2. Scalebound crashed and burned.
The funniest thingabout it is that if Kamiya had stayed at Capcom we'd have gotten games like VJ3 or Okami 2, and he might have gotten to direct another DMC.
>kojimacucks are actually defending him claiming to have invented first person cameras
>lived up to the hype
>everyone's opinion on it is 50/50
Who fucking gives a shit? This isn't relevant to anyone's personal well-being or enjoyment unless we're talking about a competitive online game or if they're an investor (and we still don't have any concrete data on DS' budget or the goals the publishers had in mind anyway).
The mere fact that you're browsing some relatively obscure shithole on the internet by default means you shouldn't care that much about popular consensus.
He’s right it was novel, going from 3rd person to being able to aim in 1st person
he literally didn't claim that, even if that FUBAR translation was correct
>I-i-it's just a mistranslation! You don't get it, Kojima can do no wrong he is a GOD!
>I had the idea of putting a camera in MGS1 and also used the first person view to make other items more effective
Anti-Kojima zealot
Where do you think we are? Of course it's okay for a guy to act like a complete shithead on twitter because most twitter users are complete shitheads. Why would I want them to be treated in a civil manner?
Kojima is a delusional retard high on his own farts. That's far worse in my book.
He probably did independently invent it. Remember that he was developing MGS in 1994, and MGS was ridiculous for its time.
>Kojima's PA translates his tweets literally
>everyone who speaks English thinks he's a retard because of this
>I don't like this thing or understand it, it's pretentious.
should've hired a BETTER translator, then.
name five
>people think that's the real account
>his actual account has the lego portrait
Everyone in this thread has been ousted as a retard.
Kojimbocucks never fail to make me laugh
>I had this idea that wasn't actually my idea but I'm going to be incredibly specific in my application to say I invented it despite similar mechanics being present before
Anti-Kojima Chads
>Lmao what a retard I can't believe people take actually respect this clown
Projima Virgins
Isn't the story of Death Stranding essentially stating what Uncle Ted already said quarter of a decade ago but worse?
quarter of a century*
This is his actual account
Also, I am not defending Kojima, I hated Death Stranding. But you are still retarded for falling for fake Twitter accounts, which tons of people do on Twitter regularly.
Everyone knows it was Fukushima who actually came up with the camera item.
Since when does "I had an idea" mean "I invented this".
If I have the idea to put big titties in my game it doesn't imply that I invented them.
So Kojima then.
You became more well read and realised that no, video games won’t ever come close to actual art
Not really, clearly we don't follow this clown enough to be able to tell his real twitter. We haven't invested anything into this conversation, worst case scenario is instead of wasting our time talking about a real Kojima tweet we've wasted our time talking about a fake Kojima tweet.
And it's not like this is a duologue or anything, everyone here has still had a conversation nebulously about it, real or not. It's not like that is suddenly invalidated because much of it wasn't even strictly subject related.
I think you're putting arbitrary values on truth when this forum doesn't really value it.
Dungeon keeper was released in 97 lol
Imagine resorting to this level of pilpul to defend your creatividaddy.
Stop larping Kojima cultist
Your English is too good, there’s not enough Engrish, I don’t believe you. Where is the spacing between every sentence?
he doesn't seem to be able to notice how moronical he sounds and how much is he is feeding his career to his ego
It's based on the assumption that the species will flourish and live forever, which as science dictates, is wrong.
Here's one
Already means he's objectively wrong and didn't invent it.
God I fucking wish this guy would make a movie so everybody who isn't a gamer with an IQ under 80 would shit all over it and say "THIS is the creator my kid's been fellating all these years?"
Jesus, congrats on making a post more pretentious than Kojima.
Thank you.
>people are mad at this crazy broken english tweet
I'm honestly just trying to parse wtf he is saying. Is he just saying he came up with the first person look you could do? I'm not even sure if he is saying he's the first to do it.
for Japs, American Language is quite complicated. I mean the guy could barely even make a video game.
>Kojima is a delusional retard high on his own farts
user, do you understand what's been happening in this very thread? A simple statement over an in-game item was enough to drive schizos up the fucking wall. Kojima could fart without barely saying a word and someone would rush to make a thread about it and get countless replies about how much of a "pretentious hack" he is.
In fact, I would go as far as to argue this whole image of pretentiousness is in large part fueled by kneejerk reactions and mindless hatred people have for Kojima more so than his ego. The other issue with people reading twitter is that many think each post must count as some grand statement. Sometimes, an innocuous message reminiscing about small past events can be just that: innocuous. This is like vegans freaking out because a person shared a picture of a hamburger on social media, so it means that person must be a shill for the meat industry or some shit.
All signs point to this . It wouldn't even make any sense for him to brag about an inconsequential gadget like the camera on a game he directed more than twenty years ago. This is the sort of stuff that's only relevant to MGS fans and it's almost on the level as an inside joke, nothing more.
Keep sucking on that little Asian penis
>feigning ignorance just as an excuse to be "mad" at something
new lows boys
Not that user, but Matsuno couldn't finish FFXII due to health issues. Scalebound was cancelled by Microsoft so that isn't even really Kamiya's fault. Microsoft supposedly kept demanding new features changing the course of development way really frequently.
Giving up that fast already?
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive though. Apart from which, I'm pretty sure Kojima is just stealing quotes from other people at this point. I believe it was either Asimov or some other guy who stated
>Today's science-fiction is tomorrow's science fact
So basically, Kojima is both right and wrong. Right in the idea, wrong in stealing quotes.
woops, meant for
genius is the dude who said "lets take bread and cook it again" and invented toast
kojima is just a talentless hack rised up by the gaming equivalent of the unfuckable nerds that follow tom clancy books
>user, do you understand what's been happening in this very thread?
Yes. A bunch of hungry dogs saw easy prey.
I mean, lets go by your logic. Dobson, getting huge amount of attention, must in fact be a superior being, his comics must be the epitome of wit and relevance. YiiK threads, regularly hitting 500 with high poster counts, shows that the game is truly a gem, and the creator is a big brained and his game is the thematic peak of relevant social commentary.
Or we can go by my logic, and Dobson gets attention because he's a fucking joke and therefore easy prey.
Hmm, I wonder who is correct. Really makes me think.
Didn't read the rest of your post because you already started it on a retard note.
zoom zoom
There is a world between "today's science fiction is tomorrow science" and "everything will be possible in the future and let me get some random numbers from my amazing random numbers hat".
>food analogy
>Dobson, getting huge amount of attention, must in fact be a superior being, his comics must be the epitome of wit and relevance. YiiK threads, regularly hitting 500 with high poster counts, shows that the game is truly a gem, and the creator is a big brained and his game is the thematic peak of relevant social commentary.
>Or we can go by my logic, and Dobson gets attention because he's a fucking joke and therefore easy prey.
This is a false dichotomy, because I never argued anything even remotely close to your first point. In fact, I don't at all deny that Kojima has a large ego. Rather, I believe that the truth could lie somewhere in-between, which means Kojima can be full of himself at times, but also that a LOT of people posting here are actual morons who can't parse reality beyond their own hyperbole.
Probably the most shocking thing about your argument is the implication that you're willing to defend people who post on here. I can't fucking imagine that being the hill anyone would want to die on. I hope I made it simple enough for you this time and didn't stop reading halfway through this post, though.
Can't believe Kojima invented camera-games genre!
How can you be so invested in western pop culture and culture in general and still butcher the language this badly?
>American Language
You take that fucking back dumb yank!
waaaah why do people like popular thing please like instead waaaah
>deus ex, thief, and splinter cell are obscure eurojank
do all Jimadrones have double digit IQs?
he's too busy hiring hollywood celebrities for his next movie game than actually finding someone who could properly translate his tweets
never played any of that boring shit, never will
stay mad
I don't geddit, you're taking every post in this board seriously?
deflect more, brainlet
How fucking stupid do you need to be to not realise the guy changed his Twitter profile picture?
El retardad...
>switch perspectives from 3rd person to 1st person when using shit like snipers
>Probably the most shocking thing about your argument is the implication that you're willing to defend people who post on here. I can't fucking imagine that being the hill anyone would want to die on. I hope I made it simple enough for you this time and didn't stop reading halfway through this post, though.
So wait, you're posting here earnestly thinking everyone is a dumb shitposting retard?
And you think that makes YOU the smart one?
Lmaoing my ass of at you to be honest fampai.
You're damn right I'm defending this shithole, I come here to roll in the shit. You apparently come here, roll in the shit and complain about all the shit.
don't mess with him bro he has a gold medal on Internet Debate Award, he will throw those logical fallacy peepeepoopoo words at you.
Yet you can play more Metal Gear games on Xbone than PS4
lol good one
He never said he invented the camera in video games. He just said he came up with an idea for the game which he and his team called "camera" (in english) when they developed MGS1.
read the whole thread nigger
so he's just talking about that 'camera' gadget that would take shitty jpegs and save them on your memory card. and of course this threat is full of people foaming at the mouth trying to implicate him of an easily disproven claim he didn't even make.
>This desperate late stage spin
Keep seething
Reddit please leave
Descent 2 in 1996 did that exact thing. Missiles had their own cameras and you could switch directly to the missile to navigate it into an enemy
Yeah KojiGod can do no wrong, it's everyone just misunderstands him.
imagine being such an utter retard that you cannot differentiate between a project name and the actual concept it's named after
You can tell they're generally mad because 90% of their posts are J'accuse.
I'm just calling Kojima a retard and laughing at him and those who take his brainletism seriously but apparently I'm "foaming at the mouth" and "seething".
As has been said, if the same logic were applied to other retard devs or lolcows in general apparently Dobson or Randy Bobandy would be a salt factory and not the class retard, but apparently Saint Kojimbo is so special that he has his own rules. As expected of La Creatividad D'orient.
>you're posting here earnestly thinking everyone is a dumb shitposting retard?
I said a "lot", not "everyone". Hell, if I say things like "the truth is somewhere in-between" that means I agree with some people who criticize Kojima for his ego. For example, people giving him crap for quoting himself . The problem is combing over *every* potentially insignificant thing this one man does, like in this thread. It started to border on lunacy long ago given how much attention he gets (even I as a supposed "Kojidrone" don't read about 80% of what he says while his detractors pick that up in an instance and obsess over it for months or years).
>You apparently come here, roll in the shit and complain about all the shit
I guess you got me there. This is about one of the few places where you can say almost anything and not get banned for it. That doesn't mean there aren't deep flaws.
>guy doesn't have perfect english
>autists here argue in a full thread about what he did or didn't say
Except Super Mario 64 came out in 1996 with the exact same concept mapped to the C-buttons.
>181 original posters
>307 replies
all of this for one casual tweet, if Kojima only knew
>people took this long to notice how kojima is so far up his own ass
are you faggots forgetting the:
"directed, produced, written, supervised by Hideo Kojima".
in MGSV?
I bet you're a moderator on a subreddit
He literally lives up his own ass
Imagine being such an utter retard that you cannot differentiate between a project name and the actual concept it's named after even when someone points out that you are making that mistake.
>Either Kojimbo is claimming he invented 1st/3rd person switch
>Or that he "came up with" print screen
I really hate this narcissistic piece of shit hack.
i think he means the photographic camera that you unlock after beating the game
I mean you don't even have to say anything about the tweet and people will argue with you, the fuck is going on?
>having items like sniper rifle, Remote control missile AND CAMERA
literaly debunked your own post 5 words after what you quoted
yeah but can you take pictures ?
>Kojimadrones suck off hack for stealing from other creators
I still haven't said anything about kojima, you're yelling at a wall here
what else would you call this thing?
>that time when Kojima retweeted some faggot's tweet about how most of the gaming outlets gave DS a 9-10/10 and IGN only giving it a 6/10 score
you can really tell he was hurt by the rating
>you will never invent entire genres and the most basic tools of vidya
How does he do it?
Imagine being such an utter retard that you can't comprehend that Kojima is talking about the concept of a camera switching between viewpoints in-game and the difference between "project" and "concept" is illusory
By being a thieving gook with an army of drones that will defend anything you do because you're their GOD AND SAVIOR
That man made the best video game series of all time he can claim he's responsible for America for all I care
Kojimacunts are delusional
>In 1945 i came up the idea called "holocaust"
he's obviously talking about policenaults
Uma Delicia.
MGS is a good game series. Nothing you do or say will change that.
How exactly is Metal Gear Solid not a videogame? Care to explain your reasoning?
Kojima's a thieving gook who stole everything about MGS from Western movies
That doesnt answer my question
Remember that one time Kojima supposedly started writing Kurt Russell(Snake Pliskin in Escape From LA). Creepy fan mail in an attempt to get him to voice act young Big Boss in MGS3?
Keep defending a plagiarist
The Fan mail bit is real user, Kojima really did want Russell to voice act Big Boss in MGS3, but thankfully Kurt had enough of good senses to know to not take the gig.
sick bait
Uhhhh, that's a Kojima movie my friend. The Hollywood jews stole his script.
He also invented action movies.
Death Stranding is a great game you old jaded fuck. I'm 34 and ironically enjoyed both MGSV and DS. You'll be sucking his dick again once they announce his next game so until then enjoy projecting your inability do anything productive onto others
And they stole Terminator from Kojima as well???
if it's so great then why does it have mixed reviews?
average stuff has a higher likelihood of being liked by a greater majority.
masterpieces have a higher likelihood of being controversial.
Of course. It is widely known that Cameron came up with the idea after overhearing a japanese man talk about the concept at the airport. It has been since confirmed to have been Kojima. He was there to explain to the staff how to use "airports" since he invented them alongside planes.
my brain hurts
by that logic Warcraft 3 Reforged is a Masterpiece
Nerds are fucking pathetic
They worship any retard with enough peer preasure
No wonder feminism works so well on gamers
Not my fault people have been conditioned to have shit tastes. Despite it being called negative things based on first appearances, it has more gameplay than many other games to come out recently and the only game I'd say had more was Sekiro, which won GOTY. DS is like people eating the wrapper of some ice cream and getting pissed it tastes like paper. You have to unwrap it first (aka get/through to chapter 3 at least)
Nothing. You just follow what he says now instead of focusing on the titles he releases.
no, its universally trash, not controversial
Was there a Camera item you could equip in Dungeon Keeper?
not him and not defending FedEx stranding but i think he meant that most masterpieces are controversial while most controversial works are not masterpieces.
How is that following said logic? Masterpieces tend to be controversial but that doesnt equate to all controversial games being masterpieces. Thought that was obvious
>be a retard
Fuck off retard
>be a japanese retard
Ground zeroes is literally the only good game he has made.
And it wasn't even intended as bothing but prologue for the
shitshow phantom pain before Konami made it a separate release.
It means Konami is the reason he relased this one (1) good game
>more gameplay than any other game that came out in 2019 except Sekiro
please elaborate how DS has more gameplay
it's totally okay if Kojima does it
>when i was a teen i imagined myself making games and putting in my favorite songs in then, mixing the scenery with the feelings and melancholy brought on by the music, hire some semi-unknown actors to be the characters in it, then inviting all of them to my office to have a drink and just conversate for hours on end.
>Kojima is living my teenage dreams at 56 years old
Can't hate him for what he does, if i was in his place, i'd do the same.
Very little cutscenes. Mostly all button presses. Much time is spent traversing the game with little to no interruptions from the devs for story dump or random cutscenes or forced things. You choose what to do, when, and how. Thats game-y. Like old nintendo games when the cutscenes where at the beginning and end and you played a game inbetween all that time.
Then you are a fucking simp with 0 moral fibre
This guy is full of shit.
Also mgs is a cringe franchise and splinter cell shit on it
you just described most of the games in 2019
>Says "I came up with the idea of X" and just explains what that gameplay feature is
>People react as if he said "I was the first to invent X" which are two totally different claims
Is there something other tweet I'm missing? It feels like Yas Forums is just getting extremely autistic over a quote some dude with broken English didn't even say.
My what a hot take! And from an user on Yas Forums? A well-known, website filled with hate? Surely this cringecel weeb understands the irony of him trying to project his insecurities onto a famous person.
You don't even know what simp means, retard.
Keep defending
>My what a hot take! And from an user on Yas Forums? A well-known, website filled with hate? Surely this cringecel weeb understands the irony of him trying to project his insecurities onto a famous person.
He never said he invented it you idiot, learn Japanese. He stated that he had the idea to include such a feature in his game. Plus, I highly doubt that had any knowledge whatever about MDK. Do you realize how different the wold was back with the internet still being so young? Of course not, zoomer.
Why is Google translate such trash. It can't even capture context.
holy basado
If it was 20 before that, then one only of those could have been the first, while the rest are still previous to the mentioned game
fuck all of those tbqh except the based PCbros
>I invented the "electricity" so I could rake a perfrect vidreogamu
>Kojimafag note: Actually he's not saying he invented electricity, he's saying MG1 is the first videogame to acknowledge electricity
Ah yes it's just Google Translate's fault Go- I mean Kojima is definitely not an egotistical narcissist!
>DS is a complete flop and wastes millions of Sony money
>He knew what to do to win
But this idea was in Zelda and Mario
He did invent the Strand type of game tho. Can't wait to see how many devs follow up on this new revolutionary genre
gonna chalk this up to bad translation
It's unclear from the context. I assume he knows at least some English so when translating the Japanese tweet I added parts from his English version as well.
He invented Halo.
Kojima doesn't use google translate. Compare his tweet with google tl of the Japanese version and with my translation
But Kojima invented Google Translate
Ah thank you user, another picture into my ever-growing folder of 'Kojimbo'
>anons so plebeian they have never actually set foot in a museum
basd komnjinfo
underrated and saved
Honestly though. I'm making it a point to get more in touch with my creative side this year.
These "quote" screenshots can't be real...I refuse to believe someone can be this far up their own ass.
>I-I-It's googles fault that kojima comes off as a fucking dick!
Nah Kojima did it first
This one is my favorite. I like the 'subtle' comparisson he just made there of the universe with himself.
They seriously have to update the DSM IV for this one.
Kojima invented the universe tho
Possession spell transitions you between top down view and first person.
I try to imagine working at his studio. you and your co-workers sniggering behind his back about what a fucking spaz he is.
I like how in DK posession changed the entire game's pacing and was essential if you wanted to find certain secrets or even have an easier time winning some of the harder maps.
Even the SNES managed it.
give it a year of two and he'll tell us on twitter how he invented video games
Didn't one of the employees of Kojima Productions low-key call him out in a interview?
it can't be worse than the damage he does to himself by simply being Kojima, but please source me on this.
Kojima invented Dark Souls too
You don't understand user, Kojimbos cameras are a different genre of cameras.
This one of those fake tweets?
No, it is legit.
This is a pretty sad cope to be honest familia
Yeah it was amazing, but full of cheese. For example in dk2 you could take a single skelly and destroy a whole maze of traps and cannons by walking carefully and strafing around.
And gamers apparently don't know that Death Stranding borrows from online survival games like Arc and Rust and Conan, not from flipping Dark Souls. Do gamers play anything other than Dark Souls
Lethal Weapon is a Hideo Kojima film.
guess what movie right one is from
Top Kek
Like pottery
Obviously that's Terminator, originally was going to be called Metal Gear but had to change names and plot when Kojima didn't get Stallone as his main actor.
Right on! Now a hard one.
None of those games are primarily single player but with minor mulitplayer elements, mainly the ability to leave messages for each other. You're a fucking dip if you can't see the similarity to Dark Souls. All those games you mentioned are meant to be played multiplayer, you just can play single player if you start on a server by yourself.
You forgot
>wants to bridge it (US)
>he thought he was a cliff, a dead end
That's Snatcher 0, but american executives changed the name.
>None of those games are primarily single player but with minor mulitplayer elements, mainly the ability to leave messages for each other
That is not what Death Stranding is you fucking retard. In Death Stranding a community construct buildings in a shared online space. Sounds a lot like survival games doesn't it you fucking dimwit
Your problem is you have no idea what Death Stranding plays like yet you're arguing about it.
but he did change it
>this is what splintcels actually believe
Wow. And I thought Metal Gear was the only one that Kojima ripped off from Hollywood. What a fucking hack.
fortune is actually a little more subtle, most these names are cool though. Kojima is good at naming things.
Kojima has talent and he's made some of my favorite games. That being said he has spent the last 20 years buying into his own hype and thinking himself to be a gaming god and that if he makes a game it will sell simply because he made it. That is why he took the blank cheque that Sony handed him and made what amounts to a niche arthouse game that appeals to a very small audience.
Dark souls works very similarly with messages and assisting each others worlds. Not that guy but you're being retarded. The survival games are about competing and constant warfare with other players which is the complete opposite of death strandings theme and purpose. Also you never actually go into another world in DS you can just passively help out like in dark souls.
Loving how hard Yas Forums seethes about every little thing Kojima does, it's like vidya Trump.
Uhhh did we get too cocky Westabros
This is just his poor English talking.
These are either minor similarities or homage, learn what a homage is you absolute moron.
>kojima wanted to implement a 1 week long boss fight in mgs3
But he did do that, and it made way more sense than what you're describing
His entire career is homages.
Doesnt matter. She's barely more deadly that regular flu.
Wow I never noticed that. Everyone points out the Matrix influence but no one seems to point out the blade suit. Even has the same buckles.
imagine working for kojima and not being able to tell him his ideas are shit
Hideo "I invented cameras" Kojima
Hideo "I invented videogames" Kojima
Hideo "I invented electricity" Kojima
Hideo "I invented human life" Kojima
There's a limit to how much homages you can use before you're just ripping shit off you peon.
For such a creatividad he sure doesn't create much.
>he's obviously talking about policenaults
God Policenauts sucks! It's like a really bad Visual Novel. And I don't know, seriously, VN are like the easiest thing in the world to design. So when you design a bad one, that is remarkable.
Like the entire story of Policenaughts is not only a pixel hunt, but you basically have to try everything, and then try everything multiple times. So if you don't know this, like if you want to know about some photograph, you ask about the photograph, and she tells you something, and then you have to ask the same topic again. So that photograph entry can occur 3 or 4 times. And then you have to start from the beginning and try them all again because the third time might have opened something new up. And you have to exhaust every single option. ALL OF THEM. Before the game will let you move on. That is HORRIBLE.
It's not like an oldschool adventure game. Because in an adventure game you don't have to look at and inspect everything on the screen multiple times. You're just sitting there, desperately wanting to move on with the plot, and then you're stuck trying to inspect every little thing over and over again, and asking people the same questions over and over again. Ah it's bad. And when it finally gets exciting, it gets exciting for 20 seconds then you're right back at it.
Is the plot interesting? Not really. You know what the story is? It is 5% Blade Runner, 95% Lethal Weapon. It's straight up Riggs and Murtaugh. It's not even subtle. He rips off whole scenes. It's amazing.
His work is some of the most original and unique in the industry, he directed one of the best military series ever. Cry more you retard. Pointing to these small details or man in trench coat doesn't mean shit. It's no secret that the guy is very inspired by other work.
He also came up with the idea of making a walking simulator. So fuck him.
>His work is some of the most original and unique in the industry
I especially like when he invented fire and wheels.
>creates a series that mogs everything in the medium
>he created nothing
cry more
I bet you felt really smart when you typed this shit out
The gun's taken straight from Appleseed/GitS as well.
>I came up with the idea.
>Which he is implying that he was the first.
>B-bruh... he.. he's not saying he invented them. He just... he's just an idea man. Yeah. An idea man.
Imagine still licking Kojima's ass after Death Stranding.
You may think that Shinkawa did those illustrations, but actually they were drawn by Kojima.
>camera item
>camera item
>camera item
Name twenty (20)
much higher mortality rate but much less contagious
Yeah, just ignore his retarded drivel and play the completely original and revolutionary Death Stranding, nothing's changed at all, not even a bit.
It took me until death stranding to realize kojima was actually a hack the whole time. i feel embarrassed honestly.
MGS1-3 are still great thoughi also liked 4 and 5
Have to wonder do most of you find these threads genuinely funny and engaging or are you just playing along with the couple unironic autists?
It's the oldest trick in the book for any person working in public relation to erroneously imply that they INVENTED something when they SUGGESTED IT. He is fully aware that it would have been more efficient for the sake of communication if he said "I suggested but did not invent" and he purposely choose to not do that because he wanks himself for a living and lying by omission generates more views at no risk.
wait i missed the part where he said this was a novel concept. let me reread it to see if i can find it. maybe you should do the same?
He should try inventing a good game next time.
Is there ANYONE in the video game industry as full of themselves as Kojima, aside from maybe David Cage?
What the fuck? Kojima the hack thinks he invented wearing glasses upside down? Could he have a bigger ego?
>Poor big white girl
most hacks have similar mentality
Did Kojima invented the gang bang?
capture context?
he literally mentions the ITEM named camera in that very list
He literally lists the camera as one of those items
A pictometer obviously
He created a shitty series which doesn't utilise the medium one bit unless you count gimmicks. A bad film with extra tedium tacked on.
Does this confirm Chapter 3?
Kojima invented that
Blade actually influenced a LOT. Devil May Cry for one probably took just as much, if not more, from it instead of The Matrix.
This shit makes me laugh so fucking hard. All he did was create fapbait but got all pretentious about it and pretended like there was anything more to the character. Even invited the model over to Japan and probably tried to fuck her too.
maybe if all you read is mawval comics
Yeah, that's what I said. Knowing how weird Kojima is, she probably friendzoned the shit out of him. Isn't he married anyway?
Death Stranding was shit.
no because Deus Ex is part of the western holy trinity that is Deus Ex, Thief, and System Shock. Those three games could shit in my mouth and id still praise them.
I bet you got filtered by ninja gaiden
>thinking based Kojimer didn't fuck Stefanie Joosten and Lea Seydoux despite being married
>thinking they would say no to his tiny jap dick
Using a person's likeness isn't plagiarism you mong, fuck off. It's amazing how much of a stupid autist you are. It really is.
making a good game
I'm gonna use your face to make a video announcing you're going to blow up the statue of liberty
>ESL makes clumsy tweet
>autists on Yas Forums shit themselves
news at 11
>Blatantly copying a character from any copywrighted work without asking permission isn't plagiarisin'!
Spoken like a true weeb
Are you okay? Do you need to talk about something? Maybe go take a walk or something
Holy trinity of boredom more like.
No. A character resembling Mel Gibson in a specific shot or Albert Einstein isn't plagiarism.
>someone responds to my retarded dumbass logic to showcase just how fucking retarded my logic is
>I'm gonna ask them if they are okay, brilliantly showcasing that I am too dumb to even realize when I'm being ridiculed
Mel Gibson would like a word with you
Zoom Zoom
>shot in a specific way
>named in a specific way
>intro theme of game stolen in a specific way
What a coincidence!
Because plagiarism is a legal term.
It's still copying other people's stuff rather than making your own, which is still creatively bankrupt.
You're not clever you fucking retard, all you're good at is spouting off false equivalencies like a douchebag. The fact that you even think I didn't understand your dumbass comment perfectly showcases how far up your own ass you are.
>Do you need to talk about something?
Can you PM me? >_
Its mortality is only that much higher when you realize that the 0.1 flu deaths are for treated cases, and the 2% corona deaths are for untreated cases.
Sure cutie, open up for me.