Make claim that being tranny is science and totally not a mental illness

>make claim that being tranny is science and totally not a mental illness
>someone decides to investigate it
>they get inundated with death threats
>decide it’s not worth risking their lives and give up
>”see, transgenderism is science, sweetie!”
How did these freaks take over academia? This shit is insane

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He is actually the victim here

It's actually truly amazing how many areas Trannies have taken over. Gaming is another example. They also have tons of networks where they take power on websites like reddit.
They're truly insane but in a way I admire their passion. I mean they cut their dicks off, there's power in being that committed to something

Delusion isn't an admirable source of motivation.

Come on, give them some credit. If I lost my dick I'd be barely functional.

most of them just wear dresses and ugly glasses. don't "brave & stunning" too quicly, buddy

And you'd do your best to ruin everybody else's life as well?

By all means condemn pedophiles, hons, and child abusers. But if trannies are just living their life, keeping to themselves about their trannery, and blending in with the general populace, are they really that big of an issue that they need a daily thread on Yas Forums?

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I won't even watch youtube if it doesn't have a trannie in it.


Is the article calling trannys trash or not.

>But if trannies are just living their life, keeping to themselves about their trannery, and blending in with the general populace
Do they do that user? Do they?

>be mormon
>hate le trannyfags
>do """"research"""" about trannyfags

this is the utter duplicity of the Yas Forumstard and the rightwing kike on display. While pretending to be under attack from hostile and aggressive trannyfags on the hunt for le cis male, the Yas Forumstard christfag is, in fact, ALWAYS the agressor.

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and here's the proofs

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I'm rather sure that's what happened in the 70's as well. Gay and trans was (still is) regarded as a mental illness. The fags would protest the WHO and consistently threaten the doctors and their families with death, in some cases even killing the doctors and or their families. Eventually the WHO simply couldn't get nothing done without faggots attacking an event or the people at home and they just gave up and said that being gay or trans was NOT a mental illness. The decision by the WHO is not based on science at all but the science is worked to make it fit the narrative that they are not mentally ill.
Anyone that knows the real history of LGBT knows full well that every single one is in fact a fucking retard.

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>f trannies are just living their life, keeping to themselves about their trannery, and blending in with the general populace
But that's not what they're doing, is it now? btw you will never be a woman

They’re all over user. There’s plenty that want to just seamlessly blend in. The ones that are actually capable of such tend to go stealth and do just that. They’re not all Bruce Jenner’s and It’s Ma’am’s.

Based leaf

Fuck them. The issue is that, technically, they aren't wrong when they say "transgenderism" is science. Human beings, whether male or female, do vary in terms of dimorphic alignment with their sex. Males appear on a spectrum from feminine to masculine, and women are the same. If you reject God for the sake of argument, we have no objective authority for how this is supposed to shake out.

This is the mentality most seasoned academics operate on, and they're objectively correct about it. There are no ideals in nature; there are relatively random (not totally random; evolution plays some role in the odds) genetic assortments that vary in terms of all expression, masculine/feminine dimorphism being among them. They win arguments against our side, typically, because our side resorts to natural law and God, claiming that God wants men to masculine and women to be feminine. Then, our side looks "uncultured" and they make fun of religicucks with their atheistic liberal friends.

The real way to answer this, and the thing (((academics))) fear the most; is that you advocate for your ideal without needing any justification. Meet them on their own footing: admit that God doesn't exist/we don't know what he wants if he does, but we know what we want, which is masculine men and feminine women, and not freaky ass trannys that we subjectively consider undesirable. Assert your values on these motherfuckers and they will have no "academic theories" to resort to for undeserved credibility

not that this """scientist""" can neither conjugate the verb 'teach' nor spell 'cessation' on his LinkedIn page. I'll leave it to a random Yas Forums mutt as a home assignment to appraise the likely standard of his academic produce.

lel you’ll never pass

OP, you didnt write properly and I cannot tell if this guy got blasted for defending trannies or attacking them.

Post a link to the paper faggot

Bruce Jenner isn't a good example of an obnoxious tranny though, he's just famous which is why he's so high profile.

Chopping your dick off is a mental illness, no matter how you try to spin it. Also a link between child sexual abuse and turning tranny later in life. Don’t forget trannies love fucking kids.

You’re using duplicity wrong you fake nigger faggot.

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If the majority of trannies remain silent while a radical minorty make trannies look like subversive narcissists, then yes, they will get what's coming to their movement. Thats on them

By all means condemn murderees, hons, and child sacrificerd. But if pedoes are just living their life, keeping to themselves about their paedophilia, and blending in with the general populace, are they really that big of an issue that they need a daily thread on Yas Forums?

Enjoy your fraudulent agitprop thread. How very sad an existence spent dreaming up hateful fairytales where the only sense of accomplishment that is to be had is having deviously machinated that man to strike at his brother.

I truly hope all those keks you had at the expense of your fellow man shall give you great joy and satisfaction when you lie on your death bed awaiting ultimate judgement.

Learn to read nigger.

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as always

What a faggot for withdrawing that paper send it to me I'll fucking publish it Jesus .

Dial 8.

That researcher sounds like a total loser. Basically doesnt know what to do with his life, found no use for his math skills and thought about applying them to "real problems" like a hero. The type of person that became wall street quants. Very shameful.

>fellow man
>with that flag


> the only sense of accomplishment that is to be had is having deviously machinated that man to strike at his brother
the absolute state of trannies
if you’re born with a cunt you are, by definition, not my brother

Pedophelia is a crime. Trannyism isn’t on its own.

Oh no it's retarded

Research journals and formal per review are obsolete anyway. Every publication should be online and the comment section should be the peer review.

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He’s being blasted for publishing research on their brain function that indicates they are mentally ill

>make claim that being tranny is science and totally not a mental illness
True. Even MRI brain scans show trans people's brains are closer to the gender they identify as than the ones they are. If doctors don't call it a mental illness, who are you to call it that as a layman.

>someone decides to investigate it
>they get inundated with death threats
1. Criticism is not death threats.
2. This happens on the other way too.
3. Article =/= scientific research

>decide it’s not worth risking their lives and give up
>900 petition
topkek. that's less than Yas Forums raids.

>”see, transgenderism is science, sweetie!”
That's not how science works. Science is controversial all the time doesn't mean those research some how get thrown out. And what the fuck does tranny is science do you mean? You think they're just pretending since the dawn of civilization? Nobody claims what most retarded Yas Forumscucks think that trans are biologically their preferred sex. They say they are their preferred gender which is different than sex. This goes more into philosophy and how we name things and not science. That's why you hear the meme "gender is a social construct" which it is. But of course most of brainlets on Yas Forums wouldn't know that because of their group bias and watching Ben Shapiro videos religiously.

>inb4 words word word

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>implying the entire field isn't filled with 'motivated' research, mostly biased in the other direction
>also implying because someone has outside biases, their research must be 'motivated'
>also also implying there's an adult out there without some degree of outside bias on the subject, meaning you can't just call their research 'motivated' if the results happen to disagree with your own biases

The whole field is a shitshow, his only mistake was dignifying any of it by bringing actual credentials to it.

>literally believes that being a woman is just a costume

When you're a career researcher this kind of outrage basically ensures you never get any kind of grant money ever again and effectively condemns you to a life of poverty or forces you into a line of work away from the public eye. Funny how that works huh

The problem is the trannies arent keeping it to themselves.

Do you know who John Money was? Founder of gender theory he sexuslly molested two young boys and had them do gender conversion both boys killed themselves and John Moneybis praised by groomer pedo pro trannies

But doctors do call it a mental illness you fucking idiot

Pic related is actually based. Since its not considered an illness anymore, their insurance doesn't cover "corrective" treatments now lmao

Absolute clown world.

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>Science is controversial all the time doesn't mean those research some how get thrown out.

Ideally true, but not true. See: various racial traits, circumcision

There was a time, when being gay was illegal. Those were simpler times without pedo story hours, dicks chopped off and trannies firing you from your job over a facial expression.

when an 'expert' is wrong and directs people to do drastic things based on their mistake, there is impetus for the 'expert' to avoid claim of wrongdoing, even at harm to others.

there is a reason why "the science is settled" is so common a phrase in these circles.