Pelosi said ‘Don’t lecture me’ when asked about Kavagnaugh and Biden hypocrisy

>Reporter Kerry Picket asked Pelosi at a press conference how "Democrats square with the idea that they're essentially standing by Biden but used a comparatively different standard with Justice Kavanaugh when you demanded an investigation against Kavanaugh when a similar allegation came out against him."
>”I respect your question, and I don’t need a lecture or a speech,” Pelosi responded.
>“There is also due process, and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden,” the Speaker later added. “There's been statements from his campaign — not his campaign but his former employees who ran his offices and the rest, that there was never any record of this, there was never any record, and that nobody ever came forward or nobody came forward to say something about it apart from the principle involved.

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She is just wanting to get Devil’s Triangle with Kav and Aryan Joe

Quit posting this Satanic ghoul already

My issue is why didn't this come up in 2008? The Democrats are hypocrites, but something else is happening here.

The fact that San Franciscans are too nice to actually lecture this rotten bitch is how this bitch got so rotten.


do you hear that? Its the sound of chickens coming home to roost

stand up for your rights

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>and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden

The only "fact" they care about.

Trump and Republicans are to blame. If Joe Biden were a Republican the Democrats would have several large scale national marches planned and funded. Every goddamn corporate media network would be screaming #BelieveAllWomen and #MeToo at every goddamn opportunity while demanding the Republican to prove their innocence. When it comes to a Democrat being exposed the Republicans are completely absent. Republicans are no where to be found

Trump and Republicans are completely and totally goddamn incompetent to the maximum level possible while still being allowed to stay in office. The Republican party might as well not even exist

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East of the rockies you call it a boogaloo. West of the rockies we call it a cowabunga.

Im seeing a lot of hypocrisy from Republicans
>why are you acting like us
So sayeth all

Hello Trump shills, maybe you missed this, but Joe Biden absolutely debunked the whole Tara Reade matter this morning on MSNBC. Now that this is over, lets talk about Donald Trumps 25 sexual assault accusers. Did you forget about the Billy Bush tape?

i dont think biden ever had enough star power to be noticeable during the obamarama. for a while he had less acclaim than gore did when clinton was in office, i dont think this lady even thought about him until his nomination.

Goddamn you niggers are stupid and conveniently forgetful

Between 2008 and now Joe Biden along with the rest of the Democrat party and media have screamed #BelieveAllWomen and #MeToo from the top of their goddam lungs when attacking Republicans. Now that pedo Joe is yet again being called out for his perverted sexual harassment you niggers are all of the sudden forgetful

Remember you goddamn nigger that Joe Biden has already had to release a video addressing his touching and feeling of women both on camera and off

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What happened to #BelieveAllWomen? Let's see what is in those University of Delaware records

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Fine. Don’t lecture her. Lecture people who support her about how fucked up she is to use false rape accusations as political strategy.

>It's OK when *we* do it.

>Now that pedo Joe is yet again being called out for his perverted sexual harassment you niggers are all of the sudden forgetful
we KNOW the dems are hypocrites. they are part of the Unipartry. kinda like how the GOP are insanely hypocritical when it comes to government spending. i do not #listenandbeleive no matter who is being accused. Be it trump or bidein or weinstein. some bitch whining does not convince me of shit. joe probalby is a rapist but i dont care about tara reade's accusation for shit.

>Trump is caught on tape bragging about how bitches throw themselves at him and he can grab all the pussy he wants
>biden has countless videos and accusations of sexually abusing and assaulting women
Totally the same thing

You goddamn niggers all of the sudden stop giving a goddamn as soon as the person involved is a Democrat

>why didn't this come up in 2008
>implying anybody actually cares about the VP

In this BELIEVEALLWOMYN world, yeah, they should ammount to being the same thing.

yea just like you cuckservatives ONLY give a fuck if the person involved is a Dem. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. TRUMP = BIDEN. They are uniparty traitors. you either hate them all or you hate none of them. otherwise you are just part of their system and you are my enemy.

Are you 12?

>This rapist is on our side, so that means he's one of the good guys

no, just ideologically consistent.

So 13 then

why does Pelosi always sound drunk?

>You have to pick one of the Jewish parties!
Stick to /ptg/, the_donald immigrant.

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>My issue is why didn't this come up in 2008? The Democrats are hypocrites, but something else is happening here
Speaking up against Biden then would have shot the first black president's campaign to hell. Remember that if the accuser worked under Biden in the past she's probably an ideological Democrat. She'd want them to succeed.

Also, the alternative with Obama was Romney, wasn't it? The smear campaign of the time had done a pretty good job making him a disconnected from the people talentless corporate hack. Easy to not speak up when to do otherwise you'd be selling out a history-making milestone for soulless corporatism.

Shes a hardass for sure. And shes hot. I like her little lisp when she talks. Smokin.

PTG created TD retard.

yea, its the ellis island of reddit immigrants to Yas Forums

No he didn’t you fucking retard shill. He fumbled like a moron and couldn’t answer simple questions, tripping over his words and not being able to provide evidence. Fuck you

>believe all women!
>except when the allegations are against democrat politicians
Democrat use rape as a dirty torpedo. It's time to start recognizing rape isn't even real because women are no longer property so how can there be a property crime? bitches suck dick for personal profit these days, but also expect to get away with doing a take-back.

Hypocritical piece of shit

A modern democrat women would never ruin the first nigger presidents chances, even if she was raped by his VP.

not his campaign but his former employees who ran his offices and the rest, that there was never any record of this, there was never any >record, and that nobody ever came forward or nobody came forward to say something about it apart from the principle involved.
Didn’t the exact same thing happen with Kav?

no, ask her about Biden and Al Franken. Thats even a bigger hypocrisy and it will expose how democrats eat their own and cuck out to corporate masters