Attached: REACTION VIDEO - YouTube.png (741x419, 582.28K)

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they are starting to jump random nogs

Attached: “this happen today after the Slushy man Incident in sou.png (325x438, 23.78K)

forgot link

that looks like a jew


Love the divergence of a pidgin / pictogram mutt english

two of those instagrams are private. can't watch them

Attacking merchants is based and bro tier

Pol officially sides with spics

Illegal Alien .vs Predator


Attached: Slushy man Incident in sou.png (326x279, 14.66K)

Super predator*

whoever has lighter skin. Those that win get the privilege of fighting the joos

Attached: 1560696709573.gif (441x480, 3.95M)

Diversity is strength though, how can that happen

Some of these spics were on Yas Forums yesterday asking to help find the niggers name and addresses.
Let’s just say that Jose has a very detailed itinerary for the offensive.

Have a Kek, good sir

Attached: 1587788640089.gif (390x277, 2.31M)

My sides

sounds good! Now who is doing the betting market on this war?

looks like niggers are going to get culturally enriched.

Attached: J2Jau8o.png (500x610, 147.63K)

if a white man said this the entire government would mobilize at breakneck speed to shut it down lol

Say what you will about this bottom of the barrel gang banger but hes got loyalty for his people.
Something that we lost completely, no pride at all. Imagine a white guy talking that way about his race.
Disgusting what the kikes did to us man. And we just let it happen.

Attached: 1585668341236.jpg (500x606, 39.96K)

Please, please let this be real. Let them destroy each other.

Attached: thumb_ooooh-noooo-that-sucks-152526464-added-by-funkwit-at-oh-52099146.png (300x219, 41.85K)

>talks like a nig
>hates nigs

Because the Kikes only care about violence if white men are the culprits, it helps mobilizing Jose to do our bidding in the meantime.
We provide the Jose savages with much needed intel, logistical and organizational support. Something they lack without us.

R*lling for cholocaust


Digits and the niggers and spics wipe each other out

It stopped

pretty much this, theyre stupid gang members but are willing to die or go to prison for life for avenging their own. I heard that both of those niggers slapping the slushie man got smashed by one dude yesterday.


Are Mexicans versus Blacks counted as whites versus blacks? Why isn't Brown a census choice already?

since women aborting babies in womb is not questioned thus if I hit a nigger then I am not questioned.

vivo mexico

race war now.

Man fuck all these people. Black, Latino, white, Asian, Arab whatever the fuck race- gangs just ruin nice communities man

are mexicans our golems now? is this how the jews feel?

kek, and they seem to have the balls whites lack
so it evens out

It’s mostly because you’re hung by the neck until you’re dead if you even utter one positive thing about being white

Indeed. Looks like it was just three incidents and they're all up in arms.
How many white americans got fucked by that stupid knock out game?
How many elderly whites are getting their jaws broken every day just so a nigger can snatch their wallet?
And the reaction to all that? Nothing. Not a single retaliation. Makes my blood boil

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there are very few communities that gangs show up in that were nice to begin with

I don't see white people joining gangs. Try again, Jose.

Good luck. If you win just go back afterwards, OK?

To be fair, there's enough of a media blackout that most whites are unaware.

To any glowies- I’m obviously kidding. The beloved African Americans are America’s special protected people. I would never want the Mexican American community to hurt them.
That would be very unfortunate, sad and something that would break my heart.

>Hispanic white

I don’t see white people joining gangs

Translation. Dems activate ms13 to keep blacks on the plantation

If you look at the history of Southern California, you’ll see that places like Compton used to be desirable to live in

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