The Past is Gone. We need to Forge a New Future

The 1950s aren't coming back, lads. That ship has sailed. We're not going to turn sexually liberated, blue-haired, promiscuous women into housewives. We're not going to fix the demographics. We're not going to fix the economy and get rid of the national debt. We can engage in wishful thinking all we want, but those days are gone. America has been re-defined. It's time to build something new.
What comes next, I don't know. What I do know is the past is dead. There's no getting around it. We need to build a new tomorrow.

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Daily reminder america has been propagating degeneracy for 80 years, thank you.

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daily reminder for the npc zombie niggers

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Yup. We are the great Satan.

True, nor is this a "blackpill"

There are many parts of the country that are still salvageable. Become involved in local politics. Keep section 8 housing from ever coming in. Pass laws that keep illegals out.

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>of her twerking on her dad
Do women really have no free thought? Do they literally imprint whatever is pushed by the media as what they should be doing at the time?

We kill em all (in call of duty)

It's not that, she probably grew up on social media and thinks being a whore is unironically good.

beating around the bush coupled with kicking the can down the road manouvers won't work, be honest say heil hitler and the shitskins and jews know that you won't budge from day one

hope she enjoys the beating

She twerked in fron lf him and he is obviously pissed the fuck off, he grabs her like bitch and stops her twerking instantly

>muh 1950s
Nah, you kike golems fought for the whole package.

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>DC is half black
>the only thing that gets them out of their hovels is the first black president
What's this picture supposed to mean?

This. Amerikanisches Kulturterror is centuries old.

Hmm idk dumbass. Maybe because no Chinese go to fuckin Sweden but a shitload live here. Millions. And they came and spread that shit here.

haha no.

>The 1950s aren't coming back, lads. That ship has sailed. We're not going to turn sexually liberated, blue-haired, promiscuous women into housewives. We're not going to fix the demographics. We're not going to fix the economy and get rid of the national debt.

Read up on the Weimar Republic and the Nazi Germany that came after it.

>What comes next
paying women to be professional single moms
legalizing prostitution
practicing incentivized sperm donation eugenics (eutelegenesis).

For the sake of argument: Why should I continue reading after that? You're barking up a dead tree.

Also, take look at Greta Thunberg and try to prove to me that she's NOT a 10/10. :^)

>know what she wants, focused on the future
>dresses conservative without larping 1950s housewife
>sensible shoes
>sail all the oceans and doesn't afraid of anything

Attached: greta-thunberg-64.jpg (634x816, 134.84K)

Except that the Third Reich was 99% ethnic pure and happened once.
Muttmerica destroyed the Third Realm physically and attempt a spiritual war against it until today.

>sneaker shit that breaks after a year

Looks like we found Biden's new defense secretary.

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>Except that the Third Reich was 99% ethnic pure and happened once.
>Muttmerica destroyed the Third Realm physically and attempt a spiritual war against it until today.
It's time for your dick flattening, Julius Evola!

You can’t build anything new that won’t be quickly demolished, or infiltrated and subverted.

Greek bro you here?

Check this pic out.

Attached: Greta_Thunberg_The_Guardian_September_2018.jpg (1280x800, 136.91K)

Dude we have seen nothing yet.
The ramifications only-fans will have in the next 5-10 years will be huge.
They have done something no other whore's streaming service accomplished so far. Normalize whoring. If you think shit was bad before just wait a year or two.

>The 1950s aren't coming back, lads.
Good. The '50s was a degenerate time where gropers like Isaac Asimov ran amok and people could only make PSAs against sodomitical rape of young boys.
> We're not going to turn sexually liberated, blue-haired, promiscuous women into housewives.
Yes we are. This government will collapse and affirmative action and schooling will go away.
> We're not going to fix the demographics
We're not going to fix your degenerate demographics. Christian demographics are fine.
> We're not going to fix the economy and get rid of the national debt
Good. This government and economy must die so we can live.

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Where is the video OP?
Sounds hilarious