Well guys looks like the Tara Reade story was one big nothingburger
Trumps going to be destroyed in November... we lost
Well guys looks like the Tara Reade story was one big nothingburger
Trumps going to be destroyed in November... we lost
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Cool. A statement from the defendant. Case closed. Glad that clears everything up.
Lol ok
>believe women*
Biden sniffs kids and is a rapist..
If you support Biden you are a rapist and pedophile!
Actually read the statement retard.
> So I want to address allegations by a former staffer that I engaged in misconduct 27 years ago. They aren’t true. This never happened. While the details of these allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault are complicated, two things are not complicated. One is that women deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and when they step forward they should be heard, not silenced. The second is that their stories should be subject to appropriate inquiry and scrutiny....
>There is a clear, critical part of this story that can be verified. The former staffer has said she filed a complaint back in 1993... There is only one place a complaint of this kind could be — the National Archives. The National Archives is where the records are kept at what was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices.
>I am requesting that the Secretary of the Senate ask the Archives to identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document.
>If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there.
Since the national archives Can be accessed by anyone, and they don’t have such a complaint, Biden is completely exhonerated. Case closed. Take your meds schizos
>this absolutely did not happen I don't know why it took 27 years to talk about
>this absolutely did not happen I don't know why it took 27 years to talk about
What the fuck world is this
Lol ok, NOW we trust the government to totally not bury the complaint. What makes you think her complaint even came close to getting archived? Neck yourself good goy.
>the only copy of her alleged complaint would be in this heavily guarded federal building where I have much more political capital than her
Thas rite if the gloves dont fit u gotta acquit!
In bidens case it didn't even take 27 years, it got memory holed after the fact.
Don't look it my records guys. Don't search for Tara Reade. There's nothing there. I promise.
He is arguing to keep his records sealed from the public because in his words "it could be used against me". This is worse than any scandal ever.
>The second is that their stories should be subject to appropriate inquiry and scrutiny...
Opposite land
>OP is a phoneposter
Yet you goddamn niggers give replies without pointing out OPs niggerdom
All of you should KYS
Biden 2020- Make Sniffing Girls Underwear Great Again
>(1) post by this ID
this is now a Biden meme thread
When you lose Morning Joe you lose the plot.
This. The commie chinks wish they had a red flag bigger than this one.
>release his records
Aside from the inconsequential bimbo matter, Biden's records would reveal and spotlight his previous political positions, directly opposite to those he now espouses.
She talked about it right afterwards, and there is a call on Larry King Live from the 90s about it.
Why are GOP hypocrites? They let Two Door have her time in the vague uncorroborated dementia sun.
>we investigated ourselves and determined we did nothing wrong
fuck off lowlife shill.
congress has a fund to pay off and seal records of sex assault. Everyone knows this. you piece of shit.
Nice Russian subs there, Vlad. How many potatoes are they paying you for these posts?
>If there was a record, it would have been strategically removed prior to me acknowledging the accusation
>There is a clear, critical part of this story that can be verified. The former staffer has said she filed a complaint back in 1993...
So why has there been 11 million dollars paid by congress for NDA's with no record of the people involved?