Workman was EXECUTED for being a white male

His femoid wife send the anti-white, anti-man cops to kill him.

he just post some gun pics on facebook (second amendment) and the paranoic femoid send the police state to murder him.

even myself: some guy who never drink , who sadly cant own weapons and who strong dislike anyone who is not a straight huwhite man of southern european heritage can feel empathy for Workman.

and btw: of course the same police that murder him let the niggers steal ,rape and kill ppl in chicago, detroit and etc etc
but a "honky" post some guns pic on social media, and then his fucking stupid bitch wife and the pigs kill him.

btw: have a trash mouth, scream loud and being a stupid drunk was NOT reason enough to kill him.
that was his house and the cops not even let the guy close his garage door. (one man property "supposed" to be respected even by the police)

anyway, name was Mason Paul Workman and was executed for being a regular dude.

Attached: mason-workman-las-vegas-nv-obituary.jpg (698x1084, 100.15K)

daily reminder for the mentally handicapped subhumans

Attached: riddle me this Tone11.jpg (500x613, 89.31K)

you post the same meme in the thead before this,... the one with the sexy female of tiktok "that charlydamelio chick..

anyway i forgot you and your spam because greeks are cool.

Med Pride World Wide

>uses Facebook
>surprised when normies freak out by him posting guns on there

btw the guns pics post were from 2013

he own only 3 guns and the posts were super old.

he was killed just for being drunk.

and he not even beat his wife.

what the guy do?
literally nothing.

>Mason Paul Workman
So it was a jewish psy-op then, good to know.
Fuck off back to your non-white shithole, argie.

How this should have played out
>police come
>guy keeps his cool
>situation resolved
>takes revenge on his fiancee by cold bloodedly kicking her out of the house
>takes pleasure in the process
Males will never win the war on thots because they do not have the cold headedness required for revenge
Women on the other hand have and always execute their revenge with cold head and tons of planning

Attached: MByLWdFcbPjUP4SFNkFQhfutD.png (760x749, 485.17K)

This is what happens when the discussion of a trigger-happy militarized police force is hijacked by Soros' BLM puppets and turned into an issue about race, the police remain militarized and don't care about killing whites

go away

All you need is good old teddy

>smokes pot
>yelling at officers
>flashing your gun
>pulled the gun out
L M A O he must have been suicidal

i hate anglos, and especially the masons ones...

but "Workman" is a very based name.

Attached: ink-black-white-drawing-working-man-hammer-working-man-sketch-140952095.jpg (781x900, 111.77K)

That's not the gun pic he showed his wife. That's just a picture to show he was violent and anti government

you are right sr.
but ppl "males" in the west are retarded.
Yep the guy all the bad moves of curse, but even when yelling drunk at the police is not very smart.
if was the oposite case was (a man call the police on his wife) the cops almost never go soo far kill her.

you black "and jews" always justify when a white person is killed by the police, but when a black thug got kill in self defense all you guys just scream is da waycis or his the nasty crakka geoge zimmerman who be evil and shiet blah blah blah

It sucks that he died like that, but don't you agree that he was a little bit out of his mind?

but don't you agree that he was a little bit out of his mind?-----------------------------------------------------yep totally but,.. all the americans have weapons and larp with them.
(black and browns too btw)

and the police just cherry pic some weapons owners pics in social media and then go right to their homes.

the guys was drunk as fuck.. but he not make any "real" crime.

Dawg it's literally the same thing yall say about us, yet this was even worse

>refusing to comply and work with the officers
>literally flashed his gun and challenged them to a shootout
>literally pulled his gun out
Black men have been shot by the cops for way less

Not everyone realizes shit's gotten that orellian user.

>Black men have been shot by the cops for way less
cmon haha, way

and btw: despiste to be only the 13% of the population blacks commit 55% of violent crimes.

Kek all the censored parts. I bet my left nut he was raging about niggers.

Despite being 13% of the population black men have the majority of the largest penises

His wife a total twat for calling police, but he fired at cops...that’s nigger tier bullshit, no loss

Blmflags law: considered a chink until proven Jewish

My neighbor was drunk, hurt nobody, cop showed up at his house, forces his way in, forcibly starts to try arrest the guy, under no charges after forcing his way into the guy's house. The guy flicks the officers arm away when the officer grabs him. Officer then beats the shit out of him, drags him outside in his underwear in the snow, and lays him in it for the best 45 minutes.

I watch the entire interaction, no victim involved, the only charge is felony assualt of a police officer, officer agrees that he's being charged with that for gently flicking officers atm away one tine after officer entered his house and tried to grab him.

This is the world we live in

Yep but,.... blacks, browns and females are somehow always da real victims and shieet.

all the times than i see police officers shooting a black person he deserve "totally justify"
same with brown ppl and females.

but at least half of the times than the police shot a white guy, the situation seem to be trigger happy.

yes i know than that mother fucker "mason workman" shot the cops first but,... why they were in his home anyway? for a facebook post?

he was not hurting nobody,.. his fucking wife not even receive one slap/punch or else.

did you testify?

if the cops come to your house. strip down to your underwear.
haven't read the thread just wanted to post this protip.

Dumbass shouldn't even be on facebook
But I fucking agree red flag laws are fucking unconstitutional and I hope someone gets this to the supreme court or blasts cops in Halo

i can't believe that gook cop had the rights to stay on the property. the homeowner politely asked the cops to leave a dozen times, and is given a bullet in the eyes for his effort

Kys larping nigger lover

letting people know that you have guns is some smol pp dumbass shit

i believe that the cop was not a real gook
he maybe just say the name wong to troll him

The officers involved were identified as Officer Alejandro Alcantara and Officer Conrad Lillegard.

for that lastnames look like one is maybe amerindian and one is white to me.

>"he posted some gun pics"
>scroll down
>on fucking image board
>not one retard has posted the pics
>on a fucking image board
Shitty thread made by low IQ retards.

>muh dik
inb4 "u mad wh*tbou?"

They were at his home because he was a potential threat to his gfs safety.

>access to weapons
>prone to violence

That's enough to get cops called on you. They even said at the start, that they were there to assess the situation. All he had to do was show he wasnt belligerent, and they would have left

The fact he became violent with the officers gave them the confirmation that he was a threat and needed to be dealt with

>when you get addicted to benzos and end up as a drooling invalid filling your diapers while your THOT daughter takes selfies and leaves before the stench from your feces ruins her shots