When did leftists become such pussies?

>left wing action in 1970s: bombs, bank robberies, assassinations, hostages, shootings, trained by the PFLP or Cuba
>left wing action in 2020: cut your penis off, bitch on Twitter with Harry Potter references

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You're posting on a Japanese anime board.

>left wing action in 2020: regime change in the middle east killing millions, mass murder in every black city, relentless psyops to convince whites to commit suicide
Yeah, I'm thinking they're still based

>>left wing action in 2020: cut your penis off, bitch on Twitter with Harry Potter references
This was always part of their aim.
The sooner you realize the commies & freemasons are the same party run by kabalah talmud zoionists the sooner you realize the current state of the West is drenched in a cabalistic communist system.

For a variety of reasons economic hierarchies are deemed less important by american "leftists" than social hierarchies. Therefore it is more important to change certain social hierarchies than it is to change economic ones in their line of thinking which both limits the scope of their political projects and allows them to be safely coopted by those in power (Eg Clinton claiming that breaking up finance wouldn't stop racism so what's the point?).
I blame foucault and the CIA

>>left wing action in 2020: cut your penis off, bitch on Twitter with Harry Potter references
only applies to first world countries, in third world countries it's much different. also .

I blame jews they now own most media corporations, banks, and manage 90%+ of the worlds stocks through blackrock. They need leftists to make their enemies lives hard

if they indeed do those things then the people attempting to change economic hierarchies would be their enemies and would therefor be subverted

>wealthy people support people who want to get rid of wealthy people
right wing logic.

What’s left wing action like in other countries? Like the NaxaliteS?

As soon as it became easy to hijack and turn into a marketable viewpoint and a source of extra income for some people.
For example, do you think Che would want his face on a shirt sold in Hot Topic? Fuck no. But it sells, and ever since leftist ideas were hijacked by capitalism, they've taken specific courses of action that maximize profit, not change.

>I blame foucault
This, for literally everything

>When did leftists become such pussies?
Everyone is a pussy.

It's what happens when you have a good life and a lot to lose.

Suddenly going out and blowing up a bank, shooting the manager and taking hostages all i nthe name of "the cause" doesn't seem so cool. Plus all the information available to everyone makes them jaded af.

Somewhere around 1975.

>regime change in the middle east killing millions
How are leftists responsible for that?

Latin america was pretty unstable last year, chile had a massive protest movement for example, and half of santiago's subway was burned+hundreds of other acts of vandalism and clashes with the police

Why? Because that’s when Carlos the jackal sold out?

The economic leftists were replaced by the identitarian leftists and companies encouraged this

Read Capitalist Realism.

I think it’s when the CIA decided to get smart and literally bribed a bunch of left wing terrorists to not attack the US military or embassies... and eventually got these left wing terrorists to work for the US itself.

This. If Marx was around today the left would hate him for antisemitism, and hate Castro for homophobia

twitter progressives aren't real leftists.

Why blame Foucault?

>left wing action in 2020
America is not the world.

less developed welfare states, a general proliferation of arms, sometimes funding from the other side of the curtain, plenty of folks with war experience willing to teach the tricks of the trade, etc etc.
Militancy doesn't bloom in a vaccuum.

>left wing action in 2020: cut your penis off, bitch on Twitter with Harry Potter references

Harry Potter references is a lolberal thing though

Most of these “socialists” are just liberals who LARP


Read anything on modern behavioural genetics.

western left especially left in USA was subverted and now is no more than controlled opposition or useful tool to undermine any worker movement in USA

I blame Trotsky and the CIA.

The clintons are ok with high finance as long as there’s a roastie, a faggot, and a nigger on the bank’s board of directors.

They still got it
Left wing action in 2020:
Running the FBI and the CIA
Setting foreign policy
Near total control over communication

It's not that simp(le). The left, since at least Lenin, has been about building big ass coalitions of folx who would be low-status and miserable without the left as a movement, and then the leftoids all help each other somewhat.
When whytebois got too comfortable and crapitalists started bringing in PoC labour (in internal population movements in the US, and into the West from other cuntries) for strikebreaking and solidarity-destroying purposes, there was a nu group more vulnerable than white workers and whomst could vote. Then the left became about hekkin Mexarinos and blackbois.
People also got too comfortable in the West materially after Roosevelt copypasta'd fascist economics in part into the West and saved America from the depression by pressing the money printer button. (Also the cunt was full of veterans, who need to be appeased.)
So the leftybois ended up generally not being needed by anyone except deviants. So being left wing became about being a gay Jewish pedophile. Which is based, don't get me wrong. And we ended up with Ginbergarinoish Howleybois and boxcar riding jug-o-wine Kerouacs (who was based).
And wanting to have sex empowered housewives liberated from houseworkarinos.
It is true that there were nu-merous convergences between the goals of the kaye-ah (CIA) and the leftybois, including:
Breaking up the old European empires by anticolonial and antiracist strugglearinos
Making being left wing about undercutting workers (and giving workers big old demoralisation distractions like immigration) and trying to invent new holes for private times
Inventing a nu revolutionary ideology to rival theSovietUnion's

user, they're all ok with high finance as long as there's a roastie on top. Hell, I'd be curious to see what would happen if Clinton wins, and I'm a deeply closeted femdom enthusiast.

>Then the left became about hekkin Mexarinos and blackbois.
yeah I wonder why an ideology that's based around lower classes of people would focus on people who are at the bottom of society, must be teh jooz.

The bottom is a strawman, so I'll ignore it. However, the actions of the 70's, while noble, were ultimately fruitless adventurism and did far more harm than good. For example, Fred Hampton told Weather Underground not to bomb Chicago, because whenever they did the police would instantly swarm the streets and attack Black Panther members in retaliation, while the white middle class Weather Underground members got to retreat to the suburbs unharmed. N17 were incredibly intelligent and disciplined people, but by the time they could have actually done some good in 2008, they were already in prison for life. Che achieved nothing in Bolivia except getting himself shot.

Terrorism does not work. The only way to build revolution is to have any action back by the masses. So there is no room at this point for trivial and silly terrorist attacks.

I 100% believe this. Is there anywhere I can read more about this?

To continue before the wordlimit so rudely interrupted me,
The Amerifats needed their own revolutionary ideology to beat the Soviet Jewnion (which had just gone anti-Jewish and based) and that ideology was left liberal national liberation. The Dulleseybois did it.
I am not, however, familiar with the internet politics of the CIA other than that SWIM tried to join up many decades ago and was rejected for not being a reThuglican.
Although Brennan voted CPUSA if I remember correctly (based accurate acronym?) and told the kaye-uh and got in, so whomst know.

>I blame Trotsky and the CIA.
Don't be antisemitic.

I'm not seeing a difference. Is it between being a left liberal who's lowkey a lolbert when it comes to the crunch and being a left liberal who's lowkey a lolbert when it comes to the crunch who occasionally uses socialist aesthetics?


You can't even parody this. It's like a Nick Mullen sketch.

Keep it in your pants. I barely mentioned Jews and I didn't intend to centralise them because I don't regard them as central, you kike-lover.
Also nice deflect retard. If you have eyes you could see that I'm trying to be as neutral as possible. Why don't you shove your face into a hot oven and go out Silvia Plath style you cunt.

>The bottom is a strawman
Not really. If dems are an f- in terms of cringe, Chapo are like a D, and that's only because they're slightly smarter. (Although far less sincere.)

>the police would instantly swarm the streets and attack Black Panther members in retaliation, while the white middle class Weather Underground members got to retreat to the suburbs unharmed
Based Jewish and rich subversives doing a cultural revolution and opening university jobs for theyselves.

>The only way to build revolution is to have any action back by the masses.
More like to have an active minority who demoralises anyone in the masses who disagrees and(FUCKING WORD LIMIT)


The only way to safeguard the future for our race and the world is a war of complete and total extermination against every last leftist Communist subhuman, the mud races who vote for them, and their Jewish masters.

Attached: death to the union.gif (316x180, 3.97M)

The dems aren't left. But in any case, its a strawman since no-one argues for any of that, marxist anyway.

Again, you're just making stupid strawman arguments copy-pasted from Yas Forums and your favourite YouTube pundit.

*am not, however, familiar with the /internal/ politics of the CIA
Apologies, didn't proofread.

To continue past Señor Word Limit's limit:
steamrolls over the largely indifferent mass, firstly by whoring themselves out to larger powers, and then backstabbing those powers when the time is right. (See: the Soviets doing this with both German and capitalist support in WW1, and then Mao doing the same [lol] in China wrt the Soviets. It's called how the clay changes hands.)

So who is there other than the:
Dem left
Chapo left
SJW left

The Trot left? The Trot left put every issue except workers issues first.
The anarcho-left is the SJW left.

Where is this imaginary left that isn't a garbage fire of liberalism?

What do you think I'm saying the left argues for that they actually don't?
And why would you assume that I think the left argues for anything?
The left pushes for things and makes "new rules" then punishes anyone who disobeys.

Are you actually in the year of our lord 2020 arguing that the CIA is a leftist plot?
How the fuck did /his/ get this retarded? This is dumber than Yas Forums.

Its doesn't matter whether Lenin and Mao had external support. The masses supported them. Germany wouldn't have allowed Lenin re-entry if they didn't think he had support.

Marxists and anarchist.

This is all metaphysical garbage and assumption. You haven't studied anything Marxists actually say, you're just repeating things you've heard or making assumptions.

uhmm, yikes, sweety

Mayhaps things are different with some of Trump's people but yeah like no dur read a book.

Whom exactly?
We've already gone over the Trots.
Do you mean MTW?
Yeah I covered SJWs. Over the past couple of years anarchist have been pro-American-military-intervention in Syria and have done basically nothing other than assault Trump supporters with, for the most part, immunity from TPTB. There is no anarchist struggle directed at domestic left wing causes unless you count opening the border as left wing? Which I might slightly buy in that it does let Central Americans and Africans make a little more money.

>Its doesn't matter whether Lenin and Mao had external support.
*craning onions mouth where the head is hinged all the way back and the top of the head is touching the basedperson's back*
I guess they should have just thrown the support away then since it didn't matter right? They would have succeeded without that support, yeah?
And I guess the Chinese communists didn't really need people in the left wing of the KMT leaking info to them about the encirclement that almost wiped them out either. Or the people in the KMT who pushed for an alliance with them. Just as the KMT didn't need Japan first and then later America, amirite?
The world is a proxy war where everyone is everyone's proxy.
I'm a proxy.
You're a proxy.

>This is all metaphysical garbage and assumption
Where am I wrong?

>You haven't studied anything Marxists actually say
I have. What specifically am I incorrect about in anything I've written?
I would like not to be incorrect. However, I also think you're extremely poorly informed and haven't thought this stuff through.

>Mayhaps things are different with some of Trump's people but yeah like no dur read a book.

No, you should read a book. Any book. I'll accept literally anything. Your thesis is completely fucking insane and built on nothing.

Trotskyists and MTWs are marxists, though not groups I agree with.

"SJW" is not a "thing" its just a term right wingers use to nebulous invent a metaphysical enemy. Some anarchists supported military intervention in Syria, some didn't. Some Marxists did, a specific group of trotskyists.

There is no one. The CIA fucked up every revolution is third world countries. Soviet Union fell. Western left is infested with trannies and weaklings who care more about LGBT than actual Marxism. Even "diet socialism" like Bernie was beaten by a demented old rapist. Our dream is dead.

Ok, well, they spawned/encouraged much of the American counter-culture, fought imperialism and racism, supported national liberation movements around the world, copied the Soviet partisans with the green berets, and went ballistic when Drumpy got in (although I suppose you could argue that that was because Drump was more traditionally left). Also I've heard that claim from Kantbot, and I knew an old New Leftist from Paris at the time de Gaulle went down who got what I interpreted to be embarassedly silent when I mentioned the left's turn to alliance with the CIA in the wake of the Drump victory. (I think he was embarrassed to say that the game had been rigged, in that particular way, from the start and maybe a little taken aback that I didn't already get it.)
I suppose you could, probably rightly, say that this is all reason-d'etat cynical imperialist stuff, but imperialism comes from somewhere. It has a motive force. And I don't think it's just money. I think it's about bringing freedom to the world. It's about progressivism. (Whose current incarnation is basically Wilsonian internationalism in one country.)
But yeah, I guess I'm more on the fence about that.
I suppose for counter examples you could bring up neoliberal coups in South America, or support for right wing third positionism in Korea. Or NATO's Gladio stuff maybe. Or possible CIA support for/collaboration with the OAS in France.
But nah dawg I think it's reasonable to say that the USA has been internationalist since at least Wilson with much of their revolutionary ideology being "left" in the sense of opposed to social conservatism and for liberating minorities (whether ethnic or sexual, or women).

>"diet socialism" like Bernie
I'm on the fence about whether/how much Bernie was sincere.

>"SJW" is not a "thing"
You are deep in ideology. May satan have mercy on your brain.

>retarded communist needed fucking Bernie Sanders to realize his ideology is dead garbage

It isn't a "thing", its a group of things right wingers have seen online, often only second hand through other right wingers, and smushed into this archetypal entity that just exists everywhere, despite existing in reality nowhere.

This is a based level of blackpill.

>Some Marxists did, a specific group of trotskyists.
Based Trotskyists. Were they ideological Trots or... ethnic trots?
But yeah, so you're telling me that maybe 95+% of people who identify as left in Amerifatistan aren't the real left (at least on domestic issues, with the possible exception of immigration if that counts) and that the real left defined as your headcannon of what the true left is is actually the true left because it adheres to your definition of what a true leftist is, and therefore my interpretation is metaphysical.

If you're asking that question than you don't know about foucaults work.

SJW is a term for Uber progressives who are very much real.

Some validity in that it isn't every single person (probably a minority), but IME it's a lot of folx. We've had more than one obligatory social justice course (I think one actually had social justice in the title) in my degree, which included open promises of violence against a conservative Christian guy who voiced his view that transitioning a five year old might be irresponsible. Which the professor was in earshot of and did nothing to discourage. And who glared at me like an angry cat when I brought this up in the next lecture.
It's certainly more diffuse that just being localised in a few individuals, I'll give you that.
But what you're saying is basically that my experiences and the experience of thousands more people (probably millions at this point) just aren't real and didn't happen. Which indicates that you're in a fog of ideology or you just don't know somehow.
I suppose seething casual antiracist progressives are more common?

*certainly more diffuse than

But SJWs are definitely a type. The kind of MFer who'll trawl through a person's tweets and ring their job to try to get them fired. Who'll go to a rally encouraging censorship on campus. The sort of shreiking person who if you cross a moral taboo around them over any of the latest morality that they've internalised in the past two months will go ballistic, so they have to be walked around on eggshells unless you want to worry about them making bullshit up about you on social media or filing fake complaints to your job or your school.

Holy shit. Leftists demolished in this thread. They can't even say anything.


brb drinking bleach to own the libs

can't you see I'm mourning? Show some respect

Based post left blowing the fuck out of retarded trannies and sjws