WhatsApp: Israeli firm 'deeply involved' in hacking our users

>WhatsApp has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved” in carrying out mobile phone hacks of 1,400 WhatsApp users, including senior government officials, journalists, and human rights activists.

>The new claims about NSO Group allege that the Israeli company bears responsibility in serious human rights violations, including the hacking of more than a dozen Indian journalists and Rwandan dissidents.


What is up with Israel hacking everybody in every corner of the world?

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>What is up with Israel hacking everybody in every corner of the world?
They get paid to.
A lot of countries have laws that forbids the government from actively spying on their citizens. So these governments formed certain pacts to spy on each other for money to circumvent the laws.

pls delete

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What? Countries hacking shit in 2020? That's unheard of!
Fuck off back to with your shit bait.

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Oh no if you say any of this you are "pol" stop noticing things!

>What is up with Israel hacking everybody in every corner of the world?
They're not. NSO Group is.

Please die a painful death you fuck

>Maybe if I post anime I fit in

Please die

kikes? theyre based

mentioned kikes. got no captcha

Seek professional help

Statistically speaking you are far more likely to have a mental disorder. Go die.

>The guy obsessed with da jooz and trannies calls others mentally ill
Like pottery. What's next, some more crying about how I'm a newfag or have a big nose or something? Please run down your script NPC#2347298

>Stop noticing things

I have had more than enough of you subhumans. Hope I can leave the west soon so I never have to live anywhere infested with "people" like you again.

Yeah you're so intelligent and woke you noticed that countries hack shit. What an observant one you are, better hope (((they))) don't send the thought police for your ass. Also you're repeating yourself, are you stuck on your script NPC#2347298? Do you need to be rebooted?

Oh yes I only hate them because of this singular incident definitely no other reasons. You are so smart. Continue being so smart I bet you're a real hit on Reddit.

Yeah we need to reboot NPC#2347298 he's stuck again.

>I believe everything academia, finance, media, every website and the majority of people where I live do
>You are the npc!

Simply epic. Last response you get smoothbrain.

>Last response you get smoothbrain.
Have you got antisemitic propaganda to post elsewhere, or did your tard wrangler cut off your internet access?

>It's the people who are silenced, not allowed platforms and go against every mainstream grain I slurp up who are the real prppagandists

Success breeds jealousy. U mad?

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kek, funny how one anime pic is enough to trigger retards like you

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Step 1: Drop leaflets advising people that the entire west bank will be turned into glowing radioactive glass in three months time.
Step 2: Do it, faggot. They were warned.
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: PROFIT from not having this cancerous region on our planet anymore.

>Not using a firewall to block unwanted traffic.

Yeah because it's the anime picture and not the blatant philosemitism.

>What is up with Israel hacking everybody in every corner of the world?
Do you *really* want to get this started?

Pro tip: it always ends with you getting banned.

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the kike SEETHE in this thread holy kek

>person who sells his users' data to advertising companies cries like a LITTLE BITCH when hackers rape him in the ass


How can goycels even compete?

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goy literally translates to jew retard

americucks will still give them money every year

Nobody cares what it used to translate to poltard, the modern significance is what matters. It translates to seething incels like you who willingly let Jews live in their heads rent free. Kill yourself.

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didnt read ooohhhh yeahhh baby didnt read

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why dont we just halt all business with pissrael and let the arabs rightfully fuck you over then we can see success. countless falseflags and usury kind of destroys the 'heroic' image of that shithole

that nose is a little short shlomo

>(((our govt)))

>let Jews live in their heads rent free
I doubt they necessarily mind.

They don't, which is why Yas Forums still exists. A containment board you should go back to

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You can't post Shahar here.

lol check out this kike seething

it's pretty simple: company gets paid, company gets the job done. this time they happen to be israeli
at least they can deliver, unlike faggot OP

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>This time
>Just happen to be
Neck yourself

pic related is a 11/10 chad in Occupied Palestine also know as(Israel by schizophrenics)

I' sure there 3 or 4 really insecure kikes on /g/ who just same fag and dog pile anyone who dares point out how evil they are.


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The articles said they sold it to the Saudis, makes me wonder if it's related to the Bezos hack and Khassoggi murder...

Where does one go to complain about the corruption of the internet? It should be a human right to shitpost without sleazy obfuscation via google captchas and shills.

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>lolbergtarian bait

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im really proud of my country being #1 in cybersec and haxing

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