What does Varg think of Corona?

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Link to his new channel and videos?

dude is a fucking loser.
and "follow" him cos you need a daddy.

You lack the depth to understand the conversation at hand. Leave. Now.

Why doesn't this sperg move back to Scandinavia where he belongs? He doesn't even consider most native French to be European

Interesting question actually, but I hope he thinks it's the flu and everything they're building on it is jewry.

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Couldn't imagine caring what an edgy loser e-"celeb" who practices basically nothing he preaches, killed his friend, and mooches off a woman thinks

The guy lives on government hand outs and spouts that shit.

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Pretty much what he has always been saying

Cities of millions are unnatural and tribal/small village life styles are a natural defense against highly contagious disease

And he's right

>The guy lives on government hand outs

In a country that isin't even his.

link bitches

He doesn't have a new channel, the usual suspects over at Youtube kept banning him whenever he made a new one. Now he just posts on twitter


So he gets free money. WHERE'S THE PROBLEM?

>So he gets free money. WHERE'S THE PROBLEM?

It's like a beaner moving to America and getting free handouts from the government on your dime. He endlessly talks shit about people with brown eyes or hair not being European and while he lives off the welfare in a country with predominantly brown eyes and hair. He's a purity spiraling, absurdist.

Why do you faggot keep totally organicaly posting the same people are these people significant in some way? Experts in thier fields?

>It's vargs fault for taking advantage of a corrupted system

As planned, everyone just runs around and points and scorns at the ones receiving the hand outs, while conveniently ignoring the fact that you're paying an arm and a fucking leg in tax to begin with.

>are these people significant in some way? Experts in thier fields?
Ah yes we need to listen to the certified official established approved professionals and no one else ever.

His friend was a faggot and a homosexual. He’s lucky he was stabbed 30 times in the chest, because if I got my hands on him his fate would’ve been far, far worse than that

>It's vargs fault for taking advantage of a corrupted system

Talk endless shit about people not being white, live off their generosity in their country while doing so...he's a fucking parasite and should go back to Scandinavia. He's also said we have no right to be in Australia and NZ as Europeans.

>Ah yes we need to listen to the certified official established approved professionals and no one else ever.

He hates you Americans more than anything. According to him you should hand America back to the Indians to let the earth heel and you're not welcome back in Europe either. He wants you gone.

The true question is: are non blonde mongrels europeans? where do they come from?

>The true question is: are non blonde mongrels europeans? where do they come from?


I don't give a fuck what he says about white people and Australia.

The biggest "gotcha" on this board is that Varg receives government handouts. What all the brainlets fail to realize is that the social welfare system is inherently retarded, and it's all funded by the very same people who will sit there and complain about Varg. Varg is sitting there right now, taking advantage of what he admits is a dumb fucking system, scooping up his cash, living a comfy life with his wife and kids. Meanwhile, the 9-5 wagie in these threads who pay taxes out of their asshole until it's raw, will sit there and tell you how Varg is the one somehow losing. It's complete fucking delusion, and I suspect just coping christcucks most of the time because of Varg's Paganism.

>i take youtubers very seriously because reasons
>this man is so great it takes precedent over intellectual discussions
This man must be very insightful and definetly not just a regurgitator

>I don't give a fuck what he says about white people and Australia.

I find his entire holier than thou, superior smug fart sniffing autistic attitude annoying as fuck and I hate him...he's a fucking nordicist who chooses to live on the welfare handouts of the French people who he considers to be inferior. That's fucking nigger behaviour.

im sorry im not an american mutt and have enough brain power to recognize my racial inferiority

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>he's a fucking nordicist who chooses to live on the welfare handouts of the French people who he considers to be inferior. That's fucking nigger behaviour.

And that very well may be so - you can roast Varg over his opinions all you like, but we're both the ones who are still going to work next week and paying taxes. He isn't.

who the fuck cares, kill yourself and fuck this anti christian kike.

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Sounds like you have a negative attitude, Mario. Don’t you know that everyone has inherit human dignity and the only ones who are inferior are the Palestinians who should be executed

Literally all his opinions are shit.

Do you think niggers flaunting their EBT card is based as well?

I never said anything about following him retard.

>I too, love paying taxes to fuel a system that wants to see me replaced.
"Le based" or not is irrelevant. He does not contribute to a system that is stacked against us - we do.

He'd tell you to give Australia back to the abo then drown yourself on Bondi Beach because you aren't welcome back in Europe as a descendant of criminals. While he lives and eats in a country that isin't his, filled with people he considers untermensch supporting his lifestyle

>passive aggressive

As I said, it doesn't really matter what he thinks.

Nigger behavior is unacceptable. Especially when it’s a white snownigger claiming superiority.

Do you believe you have the right to live in Australia as a person of European heritage?

>id rather talk about muh favorite eceleb then policy

You better stop talking trash about varg Latin

Yes, I do. I know he doesn't, and I don't really care. Next week, I go back to work and I start paying taxes again to a system that is slowly replacing that very same European heritage, and so will you. As I said, you can riff on Varg all you like about his opinions on Christianity, Nordicism, etc. But ultimately he isn't the one paying for his own demise.