Why do you fags like this tranny?

I don't get why you fucks tolerate it. It is one of the most vile abominations on Youtube

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who's that

Attached: shfiftyfive.jpg (372x369, 9.22K)

Blair White, a tranny who is right leaning even though the right does not like her at all

I do like him but I never forget that he's a guy and I never allow myself to slip down the first part of the slippery slope and think of him as a woman.

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Why the hell do you like him lol

Because his penis is worth sucking.

>why do fags like this man

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Don't know who's that, but i would. First date, then a walk with cute moments, to get her rockhard and then i will bang her like there is no tomorrow

i like her
bruh it's 2020. get with the times and admit that transgirls are legitimate. you're a faggot if you think otherwise.
it definitely is. there's no shame in performing oral sex on a girl(male) and it's actually a straight thing to do. besides, you can fit a penis in your mouth and hands and have loads of fun with it.

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I don't like any youtuber that doesn't talk about (((them))).
Here's the best channel on youtube, he's very handsome and baste, like and sub him thanks. ;)


Are you fucking retarded? I have no idea who that man is. Don't give two shits to find out either

would bang

Suck that girls penis

>wHy CAnT EvErYbOdY jUsT bE LiKe mE

If you don't care or doesn't turn you on but the person's feminine appearance and beauty do, is it really gay after all? Gays don't want them
why care about some flesh?

What relevance does this tranny have?

Oh look a meme flag posting a who. Go figure

It's pretty popular on YouTube and indoctrinates incel right leaning males into becoming shemales

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>Now that the dust has settled...
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

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transgirls were built for straight men. they exist solely for our pleasure

Attached: 867.jpg (500x750, 159.96K)

It's not just skin, there are thousands if not millions of ways trannies are different from real women

Just fuck a gay guy, at least they are mentally stable


> her

as long they look the same, I give no shit
at least they want to be women, look good, please men
women are becoming trash
I like pussy but had enough to live without it
pic that I called perfect would do 10/10 for me regardless

Only closet gays can't admit that some trans colors are super hot and worth anal fucking.

That's photoshopped, the dick and balls have a completely different lighting from the rest of the room.

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Slip of the finger, my apologies
They don't feel the same, trannies have shit higene

They aren't sexy though.

Attached: (((she))).png (640x400, 16.19K)

it is repugnant just looking at a man, makes me gagging
it is all about the look
>Looks like a woman
>Looks fucking good
It is a honorary woman then
You don't get to decide if you like or nor

I've seen traps who look better than 95% of trannies

women are only good for doing chores (cook, clean, care), casual sex, and reproduction.

a trad tranny gf could do literally everything a woman offers except reproduction.

that's gay though. transgirls are real feminine girls. im not attracted to guys/masculinity

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transgenders that have feminine body and face are just unlucky to have a lot of female genes and appearance and the wrong chromosomes
when one knows from childhood and takes hormones to be perfect, it is truly a mental illness by genetic mismatch
some others like the manly ones forever are just ugly LARPers that makes anyone puke

I will never understand why people are so obssessed by trans, like I will never understand the passion that some people have for niggers.
Seriously I don't get it.

>absurd claim

kys faggot degenerate

>trannies are gateway faggotry
the only way to break the tranny grip is to post before/after pics, preferably ones where passable trannies end up with male pattern baldness.

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You're the closet tag that's scared that If you admit trannys are hot people will think you're gay.

Why? Porn has turned an entire generation of men into sexual degenerates.

>there is a strong link between sexual abuse at a young age and deviant sexual proclivities later in life
>the average age at which boys first seek out porn is 11 years old
>showing porn to an 11 year old is literally sexual abuse
>free high speed internet porn has only been around for about 15 years
>1/3 of zoomers don’t identify as “cis gendered heterosexual”

It gets weirder

>early puberty is when we developed ideas about what sex is
>kids growing with the internet learn this from or are influenced by porn
>porn focuses almost exclusively on women; men’s faces are cropped out, and they’re usually silent.
>the pleasure showcased in porn is that of the woman, even scenes of fellatio
>subconsciously, children developed the idea that sexual pleasure is derived from the passive/receptive/female role
>there’s been an explosion in the number of trannies
>the majority of fags will want to take on the receptive role during sex

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fucking KILL it

Literally nobody talks about this tranny on here you dumb strawman faggot

she's actually pretty degenerate since her move to the big gay/L.A.