Is a pan-Germanic state viable, or would such a thing be impossible?
Is a pan-Germanic state viable, or would such a thing be impossible?
Not without deporting a whole lot of Americans and (((Americans))) first
>150,000 Germans in 4 million Silesia
>whole region marked as German
Some things never change
>Pan germanic
>casually steals Śląsk
yeah, do you also want to make a claim for Warmia i Mazury?
Bongers would ruin it. Like every single time.
Didn’t make the map, just happens to be the first one to come up when Germanic-speaking Europe is searched.
Why not Hanseatic trade union?
Yeah in a couple of decades when national identity is no longer existent and you have the same brown blend of muslims/africans everywhere
In hundred years everyone here speaks a germanic language (english) and is a half arab mutt.
for fucks sake you can be american but dont be a brainless mutt
if you include Śląsk then you should include that one or two states in USA with germanic populations
no, the claim will be for Ost Preussen
Sure, why not?
>Yeah in a couple of decades when national identity is no longer existent
Coronavirus has kind of put a halt to all that. Great changes are coming.
So incredibly massive and interesting to gaze upon. It looks as though it was built by serious-minded giant men. Forgive my ignorance and tell me more about this most captivating landmark, please.
English is an Italic language.
Germanics didn't even have a writing system until southerners gave them one.
Silesia is german.
You are merely hobos squatting in an abandoned building, and will be evicted once the owner finds a new use for it.
It was the headquarters of the Teutonic order.
No they aren't don't delude yourself
Would you be able to tell me if the people in Brittany are actually French?
My ancestry claims all of Britain, Brittany, Scandinavia (with Iceland), and down through the Rhine to Switzerland.
I don't get it. Thought I was just an abo.
>Silesia is german.
Czechia has better claim to Silesia than you lol
Poland and Czechia should just instead take Luzittchze region from Germany to protect Sorbs.
English is a Germanic tongue you fool.
>No they aren't don't delude yourself
It's gonna be hard to run refugees welcome on empty bellies. We will be starving in a couple of months
Half your country is germanic.
No amount of polish nationalist revisionism will change that.
Please stop cringe posting.
>Is a pan-Germanic state viable, or would such a thing be impossible?
Impossible. Russia is dead set on exterminating all of you if you even look the wrong direction. Your only choice for survival is being an SJW.
>Swarthy manlets on the border of the Nordmeer and Niflheim
There is one german living in my city holy shit its german clay im such a nigger bros!
Britain couldnt be in a pan-Germanic state. I like Germans personally and would love to be involved. However i'll speak on behalf of my people and say Brit normies would never go for it. The right are full of anti-German propaganda. Lefties love the EU because its not perceived as German its considered Pan-European, and they generally distrust Germans.
Sentence structure and most everyday words are Germanic. "Genetically" the language is most closely related to Frisian.
Yes we have lots of French and Latin loan words, but those make up "posh" words or scientific words. For example aroma is French but smell is Germanic.
I dunno is it?
why should Alto Adige be given to Germany or Alsace Lorraine.
Plus I don't think angli and other celtic people wants to live with germans
What kind of monstrosity is this map?