/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3556

► Detected: 3,318,741 (+14,521) ► Died: 234,264 (+436) ► Day: 113 (-15:15:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 212 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,147 strains have been sequenced —


Maryland Gov. protective of his state’s coronavirus tests

Experts predict up to two more years of pandemic

North America's livestock will be euthanized because of supply chain disruptions due to coronavirus

Russian PM Mishustin Diagnosed With Coronavirus

New York let coronavirus-infected nurses work in upstate nursing home

Doctors In Europe Warn Of Link Between Covid-19 And Toxic Shock Symptoms In Children

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Argiebro is dead. God rest his soul.


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Hey, I'm going to bed. Someone please take assume control and post the next thread after this.

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fresh rice milk from the tap

>Dead: 239,853
lol, still only 239,853.
How many days has it been stuck at 239,853? Four days? Five days?

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Trump said it's made in lab, also WHO is PR agency for China


I'm wayyyy too drunk. Time for bed.

A-any good news bros...

If he knew that why did he say it was just the flu?


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Na getting more drunk

/cvg/ experts, NEED ATTENTION HERE!!!

>On April 14, a 63-year-old retired civic employee from Worli’s Siddharth Nagar experienced a sudden bout of hiccups

>Four days later, on April 18, when his hiccups increased, family members ventured out of their locality looking for a doctor.

>“He had no symptoms like fever, cough or breathlessness. Therefore, we did not suspect COVID-19. A neighbour told us about a doctor in Prabhadevi, so we took him there,” said the victim’s nephew.

>On April 21, the hiccups aggravated, so the family member took the patient all the way to a physician in Malad on a motorcycle. “The Malad doctor told us he had suffered a minor stroke and suggested that we take him to a government hospital,” said the nephew.

>The patient was taken to Parel’s KEM Hospital where the doctors told them his oxygen levels were extremely low.

>The next day, the family was informed that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and was in a critical condition. After battling for life for six days, the patient was declared dead at 4.30 p.m. on April 27.

TL:DR Coronavirus case presented with only the hiccups, no other symptoms, later died.


who /coronakami-mon-amour/ here?

you're a little closer to seeing if atheists are wrong

fuck you droonker

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Nice way to go out, THANKS for Baking!

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Wonder how Germany's Bavaria became most infested part?

>On Sept. 7, 2019, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was in Wuhan, China, cutting the opening ribbon for a new car parts factory by German manufacturer Webasto.
>By her side was the mayor of Wuhan, Zhou Xianwang, as well as a large business delegation from Germany.
>Three months later, German state Bavaria detected its patient zero of the CCP virus. The virus had come from the very same factory Merkel visited.
>The 33-year-old Webasto employee was infected by a Chinese colleague who traveled to Germany for company training.
>As of April 14, over 30 thousand residents of Bavaria have contracted the virus. Over 800 have died.

>China was Bavaria's biggest trading partner in 2018 and 2019. Over 2000 companies in Bavaria trade with China, over 600 companies have established offices in China, where employees travel frequently back and forth. Volkswagen earns half of its revenues in China, it's CEO said that if Volkswagen pulls out of China, half of its 20 000 development engineers in Germany would lose their jobs

>Volkswagen luxury goods unit Audi had a strategic cooperation with Huawei which has sponsored many companies in Bavaria and influences with Bavaria's governors.
>The current governor of Bavaria, Markus Söder, has defended Huawei's bid for Germany's 5G network. Markus Söder is a potential successor of Merkel.

>Last winter when Germany considered a ban on Huawei, China threatened to retaliate on Germany's car industry.

>There are over 80 Confucius Institutes in Bavaria, which have influences over German universities. Many professors now dare not to mention about Tibet or Taiwan. The institutes also organize many luxurious trips to China for the professors and officials, to buy them out and sell them CCP propaganda.

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Are you guys ready to meet her?

I'm . . . not :( I don't really wanna die

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At 10am?!

>mfw the trump time traveler theory is true

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You can just spend 3-4 weeks with her, cough up few billion virus children and than get better and ready for next years infection

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Is covid losing momentum? Rates have been steady for like a month now

Hiccups are a symptom of stroke or pulmonary embolism.

Sounds like he was clotting bad but didn't realize it as he didn't have any sign of an acute viral illness.

>Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo
literally fake news. I'm not a nothingburger but you're spreading disinfo with this link.

Based gary, thought you were dead.

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april was lockdown month and it gained 2 mill confirmed lets see how may goes with the easing restrictions

Thanks Gary~!

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>Virtually zero traffic accidents
>No work-related deaths because everyone is staying home
>Crime and conflicts all over the world have been paused
>WHO worried people forced to stay home will fuck like rabbits and have a bunch of babies
All this so we could get a couple thousand daily Corona deaths and a meager increase in normie suicide rates? Fuck me, the world's population is growing even faster now.
This happening is the disappointment of the century

How hard is 2020 dabbing on all previous years?

Gary I love you so much please breed me

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Most people who have been tested in April caught the virus in March. If restrictions are removed on a big scale, Corona will regain momentum, but it won't jump to 10 million cases like some people claim. Esp. considering that masks are becoming mandatory in more and more countries.

> More white babies
The horror. The horror.

counter measures start to show impact
even when they are actually reflect the effects of 1-2 weeks ago, because of the delay (infected-asymptomatic-symptomatic-heavily symptomatic)
Reproductive numbers should be mostly at 1 or below atm in germany, at least

BUT, the moment restrictions are liftzed, shit will go back to "normal" aka infection rate will go up again

it just looks like it's over

>white people making more babies
well the sub humans were going to keep pumping them out anyway so let's look at it as a net gain

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>will fuck like rabbits
God I wish that were me

And plus sking in Austria.
But vw starting producing again.



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i really think it will depend on the country and it’s citizens it all depends how much rules will be followed i guess some countries will start hardcore contact tracing (looking at you UK)

I'd fuck her while drunk and then regret it in the morning

>The novelty of our report lies in the description of the development of a combined immunodeficiency (CID) with age in ICF2, a feature that may be missed if immunological work-up is only performed once at a young age. We also highlight findings consistent with autoimmune phenomena (hepatitis, nephritis), which are commonly seen in CID but not acknowledged for ICF [15]. Finally, we report for the first time a defect in cell survival and proliferation in immune and non-immune cells. This may constitute a disease mechanism common for both the non-immunological and immunological features of ICF2, the latter presenting as CID. The clinical course of the index patient and of previously reported patients calls for consideration of early stem cell transplantation as an option in patients with ICF.

He had low saturation of oxygen due to cascading Co2 deficiency from the sound of it.

I'd post sources but apparently its spam.

>His smile and optimism: gone
We’re so fucked

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Africans kill each other on a daily basis. Wu flu isn't new shit for them.

Hoax of the 2020s

The increase rates are still between 200 and 400% per week even with a critical shortage of testing
Give it time
Who that?

coronababies in 9 months will truly be a sight
they'll be born with COPD, kek

guys just between you and me...
svenanon is a yuge faggot amirite

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They have roughly 1,900,000 non-confirmed cases.

Mask strategy is incredibly effective, sooner or later all civilised countries will introduce some fines for not wearing a mask. At least we can hope so.

Same minut the regret.

Well this alone explains why some places get devastated and others are doing relatively OK

>Last week, scientists reported finding that the ability of the disease to mutate has been 'vastly underestimated,' and that “the most aggressive strains could generate 270 times as much viral load as the weakest type... These strains also killed the cells the fastest.'

> 270 times as much viral load
Aka Bergamo special

oh goddamn it wrong pic. i have failed. i most go commit sedoku

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+5 cases in Estonia

Why would a disease that has a .001% mortality on young people have any impact on Africa?

Holy fuck who is she

> TRUMP We're looking specifically where it came from, who it came from, how it happened, separately and also scientifically, and what we will be able to find

> JOURNALIST My question is have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus.

> TRUMP Yes, I have. Yes, I have. And I think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves. Because they are like the public relations agency for China. And this country pays them almost 500 million dolalrs a year, and China pays them 38 millions dollars, a year and whether it's a lot or more does not matter, it's still... they shouldn't be making excuses when people make horrible mistakes, especially mistakes that are causing hundreds of thousands of people around the world to die.

Also immediately before this exchange, the journalist asks Trump if he saw the statement from Director of National Intelligence that the virus is natural and Trump is like WTF, who personally signed this shit?

security intel sometimes doesnt work as fast as it should. Then when you mention it from an official position, the stance can have political ramifications. So when he does mention it, that means he will mention it in our favor knowing full well who is responsible for the outbreak just like WHO getting ass blasted with zero funding from the U SA

Shut up retard

A guy who had a forklift accident. Speaking of, could a kind user photoshop “His smile and optimism: gone” onto the picture? I want to be 9001% certain I make it to Hell.

That chink Webasto employee who infected Bavaria was most likely an agent. Very suspicious how she first declared she had no symptoms, then called form China to say she did have symptoms but took paracetamol.