Alphabet agencies btfo? Could we see some real progress for civilian weapon laws because of this?
Waco getting normies into guns
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Who knows, but my wife became radicalized as soon as she learned how Vicki Weaver died, so not everyone is lost
Waco is a bad example, don’t use it. They deserved to be killed.
I think one of the best arguments is how guns are the ultimate equalizer between men and women, the strong and the weak etc.
>"Wife became radicalized"
>Pic related
Poor take. You ate up all the shit the feds said to make the davidians look bad and cover up their mess. Then you asked for seconds.
yeah haha, murder children amirite guys? haha
>They deserved to be killed.
Fuck off Janet Reno.
>made gf watch the first episode
>she had a lot of questions
>explain Ruby Ridge, Waco and how they lead up to the OKC bombing
>"sounds like the ATF deserved it"
>They deserved to be killed.
David Koresh deserved, at the most, to be held for questioning while women on the compound were interviewed to determine if any were coerced into sex or were underage when sexual activity with Koresh started.
Haha, yeah. Just let the feds kill like 20 something kids then we'll get one random person to claim the leader was a kiddy diddler so it's all justified.
it's actually a great plan with how emotional people seem to be. Labeling "terrorism" also works but not nearly as well.
now you gotta hit them with the pics of feds posing next to people they killed
Not that user but Ruby Ridge is much better example than Waco because Weaver ended up acquitted due to entrapment and they couldn't demonize him and his family after the fact
>muh false dichotomy
Just because the Branch Davidians were wierdos and Koresh was probably a piece of shit, doesn't mean it's a bad example of government way overstepping their bounds violently. ATF and FBI were 100% completely in the wrong regarding their actions, regardless of whether or not Koresh "deserved it".
All fucking feds must fucking hang
Thats true. But the davidians that survived were aquitted, and the 82 others would have been too if they werent fucking burned alive
it seems like there was some mixing up with white supremacy, so I doubt most normalfags would be as sympathetic.
>Killing any number of children is justified so long as in the process you also kill someone who might have, at some point, had sex with a 16 year old girl
You know Steve it smells a bit like BBQ over here
I understands it works. It basically makes it taboo to try to defend the other side even as devil's advocate. If it gets to the point of being a commonly known accusation it's over. Even with no evidence and the only reason the accusation existing is because of the media/feds shilling it wicked hard, you still put your head on the chopping block, merely because the fabricated accusations are widely known.
It essentially narrows down the argument to either saying they deserved it, or not wanting to talk about it.
Because he lived in bumfuck Idaho at the peak of Idaho white supremacists militias. The guy just wanted to drink a few beers and have conversations not about killing the darkies. Even Jon Ronson admitted he wasn't racist and his family had been fucked over unfairly.
Ah yes, Chapter 3 Justified Killing, i remember page 44 of the FBI training handbook well.
I'm not saying he was a white supremacist, I'm saying normalfags see the words "aryan nations" and he's immediately a villain in their eyes
user halfway through this series with my woman. What are some inaccuracies or details that were left out?
Why? Literally the only thing they did that was unethical was David being a pedo/being really into forcing others to be cucks. It's literally just the weird sex shit and it is just david.
feds also "lost" the door that showed they shot david and started that shit. blocked access to firetrucks, said they didn't start the fire, even though they fucking knew CS gas started fires and threw flash bangs, which can spark CS gas in there, and they claimed that the cultists shot down 2 helicopters with .50 cals and therefore .50 cals should be banned, even though no helicopters crashed and no members of the helicopter crews (which totally weren't firing on the compound, we have no idea how those bullet holes go in the roof goy) were injured
The longest sentence anyone in waco received was like 14 years.
I think like 15 of the davidians served jail time post waco, but none longer than 14 years.
Didn't he start fucking Michelle and that other chick when they were like 12?
Thib was fat and ugly as fuck so it makes no sense why hottie Rory Calkin plays him and how the hot chick Michelle wanted his cock. Also I think they compressed the timeline. Michelle had 3 kids, 2 were twins, and the older sister had multiple kids and I think Thibs was there for longer than the 6 months they make it seem and john laguzama was there for longer than the week they make it seem
What show?
WACO on netflix
>posing like a fucking superhero in front of the charred remains of children
Zero fucking class.
>koresh was a pedo
>koresh was killed by the feds
I don't get why you guys are all acting like pedophiles have the moral high ground to kill other pedophiles.
Koresh was a fag but burning a building down full of innocent people because one pedo is in it is max self-righteous glownigger
Koresh started the fire.
A. CS gas is famously flammable. There were already a dozen from the 70s to 1993 where cops used cs gas and it went up in flames and the people they were gassing died
B. The feds didn't bring any fire department or any contingencies to put out the fire when they fucking knew they were using a flammable gas and they prevented firetrucks from going in
C. The feds threw in flashbangs during the CS gassing. Flashbangs have an explosive charge and can start fires
That's real nice, but koresh still started the fire.
3 points of ignition, two of which the feds had zero access too.
the feds started the fire
Watching "waco:the rules of engagement" and holy shit is Schumer a lying fucking asshole
>reddit posting
>there is no evidence Koresh intentionally started the fire
>how the fuck did the feds have zeroaccess to anywhere when they were fucking smashing tanks into the building
>even if Koresh started the fire, the feds purposely used a highly flammable gas, that they knew was flammable, and that had in the past burst into flames and killed the people their were gassing multiple times, and they did this shit without any way to put out the fire, and also were fucking gassing kids.
that leaves one that the fed had access to, meaning they started the fire.
>nice trips
I'm impressed that you haven't already taken the blackpill on the 2nd Ammendment my man.
>there is no evidence Koresh intentionally started the fire
There is plenty of evidence koresh started the fires.
So the feds started a fire in places they had no access too? Because the fire started at the same time in 3 places?
Or are you stateing the feds started one and the cultists started the other two? Very coordinated to start the other fires when the feds did.
>To save the kids from a pedo let's burn them all to death!
Brilliant logic glow nigger
let's see it then commie
I agree, those supposed sexually assaulted children also deserved to suffocate and burn to death! Better yet is when the agents all posed in front of their handiwork.
Here you go, cultist.
fuck them kids they were sexual deviants
>cut the power from a compound so that they have to use oil lamps/lanterns and other flame based illumination
>pump extremely flammable gas into the compound literally for the purpose of gassing children
>"it's the cultists who intentionally started the fire"
>two of which the feds had zero access too.
What are you talking about retard? They had access to literally the entire building as they had run a tank through multiple walls and destroyed every window. The feds even pumped gas canisters into the room where the women and children were hiding with only one door, causing some of the children to spasm to death
>making the schnellfeuer practical
>They deserved to be killed
No, the feds started the fire and covered up their acts with the investigation.
That's my point, the feds are pedophiles, so saying that they wanted to save kids from pedophiles is laughable. They really just wanted Koresh and his goons dead, so they just set the building on fire.
>three lamps simultaneously knocked onto accelerants at the same time, two of which in places the feds had zero access too.
Man those cultists sure was unlucky!
>They had access to literally the entire building
Can I get a double check on this claim? I always thought it wasn't the gas, but the grenades themselves that was the problem. Smoke grenades actually have a similar problem, but since cops never use those that never gets talked about.
The investigation I'm referring to was not carried out by the feds, and had international experts testify.
Get your tinfoil ready, because your going to need it for your next reply.
>feds who "lost" the door and other pieces of evidence are credible
atf literally threw flashbangs at the compound in an effort to keep people inside and start a fire
>We have investigated ourselves and found we have done nothing wrong
I dont think any federal agency was involved with danforth. The closest you will get is some retired state fire marshalls.
Nice try.
"We the international experts who receive funding from the United States have found that the United States has done no wrong"
>three open flames happened to start a fire when we were literally filling the building with flammable gas in an effort to literally gas kids and at the same time were throwing flashbangs which could have easily ignited the gas because we were trying to force the people to stay inside, while gassing them and our report that we did on ourselves said we were right
>you pay experts to tell you what you want to hear.
Yes, I'm sure the swedish doctorate gives a fuck about the FBI. There's that tinfoil.
Not him, but I would like to point out that "international experts" are why Bayer is currently paying out billions in bullshit claims that Roundup causes cancer. CDC did more strenuous tests and found exactly zero connections between the weedkiller and cancer. So touting international experts as an unequivocal good is a risky game.
>three simultaneous points of ignition happen due to gas.
Man, that magical teleporting gas filling an entire space instantly!
There was the first scene where the fbi sniper accidentally shot vicki weaver and didnt know until the standoff ended when in reality they shot her intentionally with a baby in her hands and then tormented her family about the fact that she was lying dead in their living room. All this after shooting their 14 year old son in the back and killing him
they mention it at the end of episode 6 of waco
The entire place had been run through with tanks by that point brainlet. You expect people to believe feds were driving a tank through the building and shooting gas into vaults but they couldn't get a flashbang into a couple exterior rooms?
"Academics never cooperate with the feds"
The US Government literally had private universities that studied MK Ultra.
>The entire place had been run through with tanks
False, both ignition points was well outside of exterior walls or on the 2nd floor.
Can tanks fly?
they left out the scene where Janet Reno tells the FBI to gas/burn the children and make sure none survive
>implying you can't throw a fucking flashbang into a second floor window
>mfw an atf agent is reddit spacing in this thread and trying to defend the use of flammable gas by the FBI who didn't have any fire engines standing by and literally gassed the place with the intention of gassing kids. They knew the adults had gasmasks, but there were no child sized gas masks, so the plan literally was to gas kids
>the feds who controlled the entire building at this point couldn't have thrown flashbangs into multiple rooms at the same time
>but the davidians who were literally choking to death and being shot by helicopter and tank passengers could've lit the fires
Thanks for the input glownigger. If only they hadn't conveniently bulldozed the building and "misplaced" every piece of evidence we could prove the davidians guilt
Oh man, except it was an internal room. Damn those teleporting flashbacks! The true power of the FED!
Zoomer, this may be a shock but the 90s were a crazy time. Waco was just another doomsday death cult. Same as those south African fucks. Same as those white sneaker niggers. The only difference is the fed gave them their apocalypse though their mishandling.
But they still started the fire.
Oh yes you caught me. I'm a big bad fed. Just sitting up here shitting on your Mongolian basketweaving forum on my phone because I cant sleep.
Where do I get my fed benefits? I want my taxpayer pension, paypig.
the waco cultists said multiple times they had no intention of committing mass suicide and the survivors said they didn't commit mass suicide
>the feds who controlled the entire building at this point
Dude what? If the feds controlled the entire building they wouldn't have needed tanks.
Feds got blasted trying to gain entry you retard.
>the waco cultists said multiple times they had no intention of committing mass suicide
So did every other fucking death cult of the 90s you retard. Half of the time they didnt even know they were committing suicide. Fuck kid, read a book or something.
>feds were caught staging photos of the gunfight at ruby ridge
>but they are totally being honest about waco
>nevermind the fact that even if Koresh started the fire (which he didn't), the feds still chose to use flammable gas on a compound that they knew was using open flames for lighting, with no contingency plan for if the place ignited, because they wanted to gas kids
David Thibodeau was literally in the building during the fire and said they weren't committing mass suicide
Ruby ridge=/Waco. RR was fucked on multiple levels.
You want to blame the feds for mishandling Waco? Go for it, I'll be right with you. They did. They fucked it so bad they actually learned from it, and why the BLM standoff ended like it did.
But the cultists still started that fire.
>David Thibodeau was literally in the building during the fire and said they weren't committing mass suicide
I'm sure he was unaware the fire was being started by koresh. If you want to argue suicide vs mass murder, fine.
But the cultists still started the fire.
They had literally drove a tank into the building multiple times, shooting and running over survivors of the original gunfight. There is FLIR video of this happening. They had gotten into what the davidians considered the safest place in the compound and fired flammable gas in there to gas children to death and you're telling me they had no access to the interior of the building?
>David Thibodeau
He was not a true believer and outside of the cultists circle.
No shit he got the fuck out.
ATF started the fire under explicit instructions from Janet Reno to quote "recreate the holocaust"
>They had literally drove a tank into the building multiple times, shooting and running over survivors of the original gunfight.
I think your high off youtube videos bud. Hell, there is even a flir video analysis done by forensic experts in my link.
Regardless, yes, there was internal areas that the tank didnt get to. It breached the outer walls. They were not driving it though the house like a demolition derby.
Oh a quote? Got a source for that quote?
Can we ignore the glownigger in here and talk about the series? This shit is doing a great job at redpilling my grill on alphabetbois. I’d appreciate links to some of the fucked up shit they did at RR and Waco.
>mfw the quality of this thread
I asked for my fed pension, paypig. I want it now.
Damn. He is in on it too? How deep does the state go?!
Bullshit. Hooch fucked up but did not do anything intentionally wrong.
>shooting and running over survivors of the original gunfight. There is FLIR video of this happening
t. Someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're looking at in an IR image.
Show is not available outside the US
>what is VPN and tor
Now is the perfect time to talk about our sponsor, NordVPN. If you use the coupon code "KYSFAG" you'll get nothing off, but you will find peace.
Edward Allard, a man who helped develop the FLIR camera and a patent holder literally went on camera to say this is exactly what happened in Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Knowing how to develop and produce an image sensor doesn't mean fuck for how you're able to analyse what's taking place in the view of one. Fuji and Canon engineers are quite often shit photographers. Allard should learn what glass debris looks like in bright sun with a shifting viewpoint.
There are anons that work for the feds but are actually paid well enough not to beg for handouts, faggot.
t. GS-14
So odd question, why do you know what to look for?
That's nice. Have you ever used a flir. Hell, look at a car chase footage. SO MUCH GUNSHOTS EVERYWHERE AFTER THE CRASH OMG!!!
But user, they say I'm a fed, I want my handout dammit!
He addresses this, brainlets. Please present your credentials.
The VPN service where the client had privilege escalation issues, the same VPN service that got hacked. If you use NordVPN you need to an hero posthaste
I fucking know, ill just use the company VPN
There. Two flir forensic scientists.
Because I've spent ten plus years and more hours than I want to know, staring at an EO/IR display, at three different IR sensors from two different manufacturers, variously over empty land, cities, and sea. If I have to work on Sunday mornings, about half the time we fly quite near my rifle club, and Sundays are busy, so I'll amuse myself by steering the turret over there. Specular returns come from fucking everywhere, and gunshots are rather more noticeable than the twinkling in those videos.
>purposely shot dude's wife and tried to kill his infant daughter
>did nothing wrong
wasn't on purpose, retard. he missed. she was behind a door. he couldn't see her.
High cuts and PEQ-15s in 93? I guess they just pulled some random fucking image from google there.
>Ruby ridge=/Waco. RR was fucked on multiple levels.
>You want to blame the feds for mishandling Waco? Go for it, I'll be right with you. They did. They fucked it so bad they actually learned from it, and why the BLM standoff ended like it did.
>But the cultists still started that fire.
brillant social engineering post there, but the feds started the fire. Almost 30 years later and waco/RR is still making Americans hate you fat fed fucks.
>our "experts" on retainer say we didnt do it
>just look, it says so right here in our propaganda booklet
Funny how infraspection institute found the opposite conclusion
>but the feds started the fire
Nope, sorry kid.
yes they did child
Yas Forums greentext posts are not proof of anything.
Sorry kiddo, they did not.
ok no evidence
>he missed, he was aiming for the baby, but missed and hit the mom
Oh yes, let's listen to a technical school from Burlington New Jersey.
Sorry evidencelet, I got over 200 pages of expert testimony garnered from multiple experts both national and international. You have dank youtube videos.
>dont pay attention to these unbiased people because they dont agree with me and they're just a technical school I haven't heard of
>our experts which we pay a salary to said we didnt do it so that's good enough for me
You make your position look worse with every post
Honestly why even try fed? every-time you retards come to shillpost you get btfo a dozen anons with actual evidence.
>I got over 200 pages of expert testimony garnered from multiple experts both national and international.
paid by the government*
>talk to my taiwanese girlfriend about guns getting banned in canada
>"well you can just not turn them in, right?"
>implying your side did it for free.
>everytime you crash the circlejerk you REEEEEEEE at me.
I know, you cant stand factual evidence rather than YouTube conspiracy theroys.
And your docudramas dont pay their people? That's communism!
Interviews are usually free, yes. As for infraspection, doing a job for someone is not the same as being on retainer you disingenuous kike
Keep this thread alive so more people can learn about fed antics.
According to who, though?
your idea of sexual attractiveness is seriously fucked up if you think him or the girl were good looking in the show. they look like grungy white kids with substance abuse problems
Posting factual evidence is antics?
Man, this fed sure is an asshole!
>expert opinion is usually free, yes.
Oh you poor fucking child.
Oh yes I'm sure the big bad fed keeps retired fire marshals and sweedcucks on retainer.
CPS investigated them...
...And found absolutely nothing.
>Posting factual evidence
oh no no no
>siding with the feds and not the gun jews
And thus the glownigger arrived earlier than usual.
Thibodeau. Thibodeau said Michelle got married to David at like 12 and her first kid with him was at 15. kiri jewell also said david fucked her and she was only 12 in 1993, so IDK how old she was when he fucked her
The feds fucked up big time at Waco. I dont side with them, but with the truth. They didnt start the fire. Not directly in any case. They did create the environment where the doomsday cult thought they had no choice but to start the fire however.
Have you seen Thibodeau IRL? dude is a fat fuck. And the girl was a total QT on the show
Wire the cavalry, Chief Runs-With-Goalpost is making a break for it off the rez!
>a measured opinion in MY /k/?
And I'm sure the fact that every piece of evidence was either intentionally destroyed or "lost" by the people investigating themselves is just a coincidence in your mind.
Thibodeau said there were no plans for mass suicide
image being some balding boomer fed having to go and shill for the government with government funded "experts and testimony" because they fucked up so hard that it's still a massive PR issue 30 year later.
Bruh, RR was fucking awful but the chink who shot Vicky Weaver was at Waco shooting, too. The feds CS gassed the place knowing that the adults had gas masks, but that the babies didn't. They literally gassed babies and took pictures on their ashes.
I said give me my bennies, paypig.
Yes, but they didnt start the fire. RR had some other issues too that was not present at waco, but that's for another thread.
Already addressed.
>Chief Runs-With-Goalpost
Wow what a bootlicker. Get a load of this fag.
They didnt investigate themselves in my posted evidence. Oh wait they didnt tow your line so they must be a fed amirite?
Ngl, did give me a chuckle. I'll let him have it.
>but moooooom there's user that doesn't buy the narrative i subscribe to, hook line and sinker!
Are these the hrt guys?
I'm not the one claiming a massive conspiracy on a woodworking symposiums complaint line.
>first hand account from an innocent inside, who also who helped make the series WACO doesn't count
absolutely vacuuming fed cock
>became radicalized as soon as she learned how Vicki Weaver died
Well she should...
The baby that she was holding freaked out every time it saw the color red for years afterward
Wife her now!
Why did they purposely pick flammable gas that was mixed with methylene chloride which is also flammable and fucking burns, to use to gas children, without bringing any form of fire fighting team, and throwing flashbangs that spark fires if their intention was not to start a fire in the compound?
>and they couldn't demonize him and his family after the fact
Sure they did
>guy who admittedly was not in the cults inner circle and who was smart enough to get the fuck out claims he was not suicidal.
Well duh user.
The door that proved who shot first mysteriously disappeared while in super credible and super competent government custody
you'll never win this argument buddy.
>why were the feds retarded?
Because they are the goverment.
Still didnt start the fire though, unless they have access to teleportation tech.
keep going, I'm sure your cuck stamp will get approved faster
Feds paid each of the 3 daughters $1 million in an out of court settlement. One of the feds lawyers said if it went to court he has no doubt the feds would have had to pay the $200 mil the family was seeking
Horiuchi is below humanity and is a horrible example of Amerijaps.
t. Amerijap that would dig Horiuchi's eyes out if I got a chance
Do not indulge anti-gunners about evil nazis, you are free to think whatever you like and they don't get to have a label that excuses all their evil shit.
Am Yas Forums, but you really need to think about why they would push such a premis. Chomskys idea about a false public debate is a goid place to start, manufacturing consent
I could care less who shot first, my arguement is extremely narrow, "who started the fire".
It was not the feds, it was the cultists. As soon as you come to terms with the fact that a doomsday cult killed themselves, the sooner you will be rid of me.
Joe Biden is running for president, they never cared about pedophilllia
remember that Troy hired Lon Horiuchi and he's still employed there to this day
Every member of the cult said during the siege and those who survived maintained after the siege that there was never a mass suicide plan.
who started the fires at all those other sieges where fires were with CS?
>Because they are the goverment.
The same government that had been using CS-fueled fires to burn out tax protestors since the 1970s.
I'm sure every member of jonestown would have the same sentiment. It does not matter, you just need a few hardline true believers to make their decisions for them.
Danforth wasnt a government official now?
Irrelevant. My focus is on this fire.
See above.
For example, did the LAPD burn the fuck out of Dorner? You bet your ass they did. Still does not mean the cultists didnt start the fire.
Not at the time of his involvement in the case. Nor was his witnesses.
John Danforth was a Republican. If it was political he had every incentive to fuck over the Clintons.
>we put you under siege and murdered half your family, here's a cool mil
Even in 90s dollars that's shit. That's a debt that can only be paid in blood. It would still be unpaid if not for Timmy Boii
honestly even if the feds didn't start the fire, they are ultimately responsible for what happened due to their psyops bullshit
>blackpill on the 2a
not op but the fuck does that mean?
Yep, it was mishandled completely. But at the end of the road the fire was the cultists actions. Unless you believe they are so retarded as to be rendered legally disabled.
Except the FBI purposely set the fire for the express goal of burning children to death
Ahh yes, using their patented FBI teleporting firebombs. DAMN THOSE FEDS!
You might have a strong argument there. Guys signing up to do David's work for him while he fucks their wives and all.
I can pump tons of flammable gas into your home, but if it ignites it's all on you!
Fuck man....was the FBI their legal guardians then?!
No wonder koresh had his head cucks ser the fire, he knew he had peaked.
Damn those FBI teleporting ignition sources! Such timing too!!
well I believe they were extremely sleep deprived and fucked in the head by feds doing shit like blasting music, recordings of jet planes, the screams of animals being slaughtered, along with repeatedly driving over the grave of Peter Gent
the Feds fucked with the heads of a group that wasn't all there to begin with. The Feds are responsible for the fire
So do climate change deniers, but here we are.
Yes, the feds bringing a doomsday cult their doomsday was full retard.
They still didnt start the fire however, thus to me they were not ultimately responsible.
>doomsday cult killed themselves, the sooner you will be rid of me.
that's never going to happen cause while i'm here i'm going to expose your government funded lies so that everyone else gets a good hard look at them. so keep going lets keep posting evidence and let's see what's more convincing. Heaven's Gate or Jonestown isn't making people angry 30 years after the fact, so why are the BDs not similarly forgotten?
Who started the fire is important because depending on who started it, a mass suicide becomes a government authorised mass murder.
the FBI knew there were children present and that they didn't have gas masks, The gas would have been ineffective against the adult gunmen (so why gas them at all?)
CS is flammable and had started fires at almost every other other siege where it was used
BDs had kerosine lamps everywhere in the compound because their power was cut
tanks drove through the building and flashbangs were thrown in
now go ahead and reply so my post gets more visibility
Fact: two fires started in places the feds did not have access to. Keep replying to my posts for more visibility (?)
>CS is flammable
>suicidal man on ledge contemplating jumping
>yell abuse about how much of a failure and loser he is, about how no one cares about him. desecrate the grave of a loved one in front of him and take potshots at him
>It’s not my fault he jumped!
pedantic semantics time ok, the chemical that causes the irritation isn't flammable but the gas mixture is.
>man with hostage says he will kill her if the police dont leave
>they dont leave
>he kills her
The death ain't on the police my guy.
sorry not a fact, now try prove it without a gov funded report
All cs gas ain't the same. The type used in the CEV was not. Some 40mms that were used was.
The feds still didnt start the fire.
Tbh I feel like this is probably the most accurate version of how the fire started
You forgot your signature, boomer. Try to prove the feds started the fire without youtube conspiracy theorys and docudramas
It is if they psychologically tortured him to that point
Its fairly accurate yes. If you want to blame the feds for making the jumper believe the only way out was to jump, fine.
But if you want to say the feds pushed him, that's not accurate.
I mean, they would do the same shit to the hostage taker eventually. Music, tear gas, etc.
That's not enough, in my book, to be torture.
>Some 40mms that were used was.
that were colloquially known as "burners" by law enforcement, and since its a launched projectile that clears up the question of how fires were started in places they didn't have (weee! pedantic semantics time again) "access" to.
this is why i love Yas Forums, by the time you get your shill'n memes together you're already a year out of date
>feds still didn't start the fire
Well gee bootlicker, its great the feds kept the eviden- oh wait they bulldozed the entire site and told everyone the davidians set themselves on fire.
On top of there is no point in pushing the narrative of "well, they might have sieged a bunch of weirdos at their own private property, released statements calling them pedophiles and gangsters, filled their mansion with flammable nerve gas, and it caught fire, and then proceeded to "lose" all evidence involved with the scene AFTER bulldozing over it, but thank god they didn't start the fire huh it was those nasty cultists".
Eat shit glownigger.
Except 40mm cant teleport inside internal structures, nor was any used during the ignition phase.
You still forgot your sig, boomer.
All the evidence needed was viewed by the experts user.
It is also inaccurate to act as if the jumper was not coerced into jumping even if you want to pull semantic bullshit of "well they didn't physically push him, no wrongdoing here".
>Blasting recordings of jets and the sounds of animals being slaughtered to prevent them from sleeping along with desecrating the grave of their friend isn’t psychological torture
>shoot through a door when you can't see what you're shooting at
>just an accident lol
Tear gassing and the music didnt coerce them into doing it, the breaching actions did. It's not like they were psychotic.
So i suppose people being gassed in a building being demolished by tanks would panic and know things over like the dozens of oil lamps?
Makes absolutely no sense yup, Survivalist cultists who stockpile life preserving supplies in an effort to stay alive were actually a suicide cult. now THAT makes sense
>All the evidence needed was viewed by the experts user
What experts? Where's the fucking front door you told everyone was fired through first by the davidians, glownigger?
Oh wait it fucking got yeeted because the physical evidence didn't match the narrative of the davidians firing outward from inside the compound because the alphabet bois pulled the triggers first.
if the cult truly was suicidal, why would they start a fire? How could they start a fire if they're choking on nerve gas?
Why would they choose to die via incineration if they had you know- guns that are way less painful to suicide with than burning alive?
Shits not adding up but you're not admitting it.
The siege was mishandled, but nobody will label tear gas and loud noises against people resisting warrant as torture.
>knock things over like the dozens of oil lamps?
All at the same time, in three separate sections? Nah.
>sleep deprivation isn't a form of psychological torture
>tear gas isn't inherently used because its physically discomforting
>inflicting physical pain and discomfort is totally not torture
Are you an FBI shill or just the normal kind of retarded?
>What experts?
Already posted. If your not going to read my posts, I'm not going to read yours.
Holy shit, so if a cop uses a tazer or cs spray, that's torture to you?
You mean besides the door that mysteriously went missing showing the ATF fired first through the door hitting Sperry and Koresh. Or the mansion with bullet holes coming in through the roof consumed by flame. Thats a little convenient dont you think?
I don't see shit shill.
>holy shit I'm comparing apples to oranges, why can't you admit an apple isn't an apple because I'm comparing it to an orange???
Are you saying a tazer or CS spray isn't a form of torture just because the approved personnel are using it?
Seems pretty irrelevant on who started the fire user. Try to keep up.
>pattern of behavior is irrelevant
You're not even trying anymore
>literally one nigger in this thread defending the ATF and FBI at all costs
So you ARE saying CS spray and tasers are torture. Fuck man. Are mean words torture too? Am I torturing you now?
Somebody call Geneva!
How many daycares will be blown up before Waco is avenged by the noble crusaders of /k/?
It is. Government does one wrong thing =/ government does all wrong things.
Its irrelevant. I could give a rat's ass who fired first. I care about who started the fire. It was not the feds.
Oh yes. Tis me, the man who stated multiple times the FBI handled it like morons, defending the FBI at all costs.
Well, were you one of Koresh's Kucks then?
How many tanks did they use?
>using CS spray vs 1 person resisting arrest in an outdoor area
>using CS spray against women in children locked inside a closed building with no ventilation causing them to seize so hard they literally snap their spines from the force of their own muscle spasms
really gets the noggin joggin
>I don't see shit shill.
Well then neither do I. If you refuse to even read my posts, I refuse to do the same.
>All at the same time
pedantic semantics alert, i'm sure that fire investigators can pin things down to the second
Are you done looking stupid? Probably not realising daddy government isn't the good guy would probably cause you severe psychological distress so go ahead and keep trying to convince yourself don't let convolution stand in the way of your beliefs.
For breaching? Zero. They used one modified CEV.
>i'm sure that fire investigators can pin things down to the second
He literally did. You would know that if you were arguing with integrity and read the source material provided.
>implying they dont use CS gas to this day.
Hat's off to your bait skills keeping this thread alive, it is legitimately infuriating seeing the fed's narrative on display. Needs more pics of agents posing in front of charred corpses of children
How the fuck does that imply anything, did you even read the post or do you have the reading comprehension of an autistic child?
>He literally did.
by looking at grainy 90s tape taken from outside the building of a very chaotic situation he knew the exact second fire started on the interior of the building.
critical thinking folks, or you'll end up like this dude i'm arguing with
>the truth=bait
If I thought that way I would be infuriated too.
lmao are we supposed to trust some fire inspectors opinion report in an investigation where they were actively destroying corpses(mobile morgue incident), destroying evidence(them doors, videos, and watch reports etc), and "mislabeling" incendiary CS grenades that "were totally never even used at waco" in the first place as weapon suppressors? They literally had ""experts"" testify to congress that automatic weapons fire detected by FLIR in the hands of federal agents was just a "rythmic solar phenomena" and nothing to worry about. The whole investigation isn't trustworthy from top to bottom with how many holes have been found in it over the years.
Except he did far more than that. If you bothered to actually read the source material you would know this.
>wtf you just cant trust some sweedcuck with a doctorate!
So now we are going with anti science, huh? Even though he broke down exactly what his findings was and how he got to them?
I’m not talking about tasers or pepper spray. I’m talking about blasting loud and disturbing sounds for hours on end to prevent someone from sleeping, along with desecrating the grave of their friend
What the feds did was absolutely torture
>I have never seen a car crash though FLIR
The post.
Again. The loud music is done to this day as well, especially during hostage situations.
If that's your definition of torture, its fucked
Im not sure thats true I know there were at least 2 of those vehicles on site, (originally nonmodified) and more tanks around. In any case is it not possible the three fires were actually just one big fire from all the flammable tear gas they'd been pumping into the building catching?
>anti science
...and back to the talking points. The cognitive dissonance must be starting to hurt now.
>In any case is it not possible the three fires were actually just one big fire from all the flammable tear gas they'd been pumping into the building catching?
No, because the fire spread from 3 separate points, not all at once.
Yes I can, and I will.
>multiple moving federal agents spread out in different locations with muzzle flashes occurring at rifle distance from their bodies at 800rpm while pointing at areas where bodies riddled with rifle fire were found
>lmao just a coincidence
What exactly do car crashes have to do with anything
>from their bodies
You mean from fucking everywhere.
yeah i don't have the government buying FLIR for me to sit around all day and look through.
hey wait a minute
Man, good thing the feds didn't have complete access to the scene, plant bugs throughout the places the fires later started at, and even at one point had an operative so close to koresh that he offered to just grab him rq and exfil or anything then. Must've been those crazies.
Not at the cyclic rate of automatic weapons fire, the few instances of stuff on the ground giving off heat are completely an aside point. You sound an awful lot like a blatant disinfo shill
>Man, good thing the feds didn't have complete access to the scene
Except all the evidence points to the same conclusion, regardless of access or not.
It wasn’t just “loud music.” You also seem to be ignoring the whole “desecrating graves” thing
>Not at the cyclic rate of automatic weapons fire
Ok, let's see it. Specifically this. I have seen the flashes on the rooftop. Not this "gunfire coming from agents at the cyclic rate of AR" bullshit.
>You also seem to be ignoring the whole “desecrating graves” thing
Because it reeks to me of bitching about agents not giving a fuck of they stand on this dirt or that.
Yea those guys were badass and ebin bro xD
Lick harder bootlicker
congratulations, you do, say and think what you are told, want a milkbone?
Never mind, I found it, its bullshit.
That's exactly what it was, huh?
Ahh. Let me guess, the earth is flat, 9/11 was an inside job, the moon landing is fake, and the Jews run the world.
If you call running over the grave of a man you murdered with a tank on someone elses property because youve got 300 more goons behind you.... I guess? Thats a pretty out there opinion though
Oh yes, I'm sure the CEV driver aimed right for that super special patch of dirt user.
But really though
>wanting to hold federal agents accountable for crimes like the destruction of a grave marker is bitching because you dont like where theyre standing
It just makes no sense besides sadism, who the fuck would want to surrender to someone that just ran over their dad's body with a tank?
It was done during breaching ops, I'm pretty sure that A) it was not intentional and B) surrender was out the window.
Just got done watching that Waco Netflix series. Holy fuck if Karesh would have come out and the Texas rangers were able to protect the evidence there might not be an ATF right now. Sad to think what could have been.
>Gee I wonder why there could be a cross planted in the ground around some recently disturbed earth where we observed one of the davidians bury a body days earlier
>probably just some trash run it over ted
Do you think before you type? At all?
Why not let us know you dont actually know the story before spewing your bullshit? Why waste peoples time talking about something you dont actually know about?
Timmy was right
You know what, if you can prove the CEV operator intentionally drove over the grave with the intent of desecrating it rather than just trying to breach the house, I would be all for prosecution.
I think it's a misdemeanor, but fuck it have at it.
I indirectly stated I didnt know the story when he asked why I'm not referencing it.
Are you telling me the show in lenient in favor of the feds
yeah they definitely deserved to die over pic related
fuck you
The show depicted them as running back and forth over their fence before proceeding onto the grave shortly before the final gassing but Im not sure how accurate that is (everything else from the show seemed accurate and the way they film shows the ambiguities) or if Im even remembering when it happened right. In any case the final gassing was to try and get them to surrender precluding an assault meaning whatever the case what they were doing was counterintuitive to their goals. I looked it up and desecration of a corpse is a felony and I dont think a vandalism charge would be out of order either
So just gonna ignore the part about agents posing in front of charred corpses of children as if they just took down a trophy buck..