Italyanon here, I decided to take a trip to the "land of the Free" while I still could, overall, I'm super disappointed.
>the food, oversalted garbage, everything has HFCS, even your "savoury" meals, wtf? The meat tastes off, the fruits are unripe, the veggies are bland, but they're big and they look nice >the people, anons always told me how America was nice if you avoided the big cities. What a fucking JOKE. Once you leave the cities all you'll find is endless Mc"Food" outlets, wandering hambeasts and white trash. Those who took care of themselves never actually looked like they were healthy, more like they were starved cocaine addicts who were not at all happy. Upon the streets I found no children playing, neither does anyone walk or exercise. It feels as if the people are corralled towards designated activities, everything streamlined and denatured >the architecture, another joke. Multiple times I have seen houses made out of "stone", upon closer inspection, I find it's some sort of plastic resin, mass produced to mimic stone. Is nothing in this country real? The rest were a combination of brutalist glass/concrete structures, and cardboard houses for the "people" to live in >misc, I took a shower in Philadelphia, all I could notice was my eyes burned, and my skin stenched of chlorine, it became red and irritated, seems I haven't built up an immune system to your "water" yet
Overall, I get this overwhelming feeling that American culture is a façade. It feels dead, soulless, and I cannot wait to leave this shithole before it swallows me too.
>disgusting 1000 times better than any angloid ogre
Noah Ward
Ah yes, the great culture
>being so obese you have to use a scooter to get around the designated supermarket, Walmart #59196 >creating a whole new species of whale found at your local iHop >farting with a lighter to create a shitthrower, good fun! >keeling over from heart disease at 45 >mental illness, everywhere
Jace Myers
>>Whitetrash Mario, at least they're white. You guys are a bunch of octaroons larping as roman descendants playing grab-ass with kids in robes; your only saving grace is your women and nutella
Nathan Adams
You come from a country with thousands of years of culture and history, with cities like Venice and Florence and Rome. Events like the Mille miglia. You’re gonna be hard pressed to find your expectation of culture. Just enjoy the big gulp, burgers and bbc
Nathan Cook
God damn she's beautiful.
Gavin Bennett
This was my exact experience Adding >shitty roads >even shittyer drivers, you have to zigzag to pass these mutts >everything you do you have to go by car, no bike lanes no walking It was just so cold and offputting, had a terrible time.
Jaxson Campbell
In America? Se ti piacciono i grossi troll delle caverne
Cooper Ross
Why do you have to be as mean as him? You're doing the exact same thing as him.
Jace Gray
I tried your nutella by the way.
I couldn't believe how sweet it was. I could barely taste the cocoa or hazelnuts. Which reminds me, I also saw a lot of products labeled "Cheese flavored"... Cheese flavored? Are Americans so depraved and greedy that their cheese isn't even real?
Brody Allen
That's the American actress Jennifer Connelly.
Oliver Jones
Noooooo not our french-fries-with-everything-culturiiinooo, not our fiat slave currenciiinoooo
Asher Russell
People come to the New World to start a new life, discover new opportunities and discard their old tradition in favor of a new way of life.
Sure, North America doesn't have 1000's of years of culture, but we make up for it by our industry and natural wealth.
Keep meandering around tiny roads around your little peasant cuck village. We new worlders drive straight and proud down well paved roads in our pick up trucks.
That's understandable. All you see is Chinese and Indians
Brody Harris
That's only Sicilians. And you have no business talking about this, nigger.
Jaxson Wright
I think you pretty much covered it pastanon. Not all of that stuff is universal and the fruit is that way intentionally so they can keep it on shelves longer
My Sicilian grandmother went down to the draft board office each time one of her sons got a letter, and none of them went to WWII. Only much later did I realize what she probably did.
Ethan Brown
British Broadcasting Corporation
Colton Parker
Kek, no fratello, voglio una italiana. Preferably northern, always heard Milan has the best broads no?
Nicholas Edwards
Post passport cover with timestamp or you are a larping amerimutt
Jeremiah Hall
I knew all of this & I've never been to America. Money well saved.
Charles Walker
No one is superscooting anywhere, this is how I know you're a liar. Everyone has ordered amazon from safety of home. Restaurants aren't all open, and food sourcing is very tough with supply chains and meat plants being affected. I know you're not italian.
Evan Johnson
>Those who took care of themselves never actually looked like they were healthy, more like they were starved cocaine addicts who were not at all happy
eating only truly healthy food in America is an enormous undertaking and basically results in you cooking all your own food which means you get suboptimal nutrition and end up starving all the time. You can never think about what you want to eat and just eat it, you have to cook it first, or eat the wrong things which have nutrients you don’t need so much as what you really want
t. starving cocaine addict looking American who has the aforementioned life because all other food is cooked in shitty vegetable oils that were killing me
Basically you’re fucked either way in America. And Britain and Australia probably aren’t that far off either but maybe not idk
Like for example, I cannot find a single fucking salad dressing made with olive oil anymore. Not a single god damn shit fucking one in any fucking grocery. Not in an expensive health foods store, nowhere. It’s all canola, sunflower or basedbean oil which are much less healthy. So I have to make my own
Samuel Williams
Bitch be cool. You know damn well, they (Italians in general) aren't of the nordic or classically white phenotype and the plausibility of them having mixed ancestry is relatively high if we consider history and even current appearance. You've got these five foot tall pseudo-Mexicans speaking Italian trying to fool you that they're legit.
He's right, fatso Your only contribution to culture is "ass to mouth porn". And that's it
Christian Smith
there are a LOT of great things about the USA, but most of the things Italy touched on are, in a general sense, true. OTOH, I could say that the architecture of Italy is overblown and built on the backs of the poor, that, at least in Southern Italia, families can't let their female children go out to play in the middle of the day for fear that teens and adult men will molest them (not immigrants, mind you, dyed-in-the-wool Italians), that the Italian "work ethic" is nothing compared to Americans, that Italian politics are ridiculously corrupt, that Italian women wear far too much make-up and need to take a lesson from their French neighbours.
There's always something to criticize about a country. If you're going to visit, try to have a good time, don't just look for faults so you can feel superior.
I bet that while you were steaming in your room, posting about American "hambeasts", you could have been out at a BBQ wirth said hambeast having a beer and a laugh and some fucking fun. Americans are, in general, a good-natured and welcoming people. There's no excuse for being miserable in the USA, whether you're in NYC or Snakeballs, Wyoming.
>The meat tastes off, the fruits are unripe, the veggies are bland, but they're big and they look nice
This is what pisses me off about Europeans. Everything needs to be a ritual, everything needs to hark back to some historical facet, or needs to be dressed up in some kind of social dance or wit.
People in North America have an economy to run, we are industrious and unpretentious people. This is why we are the New World, we accept the poor, the tired and the hungry and give them everything they need to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Faggot cuck Euro's hopping around forests picking edible flowers with the appropriate tweezers isn't going to feed a nation of people.
I'm 3/4 Sicilian and I took the Ancestry. com gene test and I didn't have a single percent African so fuck you.
Zachary Flores
>French-fries-with-everything-culturiiinooo I noticed Americans are obsessed with putting cheese and bacon on everything. It's like they have no clue how to season things so they just throw feedlot pigs on it. Their bacon isn't too grand, either.
Wyatt Evans
>eating only truly healthy food in America is an enormous undertaking and basically results in you cooking all your own food which means you get suboptimal nutrition and end up starving all the time. holy fuck what am I reading? cooking your own food is some kind of exotic undertaking?? GROW UP, KIDDO!
William Morris
>Snakeballs you're just trying to lure people to sacrifice to snake jesus
John Richardson
It went downhill after smartphones which brought internet to everyone. After that everywhere basically became homogenized. Everywhere is exactly the same now.
Parker Hernandez
>concedes OP is 100% accurate >insists his country is best anyway American confirmed.
Tyler Hughes
How does it feel knowing your grandmother was a dirty whore?