Michigan General /MIG/

All are welcome, even trolls I guess. Do you feel safe where you are? How prepared are you?

My take:
>We (the US as a whole) are about to get fucked real hard by COVID.
>All these people protesting in Lansing are pretty fucking gay if you ask me. Mommy Whitmer knows what she's doing.
>I can understand if you're destitute but all these tacti-fags posing for photos trying to look cool can fuck right off.
>I have nothing against open carry, I support proper militias, but this is just laughable.
>Glad I'm tucked away nice and comfy in the UP.
>Hopefully we can blow The Bridge and mount an effective border patrol on the UP/Wisconsin border when the rioting hits.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Mommy Whitmer
Good job at outing yourself Marquette faggot. Hope you are wearing a mask and not buying seeds or thats a 1000$ fine.

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former yooper here. feel mostly the same. these fat booga bros are cringy as fuck.

How are the sluts in Michigan


nice bait go back to pol

>I love anti gun faggotry
How about you walk off a bridge and save us all the suffering of existing in the same plane of reality with you?


231 here, fuck you. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to register my car just because a bunch of people in Detroit are coughing. It's the same fucking shit all the time, one god damn city decides policy for the entire state

You fucking buffoon. You can't just decide trolling is okay and start posting Yas Forums shit. This is exactly why I stopped coming to /k/. I'd rather put up with pussy know-it-alls claiming that looking at gun schematics and discussing manufacturing and modding is illegal and the Yas Forums party van is coming to get us all. Nothing about this is /k/ related.

This shit should be deleted by mods and you should recieve a ban.

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Reminder: The government has been RAPING American's civil liberties for literal decades. Anyone who is on here defending the (((government))) ought to be strung up from a light pole as a warning to the other traitors.

It's time to accept that the social contract is gone, the good guys lost DECADES ago, and the objective only solution to restore American liberty is open revolt and mass use of force by American patriots.

Oh, and to the glowniggers/Feds/Jew Enforcement Officers: Tick tock. Better just kill yourself before this pops off.

If you eat in a downtown grand rapids restaurant there is an approximately 2.5% chance the waitress has touched my penis.

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>fucked by Covid

You’ve been lied to. You’ve got nothing to worry about.

fat, but not as fat as the ones in Wisconsin.

Oriental or ROCOR?

Hey now he could be one of the boys up at tech. Either way he's far enough removed from the average yooper to realize that they need the constant flow of booze and meth from downstate.

Tell that to the job I lost.

>please take away my rights comrade whitmer


this desu

>>All these people protesting in Lansing are pretty fucking gay if you ask me. Mommy Whitmer knows what she's doing.
Fuck Witmer, her making everyone dependent on the state by banning gardening and fishing is unconstitutional. Also what the duck does roping off the paint section of the store have to do with a virus? She's a corrupt count and should be jailed.

>Mommy Whitmer
fucking fag dem enabler
coof yourself to death

nice fal bro
I like your mag

It's the last day of April. Corona reached its peak weeks ago. The so called "curve" was flattened and doctors and nurses are dancing on twitter. Obama went golfing last Saturday. It's time to end the lockdowns.

Attached: doctors and nurses at breaking point, hospital war zone overrun by the dead, corona dancing pandemic.webm (576x1024, 2.53M)

hey anyone here know the rules to building a handgun here in Michigan I know you usually have to register pistol but Im making it myself

>buy handgun
>dont register
>only punishment if caught is a 200$ fine

Michigan, the Florida of the North.

>Shilling intensifies
Funny how this suddenly went from a board sentiment of possible impending SHTF to a vocal minority spewing "theres nothing to be worried about, go back to work goy!" with the same pictures and points all of the sudden. Right around the time the paid protests and atroturfing engineered by a couple of wealthy individuals started up IRL, too. Really gets the noggin joggin.
>Corona reached its peak weeks ago.

oh is it really I thought that was just the fine for if it was late registered.Im designing my own handgun on fusion so mine wouldn't have a serial number or anything is that still fine?

/k/ has long been full of knee jerk reactionaries with a boogaloo fetish.

WI here, eat shit mitten niggers and UP snowcows.

How to go to prison: The Post

Faggot, Whitmer is a dumbass.

Stop lying. The majority of /k/ never supported the so called "quarantine". Because quarantine is when you lockdown sick people. Tyranny is when you lockdown healthy people.

with no wide spreading testing available you have to treat everyone as possibly infected. that's why everyone had to lock down. what is so hard to understand about that?

White men want soooo badly to be oppressed

>>I have nothing against open carry, I support proper militias, but this is just laughable.
I wish militias were a regular non autistic things. Just communities getting together, bonding, and learning all about firearms. They always seem to form a massive net for autists.

>what is so hard to understand

I understand you perfectly. You hate science and support unscientific lockdowns. Here is what the real experts say.
Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science | Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi Pt1

lol there is no oppression involved in a lockdown to prevent a worldwide pandemic from decimating the local populace. stop being fucking retarded.

80% never show symptoms. death rate is 0.18% based on antibody testing. go fuck yourself you communist. suck a dick with your ass.

one youtube video vs every other major health organization in the world.

hmmm, who should i believe?

Tell the protesters that

Take it up with your local Party Member.

>being from WI
Wouldn’t wish that upon anyone

fuck this is comfy

>work in healthcare
>be a fatass

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Grosse Pointe here

>who should i believe?

The doctors in the video, because they have all the evidence. But you won't because you are brainwashed sheep.

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>a vocal minority spewing "theres nothing to be worried about, go back to work goy!
just your local job creator astroturfing the fuck out of this and looking out for their bank account

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stop posting pics of my wife on the internet. thanks

strange how the one youtube video that agrees with you is also the most trustworthy source?

You Mitten State wanna-be

Whatever cheese breath, now get back to work making my cheddar or I'll fuck your sister before you can.

NY is killing people by putting on vents. even the germans are calling them out for this now. but you know why they are doing it? cause for every intubation the hospital gets 39,000 dollars. there are no more flu cases in NY, they are all be classed as COVID. thats more money. whats more, heartattacks, strokes and other deaths are being classed as COVID. because they get more money. if a suspected infection needs testing, those payments for the tests are approved without investigation. so what do they do? the test EVERYTHING. because they get that money no questions asked. Fire departments get a full shift reimbursement if their staff set foot in a hospital with suspected cases. MONEY MONEY MONEY.

The governors of NY and CA want this to fuck their state because they see it as a way out of their stupid retarded pension liabilities. its over 1 trillion in CA alone. they want a bail out.

>NY is killing people by putting on vents
as someone who's family works in hospitals you are really are a brain dead moron with no idea how respiratory illnesses work.

>strange how

It's not strange that you completely failed to refute one word of the fifty minute video. In fact it is very typical of your ilk. Keep listening to the corrupt WHO.

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you're a right wing sheep and you don't even know it.

>Scientists can never learn more about a new pathogen and refine their definitions and recommendations.
How old do you think the world is?

don't try and argue with him. he's fallen into the trap the media and politicians laid for him. they've successfully brainwashed him into turning his political party's worldview into his religion.

Think we’ll see more demonstrations across the country?


>you're a right wing sheep

I am "sheep" for disagreeing with every corrupt global health organization in the world, every crooked politician, every lying mainstream media channel in the world, every social network, every banker, every megacorporation, etc, etc. But you are not sheep for parroting whatever the TV tells you. Now that is strange. Meanwhile in the real world, corona dancing continues.

Attached: corona dancing pandemic, booty doctors and nurses.webm (490x720, 2.92M)

front line doctors have been sounding alarm over the over use of vents for weeks.

Stop lying using greentext.

hospitals were supposed to be overun. in reality they are fucking ghost towns and are in danger of closing forever.

our hospitals were over run dipshit. maybe you got sparred in your shithole flyover but over here we were storing dead bodies in refrigerated trucks because the morgues couldn't hold any more bodies.

>t. jew york kike
make sense
sick fat nigs and chinks gonna die anyways

>but over here

Does your city have a fucking name?

not new york fucko

Cities were a mistake. We keep getting taught this lesson and we never learn.

but they weren't overrun. A bad car wreck or week of flu will fill a morgue to capacity. The hospital ship was never used, the field hospitals are being dismantled nation wide because it was a waste time.

>The hospital ship was never used, the field hospitals are being dismantled nation wide because it was a waste time.
because the governors were smart and locked down. are you seriously going to sit here and claim that the virus not getting as bad as initially predicted wasn't because of the proactive moves local government made to limit the spread?

>quarantine is when you lockdown sick people. Tyranny is when you lockdown healthy people.
Like they're reading from a script or something. Quarantine has literally referred to locking down the sick and the healthy to prevent the spread of disease since it became a fucking word.

Doesnt matter, as urban scum, no one here cares what you think
cities are ruled and inhabited by the same scum
Enjoy starving to death and being raped and eaten by savage nonwhites
You didnt deny being a kike either


Lol this guy

Enjoy urban life while you can
A painless death is the best you can hope for

>enjoying living in a city
/out/ told me people like that were a myth

Based and Orthopilled

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Can scientists can ever learn more about a new pathogen and refine their definitions and recommendations? Is that something in their purview?

Rights are more important than your life. Period.

>Visit /k/ for the first time in ages
>totally infested with illiterate bootlicking shills
If only that was true faggot. Keep informing on your neighbors and letting your greasy Italian overlords ruin your life over a fucking cold.

Willingly and wittingly spreading the Rona is a violation of the NAP.

>see Michigan thread
>get excited to talk to fellow michbros
>thread is utter trash

Well fuck.

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Well then you should have killed anyone who gave you the flu
And your uncle when he gave you aids as a child

Once again rights are more important

Ask yourself why is trash
Lots of shills on here and Yas Forums
Theyre scared and trying to astroturf and slide these threads hard because theyre losing control

>Like they're reading from a script

It's called science, dumbass.

>Quarantine has literally referred to locking down the sick and the healthy

Wrong. Too bad you will never watch the video I posted of doctors explaining what a quarantine is. In thousands of years of human history, there has never been a time when entire societies were shut down like this.

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Why do you faggot jew r*dditors always come to this site

Fat white girls in West MI, Fat black girl in East MI

>I have nothing against open carry
>but they should stop

You got any fruit trees bruv? This cold front coming in might zap them for what seems like the third year in a row.

this thread is bad and you should feel bad

hello fellow michiganders

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i have a pear tree in my front yard

>starting a general thread with bait

Close but no ciggie.

Never in history? Are you my aunt on Facebook? You are boomer level retarded. The stupid lockdown and mask shit is what was done for the 1918 flu. Who is paying you to shill this bullshit?

dumbass we call people who live below the bridge trolls because trolls live under bridges.

This is a Michigan thread and you're obviously not from Michigan so take a hike.

Go suck Aaron Rodgers dick

I love how this website full of 22 yr old gun nerds think they know more than medical professionals with actual credentials because you watched some YouTube videos that reinforced your confirmation bias.

You should never trust the chinks. They lied to the WHO and the WHO is retarded enough to trust the chinks. They have recent history of another pandemic and yet the WHO still trust the chinks archive.is/znVld

300 million can die and their collective lives would still not be worth the rights of even a single one of the millions of people that have been deprived of them.

MQT county here, you stocked on TP and .357 user?

This is what I'm talking about. Fuck this guy.

No one here is going to prison for discussing anything on Yas Forums.

Pic fuckin related.

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You think America shut down in 1918? Kill yourself, faggot.

I love how people will believe politicians or anyone on TV even after theyve been caught lying and taking bribes for the x time
Much less un elected officials from other nations
UN and WHO were discredited as propaganda decades ago

They are, the ones like this are just lying to themselves so they don't jump off the roof of their 8 story shekleberg branded cuck flat

I'm listening to medical professionals, that is why I think this quarantine is bullshit

>posts attention cringe on facebook about being an esstential superhero
you can't just
>puts pillows in pants and jiggles ass on tik tok during national pandemic(twice a day)
not have complete
>waddles into your room- tells you she's a nutritionist- wheezes
and utter respect
>chain smokes cigarettes- never bothers to hide the smell
for me and my professional
>prescribes you 40 different medications for a back ache
>sucks you off in a parking lot

you like to party? I like to party
nice dubs

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Thanks. Hang tough bro
I've seen worse bait.
I'd bet I'm no less pro gun than you I just don't think you're cool if you wear a faggy skull face-mask
It sucks balls but I have no doubt it'd probably be a lot shittier if it hadn't been for the order.
Yeah idk I think we're looking at a full chimp-out
yeah the boating ban and the other stuff like that was ridiculous.
laughed harder
thanks user

Get drunk and start throwing pears at cars then.

Kent county here.

I'm a little short on .357 but I've got plenty of .45. Sucks cause I just picked up a Highway Patrolman that I'm dying to go out and shoot.

How you doing bud?

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>>but they should stop
I didn't say they shouldn't open carry I said they shouldn't be such try-hard tacti-cools

>What fucking bridge?
100% confirmed chinese shill

Quit shitting up my thread with your coomer pics and tard speak

gib full

>What fucking bridge?

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I wish I had the money for some kind of series 70 like a combat commander. Your S70 looks sick. I'm good fren, thanks. I've got a few hundred rounds of .45 for my Glock and enough 12 gauge and .30-30 to keep my poorfag self going for a while. The snow is almost all gone and things aren't looking too bad.


>one god damn city decides policy for the entire state
I bet, you and your "city" have no issue taking tax money from the state though

Faggot Retard

>what bridge
Leave this thread

Anyone seen skinwalkers? I remember reading a greentext here about some guy from L'anse killing one a few years ago but then I heard it was fake.

Fuck your thread.

>All are welcome, even trolls I guess.

Learn to fucking read, you inbred mutant.

Even if that's 100% accurate why do flyoverland areas with very low sickness rates have to be locked down as long NYC is?

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what are you going to do, decide on a county by county basis? i'm sorry that you had to be temporarily inconvenienced for the greater good.

Thanks user. If you shop around enough you can find older Series 70 for relatively cheap. I found mine for $600 on GunsAmerica a few years ago. Some of the custom work on it isn't the cleanest, but it's a joy to shoot. Keep your eyes open, you'll find one eventually.

Good to hear it's starting to thaw out up there. My wife and I normally visit the UP a couple times a summer, I really miss it up there. As soon as this covid shit blows over we're planning a trip to Paradise.

My dog says hi.

No, sadly.

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It doesn't matter if you are samefagging, I don't give a shit about your fuckin bridge or this shithole thread.

This thread belongs on Yas Forums

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That's the same bullshit argument regarding firearms retard, those anti-gun faggots think it's for the "greater good" if firearms are banned.



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>less than 20 cases in whole UP
God bless this peninsula

>what are you going to do, decide on a county by county basis
Yes. What's the point of having a complex government system if the executive uses broad strokes to fix problems?

except those people are wrong and every bit of data proves it. you simply can not compare firearms with a virus that infects and kills, silently, invisibly and indiscriminately. a person has to deliberatly load a gun, point it at someone with lethal intent and pull the trigger. on the other hand my grandmother dies because at 82 years old she statistically stands little chance of surviving the virus all because you infected me when you wanted to paint your laundry room wall and i passed it to her unknowingly when i have to go take care of her.

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discord's for trannies bro

>My take:
>We (the US as a whole) are about to get fucked real hard by COVID.
Stopped reading right there.

You don't belong on the internet slant

Doesn't stop them from making the same argument and getting politicians to follow through with it.
I'm not doing shit either I've been stuck in my home for the past two months, I'm not protesting anything but I recognize this is not a big deal in specific rural areas or counties with little to no known cases even with ample testing done there. Let those counties open up and they should ensure safety protocols such as mask, distancing, cleaning themselves on regularly etc etc.

every single N*w Y*rker ""person"" that dies makes me physically erect

Wow. Had to think real hard on that one, didn't ya?

I don't know. Threads like this is /k/ancer.

>/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on Yas Forums.

From the front page. Been drinking the tap water?

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Former yooper here.
God forgot about the peninsula sometime before I was born.

Move to Ohio retard

You are in Mishitgan. Don't pretend like you're not the retard in this conversation.

>discussions about politics belong on Yas Forums


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Wow, are americans this retarded?

How else was I supposed to get your attention? I already reported it earlier today. If you were doing your job in the first place this board wouldn't be shitty. Maybe it isn't you, maybe it was someone else before you, but I know you know I'm right.

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California was the first to quarantine and they're a liberal state that followed the order rather than embarrass themselves buy sending a bunch of overweight retirees in tacticool gear to the state capital to protest over their right to fish. all projections were for a worst case scenario without preventative measures so of course the numbers ended up much lower after taking drastic action to prevent the spread of infection. you can't possibly be this dense.

>>We (the US as a whole) are about to get fucked real hard by COVID.

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>Non hispanic latino

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There seems to be a lot of Yoopers on /k/... who's down to form the Yooperreich?

I tell everyone shelter in place sucks but I actually really love it, I own my own home so I'm not in an apartment or anything.

Have a nice yard, have video games, food delivery and work from home.

I understand how it would suck if you were single, in an apartment, freshly unemployed but I've been lucky

>but muh World Series and muh liberty
I get that you are a retarded sports faggot who couldn’t find a history buck unless it was hidden in his sisters cunt but they have literally shut shit down over viruses in the past. Lots of times:


Why is this thread still here?

>/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

>Discussions about politics or current events belong on Yas Forums.

Do your fucking job MOD.

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Enjoy your ban

Why you always flooding?

Fuck our armslist, probably one of the worst states were private sales are allowed


Hows the corona situation in US as a whole? How is it in texas? Will it be getting worse?

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You guys all look like trash. Why do you try to look menacing instead of like normal people? Conceal your guns like you normally do. None of you look intimidating, you're all out of shape and we know you don't have any real training or experience. Please stop making all gun right supporters look bad.

Honestly I have great luck on Armslist but I'm on the west side of the state. Might be a different deal for wherever you're at.