The Divorce Jew

>Be me, bit of an incel but have some notches on the bedpost, but nothing meaningful
>(2014) Find a redpilled woman hip to the JQ
>realize she's quite flawed, but her politics, ideology, and goals almost match mine
>(2016) she gets pregnant
>gives birth to the most beautiful and sweetest baby girl I've ever seen in my life
>become a doting father and fall in love with her even more
>Decide that me and her are meant to be and I fulfill both of our lifelong wishes to marry
>(2018) I start a business. She conceives and gives me a son.
>(2019) Business is hard, takes 100+ hours a week, wife and kids take a bit of a backseat
>(early 2020) Revenue at $1.5 million for 2019. Plans to expand the business. Life is good, own a house and looking to upgrade, have most of the toys and vehicles I could ever want. Can't wait for what 2020 brings.
>(Feb 2020) business slows down a bit, which was partially seasonal. I get freaked out about Coronachan, short the stock market and make $100k
>(Mar 2020) Wife gets lonely and unhappy and cheats. Business is closed down due to Coronachan lockdown. Losing $1,000/day every day that I'm closed.
>(Apr 2020) Give back $70k of gains due to the stock market recovering despite the 24 million unemployment claims and a 30-40% hit in GDP
>facing bankruptcy, divorce, child support, and alimony. Taking pharma jew pills to cope

What do? I can't believe my entire world is crumbling before my eyes. I'm farther to the right than anyone I've ever met in my life. How the fuck do I find a god damned woman again that I can confide in?

Now I'm questioning my entire world view of everything. What do now? Seems the only path forward for me to become a disingenuous Mormon since they're really the only institution that teaches girls and women that they should be mothers and wives, and not to ride the cock carousel. They also don't have alcohol, drugs, and tobacco aging them. Then maybe I could slowly redpill her?

Or do I import a woman from Russia or Ukraine?

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>Or do I import a woman from Russia or Ukraine?
I'm divorcing my Serbian wife after ten months. That might have simply been my bad judgment. I wouldn't recommend going with a slav. You'll never understand them. If you do make that mistake, make sure she speaks perfect english and has a career of some type. Mistakes I made.
AMA if anybody cares.
also, I feel you, bro. Getting divorced has taken me to the darkest places I've ever been. They tell me it gets better.

Well you made your choice, work over family.
The opposite equivalent would be you choosing family and being poorer, but then wife and children die in a car crash.... anyway shit happens. divorce and move on. Good people still exist, but as you yourself know as a business man, very less are actually good people. Get a conservative religious wife, be religious yourself. their divorce rates are the lowest. As dumb as fearing hell and not doing bad things like cheating is, well it works. At least for some....

>Well you made your choice, work over family.
Work is for the family stupid jew. Nobody wants to work. You did it to provide for your family.

>How the fuck do I find a god damned woman again that I can confide in?

Kek, @ retards that keep having to learn the hard way.

Try looking some of the MGTOW shit and LooksandLMS channel; obviously filter some things out; but understand that you may never find love again and you probably want to focus on your child instead of getting divorce raped again and subsequently roped because of not understanding that your life is a lie.

Now, really think about this. Imagine if you didnt waste your time with the vaginal jew. Heck, even if you didnt marry you wouldn't be stuck paying alimony and child support (aka your ex's drug money). Do NOT enter any kind of legal contract with a woman

But I don't think it even matters at this point; mistakes were made, the real problem is if the guy continues tripping over the same stone.

OP is a failure.
Laugh at him for sharing it on Yas Forums.

>Wife gets lonely and unhappy and cheats
What a copout. That whore should have realized the sacrifice you made instead of being a selfish bitch. The smart thing to do would be to hide any negative emotions so that you can save yourself. Pretend like nothing is a problem, even fake a reconciliation if you can while laying the groundwork to protect your assets and your health. If she's being a bitch even now and insisting that's it over make sure to go for the maximum custody possible so she gets far less child support.

>sex before marriage
>children before marriage
>business after marriage and children

“I’m farther right than anyone in my life”

Hahahahah rot in hell dumb degenerate.

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He should have started a 100-hr week business before marriage and children. You know when being broke and overworked doesn’t destroy relationships? I guess his father was stupid or not around to teach him how real life works.

>career is higher priority than marriage and family
>blamed wife for getting lonely
Ask me how i know you are a moron

>(Mar 2020) Wife gets lonely and unhappy and cheats.
>What do?

Get secret paternity tests for both of your kids. There is a strong possibility your wife has committed paternity fraud.

Consider the alternative: raising another man's offspring for 20+ years, and then finding out after its too late to have kids of your own.

Do not go on your gut instinct. Get a test. I'm warning you. This is more serious than you may realize.

The timing of something like that can be a bitch. You might not have come across the business idea until you were married though.

>Well you made your choice, work over family.

And if you choose to be home more and engange more in bonding and parenting then she will leave your ass anyway because you're not "career driven." No way to win this

>I wouldn't recommend going with a slav. You'll never understand them. If you do make that mistake, make sure she speaks perfect english and has a career of some type.

So is her English communication so poor that its gotten in the way of attraction or the relationship? And is her lack of a career increasing your costs so much that the sex just ain't worth it?

read the book of job.
Also, browse r/trp to see if any beta behaviors in that marriage might've ,made her cheat, women aren't that honest

A wise Jew.

>Nobody wants to work.

Speak for yourself, lazy ass.

>1 post by this ID
>meme flag
>le dating problems
What are they sliding?

Why are you paying her child support? You’re the caregiver in the family, not her.

>>career is higher priority than marriage and family
>>blamed wife for getting lonely
>Ask me how i know you are a moron

Leaving wage cuckery, engaging in a lot of learning and self improvement, taking calculated risks, becoming an employer, and wanting the best for your family makes one a moron?

Islam is the final solution to the woman question

I was hit by a car on a side walk a month before my wedding. Wasn't able to move or do much of anything for a while. Still had the wedding, albeit with as little walking as possible. A month after the wedding my best friend was cheated on by his long time gf. My wife and I took care of him only for her to quickly kick me out (while my leg was still completely fucked up from the car). Became an extreme handicapped alcoholic for too long after.

She had great views on everything and was pretty self motivated. While, I certainly am not top tier I tried to atleast be a decent member of society. No way to see stuff like this comming and I will now always assume whoever I am dealing with will fuck me some how. At least we didn't have a kid yet.

I don't mean to take any light from you, op, and I really have nothing to say that would be able to help you while you are going through this shitty situation. I just really recommend not using alcohol or pills as a way to live. You are clearly better than that with the empire that you built. Civilisations crumble, but just as quickly others can take their place. Work towards the future or be stuck where you are now. Only two choices. Good luck bucko

so it's finally starting, I was looking forward to seeing you "muh tradpill waffle" guys getting btfo down the line, many more to come



a mans dreams should always take precedent over family to a reasonable extent. female infidelity deserves the rope, and women shouldn't be allowed to divorce

>Pretend like nothing is a problem, even fake a reconciliation if you can while laying the groundwork to protect your assets and your health. If she's being a bitch even now and insisting that's it over make sure to go for the maximum custody possible so she gets far less child support.

Good advice. Even better to collect evidence on her to smear her in court to get full custody. She will smear him first if he doesn't. Make her out to be as close to a drug user and sex worker as you can, OP.

Your dream woman was still a piece of shit despite all your success. Why do you even want to look for another parasite? Do you think that statistics and the laws of the universe don't apply to you?

What business are you running that you can get a revenue stream of 1.5mil in 2yrs?

Wasn't in a financial position to do so earlier and my family was a great motivator for me to do better. I was overworked, but I was making more money than I ever before.

>>realize she's quite flawed, but her politics, ideology, and goals almost match mine

you fucked up, simple as

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This. It's better to build wealth and have options.

Bingo. A woman can have a broke man or a busy man. They have to pick one.

This. I always believed this, but I believe this now more than ever. Even in the best case scenario, it can take years to recover from a betrayal of this magnitude and no one's getting any younger.

I'm convinced that the only thing that will give us all a "happy marriage" and "white community" that we have been promised - is to go to war against the world and make it clear that White countries are White and Jews and Non-Whites do not belong here.

Otherwise our women will always be tempted by males from other countries and will never have to fear actual punishment because their liberal society allows.

Muslims push Islam saying that is what we need - but they only do it because they lust after our women, because they think that once they have their conservative Islam in the west, that they will be on top. So Islam is just their sad attempt to give us "conservatism" which we will ultimately just end up giving ourselves and tell them "no thanks" and then kill them back to the middle east.