Continued from
French chad making cheese.
Continued from
French chad making cheese.
Why are you people trying to turn Yas Forums into the new Yas Forums????
I'm a faggot, correct link :
Pol is so much better with 14 threads about trump, 5 about biden, 4 about isreal, 5 asking why white girl are trash and 12 about big block cack.
You right
Sure, but the aayyy lmao and are x white threads are fine...
It's political what women are capable of
they can't get enough attention
hey babe
lol i'll copy that
You need to say something like "Oh, sorry, I'm only interested in real men with penises. Bye."
I refuse to pay the troll toll
that was Grindr
stop posting your garbage here, not funny at all. get on froganons level or get out.
>Let thread die
Feminine penis alfa frog is back!
A teacher at fuckin 21... kek
is she wearing her pants weird or is her body really like 60% waist?
probably pushes around a cart
future inmate. dykes are insane.
Wasent she just hired to make a girls star wars series and used to work of Weinstein
Ugliest shit I have ever seen.
Thats sad, she’s lost her kids. Men will divorce rape you and steal your kids, what woman would want to get married these days
>four kids at 23 and single
Jfc this is why these dating apps make me so sad. Kids deserve a loving family.
you would know
stupid faggot
keep denying it
Hi! Are you trans.. ?
Damn,fooled me
French chad, you got some more of the good shit?