China did nothing wrong

I challenge you to give one rational reason for why dog's shouldn't be eaten, that isn't based in emotion.

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We fuck all your girls chang

I challenge you to give one rational reason why dogs should be eaten that isn't based on emotion.

food my dude, trolling?


It’s a waste of what could be decent labor a dog can be used for hunting and make back his meat value

It is a very poor and economically inefficient source of meat. Either you are stupid or your emotions are so fucked you view dog as just another flavour worth the extra production waste.

I really don't care about eating dogs.

People also eat rabbits, lamb, piglets, horses and whatnot.
Those are pets or qt animals just as well.

I just care if the dog is treated with respect. But no they smash dogs with hammers instead of a clean kill.

They're carnivorous mammals and give only a little/poor quality meat when you could just raise and eat goats and chickens more efficiently and for tastier meat.

They are subhuman trash that should be nuked

China only requires American freedom! Then they can be good like America! So free. Everything is free. Everyone is free!!!! PLease bomb my nation and steal my money too America! You are so good. It’s nice of you to free the WORLD!!! Hopefully you can bomb my house and kill my wife and two children. If they can’t be free in America it’s better to be killed fast than suffer without the freedom of America!

The Chinese I mean not dogs

The meat amount looks fine to me. You're reaching.

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Dog meat has been shown to contain E.Coli, salmonella, hepatitis, and anthrax.

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Bugmen have no souls obviously

What is more representative of The justice and freedom of America. The hot dog or the hamburger? I believe the hamburger is more free, but the hotdog is more Justice!

I want both hotdog and American hamburger. Am I too greedy?

I challenge you to give me one reason we shouldn't torture and eat Chinese people. inb4 they make everything. All Chinese products are shit, we just buy them because they are cheap

I wish we were all vegetarians / vegans or a higher advanced society Alienist instead of this age of stupidity and tricking less intelligent people for their own personal gain. If I die I don't want to come back to a place with less intelligent people I want a society that is more advanced then here.

So does pig and chicken meat m8

It'd be much more humane if you didn't keep the dog in a little cage then proceeded to beat it to death with a fucking stick like a neanderthal.
They are animals raised to aid humans as companions, guides or hunters. If you're gonna kill it, at least do so with mercy.

So emotions don't count for anything?

Pretty much everyone makes decisions based on emotions, only neckbeard wannabes with no self-awareness think they're less emotional and more logical then everyone else.

This, no one blames the Mexicans, chihuahuas were bred as food. There are hundreds of thousands of dogs euthanized ever year. I wouldn’t object to putting them to a more productive use. I think it’s distaste, but it is pragmatic.

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Humans life together with dogs and cats in the household, eating them would increase the risk of animal to human transfer.

What you call emotional reasons are basically an evolution response to the threat of diseases.

Why Yas Forums always wants to support China so much? Is it all because of wanting to get a Chinese girl?

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And what your picture fails to show is all the food required to produce a dog carcass of that size.

Also, if you think pic related is food you are truly the bugman ambassador and don't deserve the level compassion and empathy we bestow upon dogs.

Dogs were historically domesticated for protection and companionship, not food.

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thats all skin chink

>eating animals that you have to feed people food to
Inefficient and backwards source of protein for inefficient and backwards people.

Feeding a dog until they are big enough to get a decent amount of meat from would cost 3 times as much pound for pound as a cow or chicken or lamb

What about the dogs that get euthanized in the pound though. What if they could be used to make cat food, or prison gruel.

Dogs were a mistake. I'm happy every time I hear someone has been using poison on the streets to kill them off. They are loud, they shit on the street, the smell, they bite kids, they hump random women... dogs are like homeless people. We would be better off without them.

Dogs are specifically bred to be companions and act as such. They're domesticated for company not food.

Why can't the Chinaman figure out domestication/animal husbandry?

Eat them without torturing them to death first and then we can actually have a conversation.

What if it's a specialty item like caviar? There is no rule saying the food you eat needs to be efficient.

I challenge you to give one rational reason for why China shouldn't be nuked, that isn't based in emotion.

A dog's life is objectively worth more than a Chinese life. Thus, using dog meat to sustain a Chinese life is objectively a bad thing.

Only if you eat it raw

Because they often have horrible diseases and parasites. Breeding anything for human consumption that eats meat is just a really bad inefficient idea.
You wouldn't eat a coyote would you? Fucking disgusting.

The Chinese are soulless insects

ive had dog, it tastes like shit

Dogs are secondary consumers as they are obligate carnivores . Eating dogs is much more wasteful from an energy perspective when compared to primary consumers like cows , pigs and most species of fish.

That's a great way to spread disease.

Because humans have not adapted to eating exotic meat you fucking gook

They are literally man's best friend. Some animals should NEVER be eaten just for the sake of us being cognitive human beings with empathy.

If I ever saw a person eat dog IN REAL LIFE or attempt to cook it I sure as hell would become physical and unreasonable angry and aggressive. So there is your ultimate argument it is emotional I would literally beat someone to death over it.

I’ve eaten kangaroo, shark, alligator, rabbit, duck, guinea pig, pheasant, rabbits, and I live in a major city in a first world country. You can get anything in the US, it’s really not as strange as everyone makes it out to be.

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Based OZ

Dogs are human friends, they help us in many ways and in some jobs.

So Chan, just i want to say you: China bad! Bad! Bad chineses! Sit dow!

Dogs> chinese

If only I could faggot

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Dogs are carnivores. The Bible says to not eat carnivores.

Dogs have been bred by humans to be companion animals and their skittishness and violence has been bred out. We have an unwritten inter-species agreement to enjoy one-another's company. To treat a dog as livestock violates the unwritten implied contract.

Feed-to-flesh ratio of dogs is horrible.

You get the world to hate you if you eat dog. Man's best friend means man's best friend.

When you eat mammals that aren’t managed and produced on a farm you get shit like coronavirus chink.

Carnivores are really shitty food wise.
Chickens, goat, lamb, cow, deer, moose, elk. All of those are widely eaten.

When is the last time you heard of someone eating wolves? or coyote?
Carnivore meat is crap.

But the French eat horse, nobody gives them any shit for that. Horses are mans second best friend.