Welp. It finally happened, I had to dump Trump. I was a supporter since day one, ordered every season of The Apprentice, stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago when I visited, bought all his books and highlighted my favorite quotes with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this man. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Trump's blunders, the countless broken promises, the way he bungled America's response to the deadly coronavirus pandemic and said we should all inject disinfectant were just some of the latest. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new errors will hurt him in the polls.
It finally hit me, this man has been exposed numerous times as a weak and ineffective President, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend him? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Donald Trump tricked us, he made us all believe he would make America great again, well he's NOT and I'm tired of pretending he is, I've spent nearly every night over the past four years trying to defend him, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.
IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! There's going to be a big, blue beautiful wave this year, and we may as well grab our surfboards and hang ten into the 2022 midterms. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep, but not before putting my MAGA hat into the garbage can.
now I like sugar and I like tea, but I don't like NIGGERS, no siree! there's two known things to make me puke: a hog eatin' slops and a big black SPOOK
pretending to be a retard is still being a retard. you have successfully chosen to waste your time being retarded. the one life you have on this planet, and you want to be a retard. way to go
Gabriel Ortiz
Imagine if niggers would occupy a capitol these days with their guns they already own. Oh wait, they are stolen.
if they had some legit grievance against the governor and not some ooga booga bullshit I'd be all for it. politicians are our servants, and they should not forget that
James Comey, it's SPRING, time to revoke your security clearances, and reduce your freedom to zero. You've served well as a traitor and now you'll honor it with serving as an inmate.
Nah, I was also being super troll-y with some Canadian shill too. It's not the first time I've done something like that, but it has been quite awhile. >my favorite is pretending to be an easily offended CivNat from Le Donald
But I had fun doing it, and that's what really counts, is it not?
this is ace combat 7 is really makes me wish I have played all previous games
Henry Nguyen
just because you think someone did something wrong doesn't exonerate flynn. also 10 could be broke it doesn't make him innocent. he admitted to the judge he lied to the fbi. case closed
Samuel Ortiz
So I got paid my stimulus twice for some reason. Same two adults and three children on two of my accounts worth. Pretty fucking sweet.