Post on 4chins all day

>post on 4chins all day
>almost never leave house
>dont talk to girls
>see all females as corrupt whores like you see cheryypicked shit you see on internet
>the shills and circlejerking basement dwellers continue to post cherrypicked shit to make every single female look like evil and corrupt whore
>your scewed views becomes worse
>you are now unable to obtain a normal relationship with a normal girl
>the shills have now succeeded to remove you from gene pool
>continue to waste your time on pol whining about refugees and niggers because they are out there fucking your women
>blame them for your inability to acquire women
>spiral down in this hateful denial instead of trying to fix yourself and get back in the real world
>never realise that all the shit you whine on Yas Forums is nowhere near as prevelant as you think
>you will die alone, full of hate while to world continues without you

I know its copypasta you faggots, just a reminder if you keep posting this shit about muh niggers and muh joos this will accualy prevail

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Other urls found in this thread:

Remember: You're here forever.

poison was the cure

>stop browsing Yas Forums
>women can't be that bad, it's surely all in mind which has been forced on me with the incel circlejerk
>go out
>meet women
>they're exactly like Yas Forums described them
>stop going out
>go back to Yas Forums

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Why are there so many Serbians on this website? You people post too much.

You are a 3rd world nation. Literally. Not even as an insult. Your country is third world. It's not even western.

You're like Brazilians. You post like you belong here and are "just another one of the posters" but you're not. You are on the outside looking in.

I would say ... just stop posting. You have no idea what's going on in the world because your world is a small one that nobody cares about.

PS their country has a 90 average IQ.

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Look you stupid thot, I do ALL of that shit you wrote, BUT I am a gigga chad. I have slayed so many hot pussies that I lost count decades ago. Even at fifty one years of age young women still swoon over me. It can get bad when the young girls at work do it because I have to keep my distance. No pussy is worth the potential headaches at work.

I know I am not the only 4chins user that has it good. So stop with your anti-red pill propaganda. Men need to know what the Jew did. They need to know that women voting is ridiculous on the face of it. They need to know that niggers were not meant to live among us just like rats are not meant to be among us either. 4chins is the best place on the internet for men to find the truth. No go find a place to hit the wall without bothering us.

In fact, it's actually worse than what Yas Forums lead me to believe. It could be the fact I live near Philadelphia

Lt.-Col. William Hawley
Colonel Clinker did it.
Sgt Shore Schultz

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>Based genXer

When America falls the world goes with it. Billions will die from starvation, the majority being shitskins.

> muh jews

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>Billions will die from starvation, the majority being shitskins.

Well every cloud has its silver lining. Thanks for reminding me user.

That’s the thing, I had pol beliefs, based on my real world experiences, before even discovering this place

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OP is a fucking dumb nigger, this isnt political faggot


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I know Nuth-ing, Nuth-ing!

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Mommy give milkers

this is true. attractive young females are all about drinking alcohol, smoking joints and sex with multiple partners. i was ostracized twice from 2 different groups because i didnt want to get drunk or high. mind you, i do drink alcohol, but ppl actually want you to get to the ppoint you ll pass out

She’s pretty hot

based and chingispilled

Sad but true, I started coming here a bit over 3 years ago at just 20 years of age and now I can't unlearn the redpills, they're too real with even girls who seem good at first.

To know all of that, and keep shitposting anyway. That is courage.

Same here although I don't want to align myself with every opinion expressed on Yas Forums. I came out of curiosity, I stayed because I could finally relate to somebody. My experiences with girls (long before Yas Forums) line up perfectly with the mgtow/incel crap. I know it's not every girl but it's definitely a problem.

what i like aside from those is re-finding 'her' thread is easy for some reason.
that pic stands out from all of the others here at Yas Forums don't know why really.

You haven't actually talked to women have you?

Only female I had a true crush on ended up being like what pol described. At least she liked the racist jokes though

>you are now unable to obtain a normal relationship with a normal girl
>the shills have not succeeded to remove you from gene pool
Well then, that's it then. There's no more effort required to try and better myself, to try and make it work with a girl. Some guys just aren't meant to find a girl, settle down, have a family, and have a life. I'm one of those guys. We all are. I've accepted it. I live with it. I don't hate women for it, it's just the way the dice were rolled and they were not rolled in my favour. I won't get to spend the last bit of my youth in hookup culture. I won't get to sleep with every girl in my clique and then eventually date/marry one. My entire, worthless existence is just gonna be wage cucking for a few years, and then maybe upgrading to a decent job and wage slaving after I finish school. The real fruits of life - having a nice job, pretty maiden, beautiful children, and a white-picket fence are simply not destined to be for me. I'm okay with it and it's a lot easier to try to live out what little meaning is left in your life, as opposed to being in a constant struggle to turn things around.

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I had these beliefs until I went out and joined the military.
Now I realized that the enemy of the world are activists themselves, and that idealism needs to be stamped out.
Civilians who try to interfere with the government are all potential terrorists, not to mention that having awful governments elected is entirely their fault.
Democracy is an inherently flawed system, you can't let extremely low IQ, easy to manipulate people such as civilians have a say in how nations are ruled.

OP here
Not all women are like this. Wtf? On which imaginary planet do you live in? I was like that too, spending time on Yas Forums, constantly whining about joos, niggers ect.
>finnaly gets out of the house
>left mommy and daddy
>lives in own apartment
I did find a girl eventually, she is cute, jewish looking but cute
You can see I still have PTSD from Yas Forums and pol about da joos be bringing us down
I left that far behind me never coming back maybe to spam this thread but not comment anymore

>wearing cross
>dresses like a whore
I bet she has tattoos.

OP here
Um, I would like to teach you some geography lessons but I dont have time sorry buddy

>opinion that matters
pick one

>When America falls
Um I dont think we will outlive that bro

OP is majority demographic sample

OP here
Yes all you basement dwellers do is whine about joos, this what have I said in the OP part is going to happen if you dont leave your basement

Um not the comment I would love to see but what can I say

Any information on her bf? Is he black?

>I came out of curiosity, I stayed because I could finally relate to somebody.

The cause is high IQ.

Most mud bloods have a low IQ. Their brains are powerful enough to figure anything out on their own. Those of us with superior abilities cognatively, see the man behind the curtain. But we are alone statistically and have no one else nearby that can see. Coming here has become my church replacement.

read Stop complaining you idiot

>Not all women are like this.
is the beta cuck chant

Let me guess, American?


haha you are so funny

>i left Yas Forums behind
>on Yas Forums posting and replying

get a load of this fag

Same. Only thing pol did was encourage me to have kids. 2nd white baby is in the oven.

haha thats why I made this thread you idiot, I knew someone is going to reply with this eazy bullshit

>Mutt strikes again

White people are so fucking pathetic. How is this different from black people complaining all the fucking time how they are oppressed by whites, and how they are always the victim in society? Stop blaming the jews for everything.

you re still a fag though