/lrg/ - Libertarian Right General

Strawman free edition

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>it's better to not have schools than to simply stop kikes from using them as marxist platforms

This is why lolberts will get the rope

If that's what you actually are, why are you so utterly incapable of shaking these retards and their retarded notions?

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Have you heard of something called private schools?

Lolberts are simply people who don't realize that it actually is possible to have a society with a government that cares about its people and typically promotes what is good for them

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There's a movement right now to takeover the LP with misesians.

If you just mean on Yas Forums, they're just false flag meme posters. As always the only way to know an ideology is to read it's primary sources.

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If you support globalist free trade, you are actually hamstringing free enterprise within your nation and you should be shot

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It's not a question of what's possible, it's what we ought to do.
Only ancaps do not want a state at all. Everyone else wants a limited government that really does reflect the interests of her citizens.

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Any based Hoppe-bros here?

Friendly reminder for our fashy friends, libertarianism is not incompatible with white pride and nationalism!

Some pissed off workers at Amazon just suggested this tactic to us.

So, because package theft is so common these days, Amazon has a no-questions-asked policy that it will refund/replace any item (fulfilled by their warehouses) that doesn't make it inside your door.

To find something that qualifies, first think of a single expensive item (but under $1000) that you or your friends need right now. Search for that and under Filters click the box for "Free Shipping with Amazon."

Once you find something you want, confirm that it says "Fulfilled by Amazon" underneath the listing. If it does, go ahead and purchase it. If you dont have enough cash, use a credit card; it will get refunded before the bill is due

Once the package arrives, dont answer the door or interact with the postal worker. Bring the package inside when no one is around.


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The next day, call Amazon customer service & say your item was supposed to arrive yesterday but you never saw it. Keep it simple, play dumb. Once they confirm your identity, they will ask you if you'd like a refund or to be sent another item. Choose refund.

Enjoy your new toy and tell some close friends how to do it too

That said, don't get greedy and try to do it twice at the same address or else they may flag your account.

The interests of my people is to liquidate all non Whites and White race traitors using an authoritarian and efficient State

NS and LRG are in the same house their common enemy is burning.
We should talk about it and take action.

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i connect it to protestantism, same problem there as they figured a corrupt catholic church meant that all churches need to be decentralised rather than the existing church needing a revolution. It is all so very jewish, as it claims that the jews get to mould your institutions however they wish and your only righteous response would be to oppose the need for such institutions, rather than take them back from the jews




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a big this

I don't give a shit if there's a movement to take the so-called libertarian party over. I've read your primary sources. If they're so wonderful, why are their supposedly wonderful ideas dying out everywhere, even among those who call themselves libertarians?

You have the following options:
>A: your ideology is impotent because nobody sufficiently influential or capable is actually reading the sources that matter
>B: your ideology is impotent because those sources are insufficiently convincing
>C: your ideology is impotent no matter what happens because it is ultimately an ideology of permissiveness and weakness at its core regardless of the fine details

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Your interests are evil and paradoxically anti white. Initiating needless conflict causes white death.
We just want to be left alone.

We're not friends nor do we need reminder. We reject your compromise. We reject any and all other ideologies. Revolutionary National Socialism ONLY!

Sorry sir this thread is "strawman free edition", I'm going to have to ask you to comply or be filtered

so if the kikes started using hospitals to spread marxism instead of healing would the nation be better off performing home surgeries or just removing the kikes from the hospitals?

Yeah, I too want a limited government that really does reflect the interests of her citizens. By far the best example of that in an industrialized, Western society was the Third Reich

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That's not how the reformation happened at all. Congregationalism was not on the radar of any of the majesterial reformers.

>vee cannot trade vith other countries because that would be Jewy
>but furher we can't make our machines without natural resources from other countries
>zen vee vill attack other countries and make zem our country!

Libertarians are pseudoJews who dream about how they could be a really good grifter, if only the government wouldn't be in the way to stop them.
What do you call a libertarian who trades their dreams to grift for simply having enough money for graft?
All normie neoliberals.

Removing the kikes from the hospitals, which are not state entities

shill confirmed.

I honestly did not mean to build a straw man there. Can you provide an alternate explanation that clarifies why Libertarianism is losing so much ground to the left in the West today without essentially calling the ideology impotent?

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no it is not what luther wanted but it is what happened ultimately, because of the same faulty logic that creates libertarians, that leads people to throw out the baby with the bath water


Reminder that Libertarians are pro-Communist scum

>It is common knowledge that "purifying" movements, eager to return to a classic purity shorn of recent corruptions, generally purify further than what had held true among the original classic sources. There were, indeed, marked "conservative" strains in the writings of Marx and Engels themselves which often justified the State, Western imperialism and aggressive nationalism, and it was these motifs, in the ambivalent views of the Masters on this subject, that provided the fodder for the later shift of the majority Marxists into the "social imperialist" camp.9 Lenin's camp turned more "left" than had Marx and Engels themselves. Lenin had a decidedly more revolutionary stance toward the State, and consistently defended and supported movements of national liberation against imperialism. The Leninist shift was more "leftist" in other important senses as well. For while Marx had centered his attack on market capitalism per se, the major focus of Lenin's concerns was on what he conceives to be the highest stages of capitalism: imperialism and monopoly. Hence Lenin's focus, centering as it did in practice on State monopoly and imperialism rather than on laissez-faire capitalism, was in that way far more congenial to the libertarian than that of Karl Marx.


It's a word in the dictionary if you want to look it up, stupid. I'm not a shill but say I am, how about little idiot argue the point because crying means shit.

I'm not interested in "being left alone" nor in morality at the expense of existence. Natural Law (our only law) states the following..
>Those who want to live must fight
>Those who do not wish to fight in this world of eternal struggle.. DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE!

Thank you for joining the National Socialist Revolution brother.

>which are not state entities
They're not? Surely state hospitals exist in your country

The pic was a strawman if the dollar sign somehow represents libertarianism
Libertarianism is not losing ground, why do you suppose it is?

It's a Share Blue buzzword and you know it.


Obsessed shill

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Communists dindu nuffin

>Since it is an empirical question, I will have to be a bit high-handed and say flatly that it is my considered view that there is not a single shred of evidence of any Russian aim or plan to launch a military attack upon the United States, either in the past, present, or future. In fact, the evidence is all the other way, even in the time of Lenin, and certainly in the time of Stalin and his successors. Since the time of Lenin and his magnificent (from a libertarian, pro-peace point of view) conclusion of the “appeasement” Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918, the Soviet Union, vis-à-vis the other Great Powers, has consistently pursued a policy of what they have long termed “peaceful coexistence,” in fact often bending over backwards to pursue a peaceful foreign policy almost to the point of national suicide... Lenin’s adherence to that policy was only confirmed by the “socialism in one country” doctrine of Stalin and his successors.


No more brother wars, lets discuss how to make our peoples lives better.

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