Sleep in the cuck tent goy

Sleep in the cuck tent goy

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looks like fun

He just wants to go camping really bad. He even had the rain fly installed.

Why is he still wearing mask inside his room?

He’s a sad little chink too lmao this post cracked me up


>Can't risk infecting people
Who took the picture? I'll never understand leftists grandstanding patheticness such a wierd flex.

Better in a tent than paying hard earned rent

>He is just virtue signalling to his wife so he doesn't have to put up with her when he comes home.
Also he is baiting like mad in there and she is too scarit to come in and check.

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Just how did the corona hoax brainwash so many into this mindset?
Did people genuinely not realize that flu seasons exist because of public gatherings? Do people just not remember the last "pandemic" 10 years ago, that was the same exact thing as now?
Seeing shit like this really puts into context how so many people just believe everything our politicans and (((social influencers))) say without questioning it

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Why is he in a tent?

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I have several questions
Why is he still in uniform?
Why is he wearing a mask?
Why is the tent necessary?
Why did he elevated the power board as if to infer his garage floods?
Who is taking the photo thus risking infection?

What a stupid fucking gook.

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"I shall protect m'lady by sleeping in the tent, I am on the front lines, I am strong, I am a hero."

We are reaching levels of simp that shouldn't be possible.

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>indoor tent
But why?

I used to do that as a kid, pretty comfy

It must feel more comfy than a garage. He can pretend to be camping.

Came here to see this.

Also i checked the thread, anyone notice the thread is full of duplicate replies? i think the bots are fucking up.

You can just tell his wife is asian without seeing her

That's really fucking comfy. Wish I had a garage to do this

Oh fuck, i just realized the last socket is one of those Plug-In Air Fresheners. The absolute state of Nu-Males.

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Nope. Careful with that pattern recognition.

What the fuck do you need a tent for in the garage?

I’d like to leave a shit in his tent. Concealed. Not too much. Just enough for an unexplainable atmosphere for him to wonder about inscrutably.

Could be arab for all we know...

I looked up brave in the dictionary and found this picture.

What a crock of shit.

Remember the Yas Forums frozen piss plate pasta? Get creative.

Bugs would concern me desu. Specifically spiders. I wouldn’t turn the light out and lie down there. If one touched me I’d risk infecting it. Would not be happy, either of us.

He will infect people if he wears his scrubs outside of work. If you see a doctor, nurse or med tech wearing scrubs in the street you have every right to beat the fuck out of them for putting you at risk.