WARNING: Pentagon

UFO Video is part of Project Blue Beam.
>Corona is designed to lock you indoors
>Glued to media
>Economies crumbling
>Corona Narrative starting to fracture
>Start dripping UFO/Alien info
>You have been pre-conditioned for UFO drips (movies TV etc)
>NWO will stage a UFO event using either hidden tech or holograms
>NWO will argue a 1 world government/military in response to learning we're not just nations but a planet.
>You faggots will say I TOLD U SO -- ALIENS ARE REAL HURR

This doesnt mean aliens are not real, it means the event you're about to experience is FAKE.
Full ebook detailing Blue Beam


Attached: BlueBeam.jpg (798x925, 101.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: BlueBeam2.jpg (800x891, 181.3K)


Fuck you faggot, should have let this gayness die.


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Thats exactly the point. The video is old - why force it into public eye now?

Attached: BlueBeam3.jpg (800x921, 131.69K)

heres another bump

thread getting slid nigga

Getting slid hard; shills on suicide watch

Pretty convincing holograms.

Attached: gate of hell.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: 1577790808627.png (856x1326, 339.42K)

Bump, may God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit help all in need

Just don't trust anything not explicitly in the interest of us regaining sovereignty over our personal and national destinies. It's pretty simple.


Is this the full vid?

prayers for project jew beans

Hey! I read watchmen as well! It was pretty good!

Full vid was a kid sperging out loudly so that is the most clear shot of it, other videos show a ball or vague shape from farther away that lets another smaller rob out. I'd assume the "mouth" or face is from seperation of that light orb. This is closer to the true form of so called ayys.

Attached: portal to hell 1.jpg (1280x788, 320.98K)

maybe Bluebeam was really about the schizophrenic ex-military officer friends we made along the way

because china is trying to flex with their warships. the tic tacs that were released are us navy (or probably space force now). china knows the videos released are not of et craft, the videos are to show china what the us is capable of


Project bluebeans happens. World eats it up. Americans call it fake and gay.

if you want to bump the thread, hand out a (You)
just saying bump is low energy, try to add something to the discussion so that it can grow organically

>when you kill the thread but you're actually just trying to help

The only war thats happening is the one between you and your meds. i advise you to take them.


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Corona virus is project blue beam. Think about it clearly, and you know it’s true.

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Positive ETs won't let it happen.
What that photo fails to mention is that it's DNA only matches 85% to humans iirc. So what is the other 15%? Also there have been many others found like that.

you can see the square around the "ufo"
the cgi is actually worse than the 60s star wars blue screen boxes

show israeli flag

With the coming conjunctions in Aquarius, it's very likely going to be a One World Government shilling feast

I just hope they made little funny gmo aliens that are easy to shoot.


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aliens from outer space don't exist, they are demons

looks like a mylar balloon