The right really can't take a meme

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eat shit you stupid niggers i grew my hair back from the gravity on mars hahah fagets try getting laid ok see ya on mars homos

Imagine being so poor you can’t grow your hair back

one he isnt one the right
two you;re a nigger

Baldy incel

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The left learned nothing from the Drumpf meme, did they? Rich people don't care what ankle biters think of them.

How come he gets better hair stuff than Lebron?

>be OP
>make fun of a billionaire who could turn you into a hair factory pig chained up in some private island basement to solve his baldness problem
>actually think musk is "the right"

does anyone care what this corporate goon with a financial stake in china has to say about anything?

I don't get the stigma against hair restoration. Being bald sucks and I bet mostly guys who would benefit from the surgery just can't do it because it's expensive. That guy is one of the richest men on Earth, why should he run around bald for the rest of his life if he doesn't want to?

Decent Lex Luthor look going on.

Balding does suck. it makes your head look like the tip of a penis for christ's sake. The only people who dont care are the most enlightened celibate monks.

for all their comic book movie references, im surprised they arent fearing he'll become lex luthor once he loses his hair. fuck it, id damn the world if i lost my hair and had billions upon billions

it's only women who use it as an insult. every man understands, even leftist fags dont go there

Please commies, for the love of god, please continue insulting him. Drive him right into our hands where he belongs. Space is meant to belong to the far right. It’s destiny.

british beer sucks

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Because the men who complain about it can't afford it. And the rest are women, who will always resort to making fun of a mans physical properties (hair, height, penis size, etc) because they can't come up with any rational arguments.

You drink American piss-water.
Your opinion on beer isn't sought by anyone.

Excellent based homo

British ale is pretty exceptional.

Musk is a self-fellating piece of shit. What does that have to with left/right wing politics?

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Carlsberg is a weak lager so it tastes like beer that's been watered down. It's also Danish, not British.

lol you are a British neet

Black people hair harder to work with.

OMG that's so racist

I recognize he’s an innovator and a smart man, but he’s the most fool of himself and overrated public figure the world has ever seen.

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The new leftist operative is to make jokes on receding hairline?
Wait till this guy learn about majority of people in his political base.

He does? They have imports here.

This is some anti-male bullshit. Only a woman, a terrible cunt, would use balding as an insult. Bitches only think about what effects them, everything else is fair game for them. Balding sucks and for some it is like ripping off a band aid, for others it is extremely painful to one's self image. Next time a leftist uses balding as weapon, remind a woman of her limited egg supply and a tranny of "her" hairline.

I'm 29 and was starting to bald. I saved up for a year and got the procedure done jan 1. $16k!!! I got the most grafts possible and I'm excited to see the results.