Which countries should be banned from having nukes?

North Korea
India and Pakistan

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> Believes Iran and N.Korea have nukes.

USA,the most evil country to ever exist

My question was which shouldn't be allowed to have them though.
And NK does have nukes.

Catalonia, Wakanda and the UN.
Not sure if I can trust Panama with them either.

If Iran had nukes, she would have used it by now. Same with North Korea. Pakistan won't ever use hers. They're just there as a deterrent. It's in the interest of Pakistan that world is terrified she'll use it. They pacify them with aid. More you pay someone to keep them in line, they more they'll do weird shit to get more. Our nukes are in the hands of secular generals. World doesn't need to worry.

NK has tested nukes multiple times, user. Iran probably doesn't have any though.

If you're fed with the hatred of the "other" in the breast milk, the first thing you'll do is use your latest weapon against them other. N.Korea wouldn't wait a second to attack S.Korea if they had nukes. Tests are tests. That doesn't mean they have nukes. Iran did testing too. We're testing for corona vaccine, doesn't mean we have it.

>Which countries should be banned from having nukes

NK does have nukes dumbass, they just don't have missile technology to get them very far

ooops. too late.

Everyone but the US.

>the first thing you'll do is use your latest weapon against them other. N.Korea wouldn't wait a second to attack S.Korea if they had nukes
NK can already inflict huge damage, at least as effective as a nuke, because it has every artillery piece pointing right at Seoul. They have basically 'one shot' if they want to start a war, but very little follow up afterwards.
If they used nukes it would be similar, they'd fire a few and get destroyed themselves soon afterwards.

> Tests are tests. That doesn't mean they have nukes.
But they were testing nukes. There's a mountain in NK that's about to crumble because the inside has been weakened due to nuke testing.

just take their nukes away or no gibs, easy peasy





None of them. Every single country on the planet should have nuclear weapons. Including Andorra and Vatican City.

Any non-white country.
So, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Israel, UK, and France.

...or remotely detonate them? Israel is a pawn and a broker without Ephriam.

If the Norks know the specifications of the instruments used to monitor their testing by other countries in theory they could 'fake' an underground nuclear explosion by designing a conventional explosion to fool those instruments. It is possible they do not have nukes only the appearance.

They do you fucking nog

All should be banned except for N korea.

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>...or remotely detonate them? Israel is a pawn and a broker without Ephriam.


I agree with you for once. They should also have the capability to launch said weapons to accurately strike targets farther away than lunar orbit. Anyone here old enough to have played Asteroids on an Atari? Kekistan might consider a global effort to prevent an asteroid collision if and only if all Earth Nations promising to never again use radioactive weapons against other Humans.

Don't make me spit beer out of my nose again, user. This is a sirius diskusshen.

All countries. All wars should be fought with fist like real men.

i sense glowie vibes

That means China or India would win, would be like fighting an ant colony.

I never stutter when I type.

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