>he posts on Yas Forums
>he doesn't own a firearm
Imagine not wanting to make every single globalist, liberal, roastie, and (((elite))) seethe with rage just by your very existence. Imagine not wanting to be the living embodiment of the Sword of Damocles, dangling ominously overhead every time a politician opens their mouth. Imagine not wanting to be the single biggest thorn in the side for the Rothschild Dynasty and the NWO.
He posts on Yas Forums
I want a firearm but I don't even know how to get one in California. Isn't is a super long process?
There nothing stopping you from purchasing a weapon in another state and smuggling it back to California... hypothetically.
Even if I am glowing, why not take my advice?
trudeau is about to ban the type 81 and whatever else in the next few days. buy up what you can
>Go to FFL.
>Pay for gun.
>Pay for background check/take "firearm safety certificate" test.
>Wait 10 days after background check begins.
>Return 10 days later, demonstrate safe load/unload and muzzle/trigger discipline.
>Don't be retarded
I paid $150 for this gun!
Find a nigga named pablo in the hood and just buy a gun from him
Way easier
If you are a working white man, no.
CA throws the book at us.
Juan or Tyrone would get food stamps on the way out of booking on a $0 bail because muh oppression.
Be a true white, do it the right fucking way. Otherwise you are just another nigger.
>Buying a gun used in several past crimes
>showing up with a lot of cash to meet a criminal you know had a gun
>No problems there
Retard. Literally google.
Or just buy a gun legally and not live in a shithole state like a normal person
Also why you don't buy guns from undesirables. You /newpol/ assholes make me sick.
Never relax..You know the first part.
Not bad for a norico.
>post on Yas Forums almost every day
>own 2 guns
>know how2farm
>competent fisherman
>know how to build a wood cabin
>can fabricate black powder
>trauma/er nurse
Damn, im based.
Guns are the coward's weapon! I only wield the most honorable and most deadly weapon of them all: the katana!
Lmao I sold an AR to some nigger that I put together for 400$
It's Dangalang motherfucker.
if you stay unarmed because you’re too lazy to figure out the laws then the gun grabbers have won
>not katana and handgun at the same time while wearing a trenchcoat and a teleportation device.
I'm conflicted on that. Markqweesius may use it to thin the herd if you know what I mean. But Tyreesius maximus may break in and rape your elderly mother with it.
Ik. I wish it had the bayonet tho. It was all matching numbers and still had cosmo seeping into the stock and all over the trigger group. Pretty sure the previous owner never disassembled this thing once
Criminals unironcally are better people than politicians, and can be trusted more
You don’t have to buy it from a guy named pablo, illegal gun runners have come to be very reputable, suit wearing types
Don’t forget you can obtain any gun of your dreams this way
I’ve been cc a very illegal gun for the last 2 years with no serial number
I don’t see what the problem is, when’s the last time somebody patted you down and said “lemme see that serial number boy”
My mother is dead
You see, this is what they do. They want you to give up on your own rights because they put obstacles in your way. It's as good as taking the right away completely, same result if it works.
>Buy lower and upper.
>Drill and assemble.
>No #s to speak of.
I spit on firearms! They are the resort of a man without courage or skills!
I hope you atleast make 200k working at a tech company.
I make a comfortable living. Work in the cannabis sector, and am considered essential Haha. 40-65 hours and 1500 miles a week on the road.
hey what's the deal with prop64? are (((they))) really rolling it back and requiring a medical card now? heard some (((doctor))) decided to just negate the will of the voters
Sorry bro but I don't want to give the glowies an excuse to lock me up for life on "terrorist" charges.
>Explains why she wasn’t moving
Not that I am aware. In fact, the industry is having a cracking down on regulations. Lots of businesses didnt make the cut or have downsized massively. Dispensaries are busier than ever. Adult use weed isn't going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it helps keep the masses from revolting! Like the good guys they are.
You can't own a gun? Was that part of the surrender negotiations with the emu?