/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3554

► Detected: 3,308,503 (+4,283) ► Died 234,112 (+282) ► Day: 113 (-19:40:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 212 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,147 strains have been sequenced —


Maryland Gov. protective of his state’s coronavirus tests

Experts predict up to two more years of pandemic

North America's livestock will be euthanized because of supply chain disruptions due to coronavirus

Russian PM Mishustin Diagnosed With Coronavirus

New York let coronavirus-infected nurses work in upstate nursing home

Doctors In Europe Warn Of Link Between Covid-19 And Toxic Shock Symptoms In Children

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

▶ 180 new cases in India
▶ 33 new cases and 4 new deaths in Honduras
▶ 57 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia


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Other urls found in this thread:


RIP argiebro ;_;

Long live khokholbro

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India recorded the largest single-day jump of 1,993 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours taking the total to 35,043 cases, including 1,147 deaths, the Union Health Ministry said this morning, adding that 73 deaths linked to the highly infectious illness were reported from different parts of the country since yesterday.

/comfy/ hours are on a roll

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back against the wall and odds

spreading through lots and lots of coughs

your contagion's called outstanding

you're structurally complex

against the grain of "just-a-flu" claims

not the thoughts your glassings entertain

and you, have proved, to be

a real viral bean

far from patient zero

real viral bean

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>WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures
I take back everything bad I said about you retards

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>RIP argiebro
plz don't jinx him
I'm sure he's just resting

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RIP Gary
RIP Greek nothingburgerfag
RIP Hue HCQfag
RIP Swede gymfag
RIP Spanish statsbro

Is India still under lockdown?

The best that can happen is that people just practice better hygiene habits. Covid will be around as the new norm due to its global reach and its high infectious rate. China didn't stop it in time. The rest of the world will just have to deal with it. Governments and the health industries are atleast better prepared than four months ago.
It's a new world we live in.

Yes. We are going to be locked away for a while.

Why is Chicago being hit so hard

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Based corona best virus

Why do people think there's something special about NY (and Milan, Madrid, Paris, London,...) and it won't happen to their cities?

just moved out of chitcago
soon there'll be 800,000 hungry groids migrating north

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> AI can't mem…

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Fuck you nigger go fucking kill yourself.

imagine if every year we autisticly tracked the number of old people and unhealthy blacks dying from the flu. that's what this looks like. a giant exercise in virtue signaling and forced >happening

normalcy bias and denial + cope

so all those years of solving the captcha were leading to these?
man i´m dissapoint

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>Trump confirms corona started in Wuhan Virology Lab
I'll be honest. I doubted Yas Forums back in january when they floated the idea. I can't believe it, but Yas Forums was right again, in a major fucking way.

what happened in NY will happen everywhere else, no plausible argument to the contrary

Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.


I can take out a $40G loan. I believe the US dollar will become nothing, or it's basically a nothingburger. I'll either make big money, or nothing matters.

Same desu

You need to fap with gloves. Different gloves give you different sensations.

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Sigh. Yep

I'm ready.

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They're actually having race wars on the streets of NYC, because the rats there are distinct groups

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>tfw haven't fapped since Feb

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>mass livestock slaughter
some big brain explain this one to me pretty please

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>/cvg/ finally starting to die after 5 months of fun
well bros its been good. best happening Yas Forums has ever seen.

I have a problem with fapping. Problem is I have to stop for as much as multiple hours once in a while.

Thanks Chinks, you've ruined the world.

/cvg/ has been right since the very beginning and will continue to be right.

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Its life but it stings for a moment.i eaven moved through the state's stayed in school there and slept in the towers.good people there in usa but life goes on

China Lied
People Died

a poem by, user.

Well that explains the Corona-chan slow down. Not enough anons have been giving her their energy.
You need to make a sacrifice

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Yas Forums is always right.

Pol was saying in January that this virus was being studied in a high security Canadian lab, was stolen by a Chinese student taken back to Wuhan and there it was accidentally released. Anyone remember that story??

You haven't been to bed yet, have you?

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Wow. What happened here that made you so angry?

Lab leaks aren't uncommon, and it's more likely if the lab has lots of bat virus samples on hand than recombination in the wild.

just read all of this before commenting:

It's cheaper to slaughter and sell to dog food companies than hold, feed, wait on supply chain to open for processing. They work on precise timetable of animals, have new ones being born. Dont have enough room if cattle, hogs, chickens not sold on time. These are major commercial farming operations. Mom and pop farms not affected.

More like haven't gotten more access into the systems.

Because it wouldn't make any sense.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can tell you if I can confirm this you won't say the same.

Can't believe if there's nothing to believe in.

It's like everything we wanted or talked about is actually happening, just slightly different than what we intended. Spooky

And far from over. Reality has set in. Reality not as exciting

Plants are closing so they have no one is buying them, so they're getting rid of the excess due to capitalism.

Spanish graph guy/restaurateur/mathematician/physician was just here the other day.

Can't wait to see the movies/docs made about this crisis.

People not taking it serious. Basically uneducated niggers not even being racist. Poorer neigborhoods dont take this shit serious because they arent educated about things such as viruses. Not everyone but you get the point

Publish, when

And Gary was here earlier. He just posted in a thread split.

Can you pwetty pwease just tell us already??

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Listen, my curiosity is fuckin maximum peaked. What do we need to do to get more crumbs? This game of thrones shit is driving me insane

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This image comes from the "Memories of Wuhan" github leak that Chinese citizens were arrested for. Taken sometimes between late January and mid February, it is photographic evidence that not only was China aware of the severity of the problem, but chose to withhold that information from the rest of the world. The Chinese government should be held responsible for the global pandemic and the related deaths.

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slow burn

the complete damage to NYC won't be seen for another year
it's only like 3000 extra weekly deaths so that won't even stress the hospitals

Its hard to take it seriously until we see the damage. Japan didn't capitulate until it realized what happened after the nuclear mushroom left

So like I thought about going back to the office. Even if quarantine ends and there are no new coronavirus cases for a month or two, it'd still be too risky especially without protection. All it takes is contact with one asymptomatic spreader and you're playing Russian roulette. Legit developed agoraphobia, thanks corona-chan.

Fuck you.

Fuck me Godspeed in getting more info

Nothingburger here, when do we get the economy back and lynch all the people who thought this was a happening?

>— 4,147 strains have been sequenced —
I suppose I could just look this up, but can anyone give a negro a rundown on exactly what this means?

Haven't you seen any of the videos of house parties coming out of Chicago and Detroit? Like, standing room only, nobody wearing masks or anything. It's as if they can't help themselves. That and now that they have their Trumpbux they have even more reason to party

different versions of coronachan

some slight mutations here and there but making the vaccine more a longshot

Noice. Thanks, buddy.

Dude you don't even know what you're typing retard

First, the industry needs to decouple from chinese slave work. Doubt that will happen.+3% profits are at stake, cant risk that, can they.

Rip pole drawfag, his art and the fact he called it quits won't get out of my head and won't let me sleep

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But why?

Florida be like we theme parks NOW
>Mayor Demings has also noted that a June reopening would be “more realistic” than a May reopening due to ongoing supply chain issues.

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It means we will never have a vaccine for it.
We'll most likely develop a limited immunity over time like most other corona viruses, but an actual vaccine is unlikely

There's no proof anyone can provide that will get rid of faith. In concept, proof against it is proof for it. See: Jobe. There's no universal thing that can get rid of faith. If anything, the virus is fortifying it. God dammit Sven. I was doing so well with this shit before your fucking riddles.

Hey i believe in nothing except my senpai, so i belive in something and if they die i still believe in them;-)
Lets see story is still to be written,-)

Unfortunately every nations politicians suck globohomo dick and don't have the balls to hold the chinks accountable

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>tfw you've been saying this since the arrests of commie agents in canada and america

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What is Canada going to do after we invade them for their resources?

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