Alt Right

Still no video comments from Millennial Woes, amidst new accusations piling up. What do you think will be the future for MW, and how will this affect the movement in general?

Killstream discussing the new accusations here, apparently he forced oral sex on a woman (with him as the giver, not the receiver):

Attached: DomfKigWwAEV1fL.jpg (1920x1080, 116.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the gay troll admitting to gay ops on his stream, this is the guy who got the joke dick pic from Woes (not actually his) and assisted in production of the genital warts/circumcision fetish screenshots in 2017:
However, the accusation that got him booted from Mark Collett's organization and social circle seems unrelated to both of those things.

I still dont get how Woes could get thrown out this badly without the evidence being made public

Women are lying whores. This shouldn’t be news to you guys.

The curious thing is that apparently it wasn't the fake chat logs, and it wasn't the joke dick pic, it was something else that no one is talking about, but everyone who's against Woes and the "movement" has just been endlessly bashing him on account of those two things since Mark's statement. Imagine a gay troll producing fake kompromat about you and no one caring about it for years because it's clearly bullshit, but then it all somehow gets packed with some vague accusation that no one can prove or even wants to say what it actually is, and everyone is suddenly taking the entire package at face value. What would you do?

Did anyone see any comments from Henrik or Lana, are they staying silent about this?

No one fucking cares
>inb4 300 replies

This is a veteran of the movement. How dare you impinge upon his character. Spreading his HPV is a right. His victims need to shut the fuck up.

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Who the fuck is henrick and lana? Why should i care? Why do you care? What could possibly be gained from this knowledge?
You wont reply cuz you are a shill kike.

>the movement

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The couple running Red Ice TV, they're generally thought of as decent people, but they're on very good terms with Ralph who's been smearing Woes and taking these accusations as gospel.

You don't find the mechanisms through which these people are ruined so quickly interesting?

No. I have no thought cycles available for some nobodys lack of a sex life. My precious time will not be sullied with thoughts of others motivations because most humans arent rational or logical and thus cant be figured out using those methods. My time is much better spent doing almost anything else than chatting about talking heads and what their personal lives are like. I dont listen to people preach to me unless they are very good so i ignore all of these haircuts.
Who is your daddy and what does he do?

The movement needs the GOD ROD. Bow down to the rapist god rod.

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> a fukcing shill

You have to go back. Woes already explained it was a joke.

The alt right is not real. Only dumb retards that are too into politics fell for CNN's most usless strawman.

It came out on the Killstream today that he is a rapist. Are you not going to bow down to the God Rod?

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Woes is being canceled for being a typical NEET who stumbles onto a bunch of extra free $. I use canceled like the leftists on purpose to show the parallels. He's a normal guy with a lot of flaws who has greatly contributed to community building and informing people. Via Sargon he has redpilled millions and his Millenyules christmas things have been cozy.

I'm not saying he's a role model or that he is perfect - I'm not even saying he hasn't been pushy with girls or wasted lots of donation money on pizza. What I am saying is that he's representative of vast swaths of ethnonationalists and that he's earned the serious consideration of the community.

>his Millenyules christmas things have been cozy.
I'll miss those. They've been the highlight of my Christmas for years now.

>new accusations
This shit is months old and is just now being brought up as a lefty character assassination, kek. Shalom, David

did i step in a fucking time machine

Can we agree that any future "movement" leaders need to either have a wife or a fiance? And they can't be weird ones like Richard Spencer's titcow

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While he has the God Rod, let us be honest, Pim Tool and his hairline is the eceb or ecelbs.

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>movement leaders
why can't people learn.

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I like Millennial Woes. He is a smart guy and very articulate. His videos and speeches are good. He has helped to redpill a lot of people. This controversy has taken me by surprise. I'm still not sure what he has been accused of, or how credible the accusations are. If he raped a girl and intentionally spread diseases, then he is a scumbag who deserves to be kicked out. However, sometimes women do lie about this stuff. We need more information to make a proper decision.

Someone quick rundown?

Mark Collett said that Millenial Woes has been assaulting girls, and disinvited him from his events

Stop taking shit from months ago and pretending its new shit. The whole thing is baseless.

>And they can't be weird ones like Richard Spencer's titcow
Crazy or not, you have to admit she's fucking gorgeous though.

I often wonder if that's how he really is. I've started cutting short his videos because he rambles to lengthen his video for maximum ad revenue. Usually I just look for the articles he references and I read them myself.

They are comfy as fuck. Bring together all kinds of people from NS to normies and even gateways like Sargon. Really great part of the scene.

MW is quitting the public life and disinvited from Collett's events in order to secure the general confidence of female attendants. MW is said to have an STD, and to be a pizza/girls obsessed NEET with weird fetishes. There is at least one claim by a girl that MW ate her out in a way that made her uncomfortable but its ambiguous whether she firmly objected or if he simply mistook her "no" for the typical "no" girls express when you pleasure them.

this will be the downfall of the dissident right. young guys going to events and entering the movement to meet girls

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>What do you think will be the future for MW, and how will this affect the movement in general?
LOL if I associate a loose collection of ideas with flawed people I can attack the ideas by tearing down their spokespeople.

>the mentally ill memeflag samefags in the same spam thread over and over again
don't worry you niggerbrained shitskins no one notices and a lot of people care about this
