I haven't been a pol regular in about 3 years, what have I missed? Has everything been pretty much the same...

I haven't been a pol regular in about 3 years, what have I missed? Has everything been pretty much the same, or is the new meta very different?

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terry is still a genius

no.. today here is nu-Yas Forums.. mostly incels obsessing over white women and how much they desire them but can't have them.

Idk did people just post yt talking heads?

Maybe they should actually live there lives and get a real girlfriend. Sure there are a lot of degenerate women in the world, but there are plenty of women who are kind and not scum. Maybe that's why I left in the first place, I got a real gf.

Yas Forums is dead
long live Yas Forums

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boards comp'd, slide threads everywhere
people took the bait on the jq, no longer realize it's just for lulz to trigger newfags
no longer worth your energy to be here

Terry is a fucking genius. Have you built your own compiler? I didn't think so CIA NIGGER.

all the good white women are with black men now.. mostly because of their sexual prowess and also the fact that they act like real men to them

I enjoyed it when there was actually political "serious" discussion. Heard a lot of interesting things and for bad or worse, it shaped my political views. Now its just a bunch of incels, but maybe being unfair.

Yas Forums meta died in 2012, its all newfags

OG Yas Forums here... things are different, too many democrats pushing anti-Trump agendas, not like the original forum in 2015 at all.. but some of us old timers are still kicking, keeping the flame alive for one last meme war this fall

It's a shame, all the threads I see are trash tier. Keep fighting the good fight brother.

>3 years
people no longer like Hillary and most of us have converted to judaism. otherwise pretty much same

I never used to use filters. Now I have to. 50 threads autofiltered on average. then I manually hide between 30-70 depending on how bad it gets. Mostly sexual pictures of women, depictions of the star of kikes (don't like to look at evil imagery), and other disgusting threads or obvious superpac actor bait.

then I sort by creation date so I can have full control over new threads created to hide them as they're made, pin the threads I do like so they stay at the top, then Yas Forums becomes usable again.

time for another saloon partner, it's worse

you don't want to be here any more

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I have no idea where to go anymore. I feel like an island. I guess politics is a waste of my time anymore, it doesn't make a difference any more, gotta ride the tiger.

I'm married and still here. Nothin much else to waste my time on.

In the last year or so, Pol got full of FBI trying to bait people into admitting violence against jews/muslims. Besides that, it is the same shitty Yas Forums. No intelligent political discussions, nobody posts sources, no one argues respectfully.

How would you describe your political views?

A lot of reddit autists joined and started taking taking things too seriously instead of being in on the joke.

I don't really give a fuck anymore. American constitutionalist / christian right wing or some shit. Conservative maybe but conservatives only ever conserve what the next democrat president enacts. I'm a southern redneck, all we care about is to be left alone on our property to build whatever we want, live however we want, grow whatever we want, and to have the ability to protect that lifestyle with muh guns.

not enough redpills on the jews nowadays

I respect that sentiment 100 percent, except I'm a lousy yankee.

Turn around now.

I haven't been here since 2008, and I only came back because of the lockdown.

I regret it.

You can be an honorary redneck ya just gotta drink too much whiskey around a bonfire and get into a fist fight with your Dad over stupid shit then shoot some guns all night at the critters in the dark. Pretty typical weekend at my old man's place.

Nothing. Go back to red-dit.

I do enjoy whisky and guns, guess I was born in the wrong state.

you missed everything

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You have brought back our lord, Terry

Yas Forums went downhill, you made the right choice to leave