Brit/pol internal political general edition

Don't respond to foreigners, tripflags and other irrelevant shitposters lads

>Another Labour anti-Semitism row: Keir Starmer is forced to reprimand MPs Diane Abbott and Bell Ribeiro-Addy for taking part in Zoom call with activist suspended for saying 'Jews financed the slave trade'
What is wrong with (((them)))?

>Prince Andrew's friend Ghislaine Maxwell was 'abusive' towards Princess Diana and made her cry, claims alleged Jeffrey Epstein sex abuse victim
With jews, you loose

>Heavenly thanks! Boris Johnson claps for carers from steps of Downing Street after NHS workers saved his life during coronavirus battle - as rainbows break through clouds while millions cheer on doorsteps across UK
#clapForRNHS #our/nige clapped

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Revealed: Britons' top 20 most-searched-for holiday prices for end-of-the-year getaways - and it's Benidorm that's No1, followed by the Maldives, Las Vegas and Tenerife

>Brave coronavirus victim dies after asking to be filmed by Ross Kemp to show true horror
>Ross Kemp discovers that retired military police officer Paul Breeze lost his fight with coronavirus after allowing him to highlight the awful impact

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>irrelevant shitposters
So we shouldn’t respond to the OP then?

>TIPPED OFF Cops bombarded with calls as 200,000 Brits report neighbours for breaking coronavirus lockdown

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>>irrelevant shitposters
>So we shouldn’t

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>British BAME Covid-19 death rate 'more than twice that of whites'

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Far higher numbers of people from black Caribbean backgrounds have died from Covid-19 per 100,000 people than other ethnic groups
Registered hospital deaths from Covid-19 per 100,000 in England
Other ethnic group 80
Black Caribbean background 78
Other black background 53
Indian background 35
White Irish background 31
Other Asian background 30
Pakistani background 30
Black African background 30
White British background 27
Bangladeshi background 23
Other white background 22
Chinese background 15
Mixed ethnicity 10
Jake And Hannah Graf Become Britain's First Transgender Parents | Good Morning Britain

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>Fishing outrage: Dutch trawlers plunder British waters with UK boats unable to sail
>THREE Dutch supertrawlers have been ruthlessly plundering UK fish stocks with British boats unable to sail during the coronavirus lockdown, environmental campaigners Greenpeace have warned.

Take this utter cunt back please

Ministers warn lockdown could stay for MONTHS until new cases drop to the hundreds - as Prof Chris Whitty says a second peak could be WORSE than the first and eradicating coronavirus is 'technically impossible'

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>Brexit extension warning: Farage exposes Merkel's radical EU plot that will ruin UK
NIGEL FARAGE has issued a warning urging the UK to leave the EU by the end of this year or face a huge bill imposed by an even more powerful Angela Merkel and Brussels.

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Morning to you too
>Take this
Seems comfy as is lad

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why? you have pedos, paki trannies and the dregs of society, surely pube would fit right in.

Jannies (or GSHQ) gone berserk lately on regular ones lad, Karen's booted, pube possibly, even I had one few days ago for no reason.
What's not good, is they aren't Brits or have clear understanding as what's up before lashing out.

On a positive note, anyone, not have congratulated Boris and Carrie on a newly shat out baby should be locked up indefinitely

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Slow this morning
>Coronavirus: Carrie Symonds and Colonel Tom Moore thank 'NHS heroes' during Clap for our Carers event
>The prime minister's fiancee and the army veteran paid tribute as the nation joined in thanking healthcare workers.

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havent seen daisy or sussex either now you mention it

he’s your problem now, thank fuck he’s gone

He's had double or triple whammy. Initially he posted something like give jannies a break, got booted, then next day he was posting, that he had a slap for complaining against jannies and then I had mine for posting ((((that)))) meme about them. Can only post, since last night, but Brit/pol had certainly changed, you be the judge if for the better or worse


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well being heavily moderated like some sub reddit means worse tbqfhwy, kaern was alright why was he booted? he made good ops and news links

I see, what you did in here

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mental illness

Karen is pissed lashed tied to the post somewhere right now I reckon, as I think it was him last night posting trains or some other shit

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some anons went apeshit at Karen and Karen ran off after being called a pedo yesterday from what I saw

This fuckin lockdown is getting on the nerve a bit
Although, wouldn't surprise me, if he was a nonce or waifu beater, not like there's anything wrong with later.

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what is something productive that a shut-in spastic can do?

Do you ever think nothing matters after you're dead?

>well being heavily moderated like some sub reddit means worse tbqfhwy
I know what you mean, some normie politically correct anal anomaly, substance and sauce like "dear Deidre", please kill me now

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>clean out your freezer
>find forgotten fish fingers
>iconic sandwich

I'd be happier, would have you out of your mums room, bend her over compassionately

How's she lately?

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