What are the economic benefits of space colonization?
What are the economic benefits of space colonization?
Interstellar gay sex.
A shit ton of natural resources. Economical space exploration will make now look like the Stone Age. Seriously, being able to exploit the resources of our solar system... Fuck, just the Moon, or Mars, or Venus, or a fucking asteroid, would be worth tens of trillions of dollars.
The only source for dilithium crystals
any fool who tells you to spend your money in space is trying to one-up you.
Do you estimate that we would require the use of several pylons?
>A shit ton of natural resources
What's the point when we can get them on Earth for the next couple hundred years?
The pursue of humanity's existencialism
Because there are literally finite resources on Earth of certain materials. Even with productivity, there is literally a finite limit. Space exploration is the next stage of human progress.
yeah but not in our lifetimes
Space war and hopefully space nigger slavery
Not the point. Fucking depressing. But, not the point.
there are none
Unlimited supply to stinky kike soles.
If we do things only for our personal benefit, the future is fucked. Plant the trees whose shade your children will enjoy.
Holy shit that picture is gross
If you knew anything about mathematics you would know that it takes earth resources to move things out of orbit. Technology can't defeat gravity over long timescales. We should keep our population on earth at around 500 million and practise eugenics. we could live comfortably for a few hundred million years in this way, giving us plenty of time to develop better technologies and equipment.
there is no need to send today's humans to their deaths on mars.
You know that's incorrect right?
All the resources we use now are still around and will be. Finite is psyop, it's only finite if you dont recycle
more room for more people
more people more think
more think more better ways to get even more room more faster
more room for more people
at first the stimulation of the economy by building the needed infrastructure on the ground, manufacturing, and preparing the materials needed. Then the return of minerals to zero gravity factories will allow a wide range of new or better parts will move manufacturing to space because that's where most of it will be needed.
Then space unions will fuck it all up
There is a moon around either Saturn or Jupiter that has a methane atmosphere and lakes of gasoline. There may even be asteroids made of gold or silver.
you can shut your own borders to migrants without the bleeding cunt liberals howling about cruelty to animals with nowhere else to go
send em to mars
What are the economic benefits of New World colonization?
Whoever desires the fleeting life, God expedites for you what God decides to give you, to whomever God desires. Then God consigns you to Hell, where you will roast, condemned and defeated.
Interplanetary (and down the road interstellar) conquest
That is literally the stereotypical short-sighted boomer mindset.
Brown native pussy
No need to share the planet with retard such as op
No.You can't recycle uranium from its fission products , for example.
>What's the point when we can get them on Earth for the next couple hundred years?
like Helium3?
It creates frontier societies and societies on the frontiers always end up more industrious and virtuous societies.
ummmmmm more like Hailing the BASEDons, Captain
Bros it feels so bad, I just wish I had a ship able to jump to stars in our Galaxy. I just want to drift through the unknown seeing planets, stars and moons that we only saw the twinkling flicker of. I was the glide through the nebulas that stars are born, I want to witness the greatness of the universe. But we will probably never see that tech in our time. It feels bad lads
This user gets it.
You can't create thrust in an open vacuum, so not much.
Putting commies in the airlock.
Moon rocks are pretty valuable. If you brought back a couple of tonnes somehow then the rocket would pay for itself.