So what’s this board about? The name says “politically incorrect”.. is that all? Or is there more to it..?
So what’s this board about? The name says “politically incorrect”.. is that all? Or is there more to it..?
kill yourself faggot
What’s the matter with your flag, bro?
shoo shoo m0s$oY nigger
Working here
Pol is a place for having fun, find a thread that interests/humors you and if you feel like it post something GL.
Inshallah I will have you beaten with my shoe, and thrown to the jews if you do not stop
I’m not a nigger Mr memeflag
Jus a buncha thug ass niggas up in hur
قتل نفسك
I don’t speak Arabic.. maybe some words.
>is that all?
הרוג את עצמך יהודי
Slave labour?
Astarfughallah brother, you are going too far
Meant for:
Don’t use that fucking sandnigger language on my fucking board, you faggot.
It’s politically incorrect to be able to have discourse without topical, moral, or ethical boundaries.
I’m from europe, never been a slave to my knowledge.
POL stands for
Pissing On Linkara
Go back to r*ddit basedfag
*soifag dammit im abusing the fuck ot of some hydros rn
Inshallah if you call this politically incorrect I swear by Allah that I will shoot myself right here.
mashaallah brother, ignore these shiite dogs and go on as usual
Naw man that's it
Ya akhi, if you can't say something nice then silent is better for you!
I thought it was Pissing On Lesbians
It's a place where you LARP as a NatSoc for the lulz and have yourself a hearty chuckle every time some idiot zoomer takes it seriously and ruins his life by telling his friends and family he's been "redpilled".
Goddamn, is there a sandstorm in the Sahara, why are there muzzies on pol.
I’m not a Muslim and I’m not from Saudi Arabia originally. I just work here goddamn. Don’t people here know about saudi aramco??
Never heard of it but do tell.
This actually made me laugh. Good job.
Asalam Aleikeum brother, what is your deal?
I love that picture. Well it’s the biggest corporation in the world and it deals with oil and similar things.
Yes Aramco
Mashallah brother, I bet you're thinking of reverting. Want to recite shahada right now? Don't listen to the devil
I looked it up. Your doing Gods work stealing oil from ignorant dune coons. Carry on, Esteemed Gentlemen.