Why hasn't he lost a debate?

Why hasn't he lost a debate?

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His opponents are carefully set up straw men that he clowns on.

The guy is a fucking moron. All he does is spew the standard retort. He doesn't go below the surface and he ignores the shadows. He's Jwish and he can't grow a beard.

He's a fucking woman.

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Why do you faggot keep totally organicaly posting the same people are these people significant in some way? Experts in thier fields?

Because he only debates leftists. If he debated anyone to the right of him (which he's too scared to do) he'd lose.

He only accepts to debate retarded people.
He keeps on running away from Nick



He only debates people on the left so he only debates retards. If he debated people on the right, I'm sure he'd lose some.

Lol he got btfo by some old bong on British TV

Because his nasely pussy voice pisses you off so much you can't think straight

He only takes debates he knows he can win, hence why he refuses to debate Nick Fuentes

Yikes, pretty cringe.

>imagine having to hide behind your kids because you’re afraid of a zoomer

Imagine thinking Nick Fuentes is still relevant.

some old british bbc guy played him like a violin with out barely saying anything and his career has been in a nose dive ever since.

he beat Cenk Uygur shortly after Unger beat heavyweight debater Dinesh Desouza so that's something

Cause I 'debate over her sister's tits

yes! that is worth a rewatch
Ben can only debate trannies

I love the title

Andrew Neil 'destroys' Ben Shapiro in BBC interview


It came out pretty bad because Andrew Neil is definitely not a leftist demagogue, he's just a reporter known for hard hitting questions

That was entertaining

future president right there

Wait wait hold on. What the fuck makes you think he can't grow a beard? You teenage faggot, newsflash for you, some people shave every day to maintain a clean shaven appearance.

why do you talk about faggot eceleb dipfucks
quit feeding the narcissist propaganda mongers


Yeah the people that can't grow a full beard. Of course they shave their bumfluff.

WTF is happening? Is this board of all boards really shilling this literal mossad agent as somekind of intellectual?

You can’t argue with him while you are gargling his balls.

Because he doesn't masturbate. It's that simple.

LMAO. Ben eyes were getting puffy. Had to resort to personal attacks haha
>I'm more famous than you. Nobody has heard of you
All the man did was ask simple questions

Nick is a retard though.

Because he is controlled opposition so his debates are carefully selected. Anyone got video from the time a British news caster asked him about his comments concerning Pakistan’s, caught him in a lie and he spergee out?

He wins debates because proper preparation prevents p-ss poor performance.