Why do Jews control everything? How do we stop them?

Why do Jews control everything? How do we stop them?

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have kids and lots of them

Too late now for the west, it's over

>too lazy to be involved in politics or law enforcement
>enemy isn't
>wtf why does my enemy control everything?!! all I want to do is smoke pot and fish all day why do I have to work to stop something I don't like?!!

Why are liberal democrat globalists so angry when white people actually enrich their Christian ideologies of "turn the other cheek" with Islamic ideologies such as: "Cut the head off of anyone who doesn't believe the same things we do" ?

The same liberals shouting loudest about white supremacy are the same individuals who are also shouting the loudest that whites must enrich their ideologies with the 3rd world flavor of a Semitic Islamic State that's had their cultures pulverized by still other Arab-descended Camel riding Semites and spice-rug-merchants for the last 700 years.

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Nah it's CGI he's still only able to do the same old dance irl.

Nationalise Jewish property, round them up and deport to Israel.


the jews did this

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there is no way they taught the poor little kitterino how to do this without torture. somebody call the spca


Do a real holocaust this time


haha guys i said the line!! do i fit in yet?? XD

In judaism, their end goal is a top down global government, run from israel. The religious jews are waiting for moshiach. The non religious jews created israel, which violates commandments. The atheist jews are just waging a war relentlessly on the entire world via finance. The only way to win against them is to not use their money. The last time this happened, it was called ww2. That's literally what the nazis did. They got destroyed in ww1. The jews tried to do a jew communist coup. Germans said no. Russia said ok. So then the germans weened off international finance. In retaliation, the jews tried to creep communism westward across europe, the germans believed it was jews coming after them via host states, which is accurate, so the germans launched a heil Mary across europe to try to knock out the bolshevik occupying government. It didnt work, so then the germans started wiping out jews. The jews sent the red army westward in response, and america from the west, then they killed most of the germans, and raped practically all of their women and girls. So if the USA went independent, it will trigger a world war, and the jews will have china attack the USA, so we fight a world war and weaken our military aged males, so the country is easier to pacify. Of course, they're going to start the chinese war anyways. Jews are shameful tyrants. They are a national security threat and are far higher priority than any chinese or al qaeda.

No, you do not

>germans started wiping out jews.
stopped reading there. Your holohoax never happened Moshe

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>Why do Jews control everything?
>How do we stop them?

Seething newfag

what the fuck is this real?

gtfo ANZAC

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> How do we stop them?
That's what I am looking for, the answer will change my life. I am willing to do what has to be done.

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Why is this dancing cat so popular here?

How do you teach a cat to dance

what the fuck is this!!!???

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Have children with a black woman. Your mixed child will not have white privilege and thus cannot be racist nor anti-Semitic , by definition. Only they can lead the charge


Its a thing that migrated from reddit to here whether they like to admit it or not

doubtful it's the fight of the west this time, instead other players will take up that fight and only if they manage to remove their infected elites
who aren't even jewish
through climate crisis (and similar issues), all potential has been bound and put into a lock state with their supposed opposing ideology

Because you are extremely stupid. Kill all the retards, I guess.


If you're one of the black-pilled societal outliers who browses Yas Forums, your children would statistically be approximately as incendiary, right-wing and passionate about Jewish control as you are. In other words, your children are MORE COPIES OF YOU. This is how you create the change you want in the world !!

"Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on." ISAIF, Paragraph 204, T. J. Kaczynski

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Is this real?..

You can't. Even if you have 10k kids you won't be able to. All that's left is to watch your race slowly, yet surely, die out.