All right niggers
This is old shit but I can't remember if it was gone through thoroughly and I'm shamelessly bumping until I get answers.

T. Hanx posts >pic related on Twatter.
A friend just sent to me again because he uses IE apparently.
Asks if I'm good at ciphers or see anything.
>I'm not a glow nigger but fuck it I'm bored
I took the capital letters and put it in a descrambler and got
>gov (I cherry picked these but they seemed relevant and related)


There were still left over letters, so on a hunch I put them in a Gematria value calculator.
Lots of juicy possibilites but a few stuck out
>Kim Jong Un
>Could kill you
>Do not be deceived


So then I put the entire text string in Gematra
>All MK Ultra programs are null and void
>They all know so do not hide


Gematria is a joke right?
It's all just a coincidence isn't it?
I need an autist to explain this shit.

Attached: c2929184-8538-4713-95a8-41b162e04b29.jpg (600x586, 66.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's a bump but tldr next time use a White woman image or at least a kitty =)

So then he asks about Event 201
Wants to know if 201 means anything.
>Q user
>Hes here
Full text "Event 201"

Noted, thanks for the bump fren

have a bump

Thank you fren

i dont think that the epstein/covid19 timing is a coincidence.

Attached: ops.jpg (275x183, 15.78K)

Attached: =).jpg (1536x1690, 319.45K)

Schizo-poster, you forgot an i.
>I have learned...
>I travelled here...
>one I used to love.

I agree.
The Qoomers made me quit paying attention.
Who is next to Epstein?

Thank you detail oriented fren.
I'll have to redo now and see if it turn out similar results

Epstein is still alive. The feds broke him out

Gematrix is shit because it uses the wrong valuations for letters

Added the missing I and in english/simple gematria:
>Kills by poisoning
>Has been found guilty
>Dangerous storm

Are there any good ones online?
Or is it more of learned thing?

Bumpin, I'm getting chills

Attached: 1565714098880.jpg (700x740, 56.68K)

a kitty...wtf?

i would never click a thread with a kitty as the pic. you think people on Yas Forums are 45 year old karens?

You're missing the point of Hanx & Madonna, etc who are clearly assets.
It's not about the message you on paper. It serves as a totem/ground to them for Remote Viewing.

They can channel and lock in and then type or write additional instructions not posted socially/electronically and offline since all their usual channels are compromised.

They used Corona typewriters as and additional F.U. to people like you who they see as pawns.

Everything is in the light of Christ. They can't hide!

R.V. Article

Attached: ETKXTCQWsAAaRpm.jpg (500x500, 49.93K)

Thanks for the link, v interesting

Go fuck yourself kike.
>Anti kitty
Ok Ivankike



Added the I to the original HPBBWFH
>My family is
Put together
>My family is informing gov

Very spoopy

The numbers are the first of the covid bills in the house.


Madonna did Corona.


Attached: album_madame-x_deluxe_back.jpg (1000x765, 507.28K)

Madonna still at it!


She did some good songs in the 80's. Better her as the harbinger of doom, than some current low effort pop star with no good songs.

You know the theme for Madonna's latest album is a Spy who masquerades as a Pop Star...

I had to switch to my phone.
Let's not forget this gem too

>inb4 phoneposter faggot

the same typewriter was used by UNA-BOMB
Theodore J. Kaczynski. it was also known he underwent oldschool, prototyped MKULTRA shit

that seems like its too easy to crack then, i feel like when u have so many letter to shuffle around you can put together almost any type of msg

Attached: honda cb-f 1.jpg (740x494, 60.38K)

Interesting, I never knew that.
I wonder if that could be a signal in and of itself then to begin a similar event.

I just feel out of my fucking charir with that gematria decode. Holy fuck. yes gematria is extremely real. This confrims mK ultra being real.

gematrinator. however you should always manully decode gematria because that's how you witness the manficence of god.

White woman holding a kitty, double tap


Attached: Kaczynski_Typewriter.jpg (1024x818, 346.18K)

My boomer parents told me this was a very common brand of typewriter back in the day

Moedonna last concert was literally her dancing around in a crown surrounded by dancers with gas masks under a back drop of nyc falling a part