Why were they such faggots?

why were they such faggots?

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Because they were faggots

How is crossdressing gay?

It's just bros goofing around, and this is bait. So die in a hole you fucking CIA NIGGER!

the duality of Yas Forums

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You don't understand the cultural context. People of that time thought the idea of crossdressing to be so ridiculous, so unbelievable, and so stupid, that they found it hilarious. The closest comparison I can make to Americans today would be black face. The idea of a man trying to be a woman was as ridiculous to them as a European wanting to be black. Only in the degenerate modern age do people actually take this shit seriously.


>he's never gotten shitface drunk with a bunch of bros and ran around in dresses

are you even living your life?

Because they were all meth heads and meth makes you sexually degenerate. I've known straight guys who smoked meth and spent 3 hours sucking cock.

True, also some places had dresses as a tradition apparently, Horthy had to earn his stripes in that academy folks

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When I was a kid, I went to a soviet summer camp, and they had a day where boys would dress up as girls. Everyone thought it was very funny. I'm pretty sure this is a joke. It doesn't have a sexual context, just acting silly.

Why is this not a surprise?

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Trannies are the real nazis

Even your own president FDR had something to do with it, it was a weird time

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Esoteric power. I'm not kidding. The core of their rhetoric insisted that Atlantis was real, that medieval magic was rational and attainable, and that Eugenics meant they needed to start inbreeding.

faggots are Nazis confirmed

>live in Weimar Germany
>want it to end
>still addicted to degenerate behaviors
Why can you not see? It’s not complicated
Like drug addicted can decide to start murdering drug dealers while still being hooked
Niggerbrained retard

No internet

dont forget. it's ok to punch nazis/

Looks like jews which we put in the oven LMAO
>jews high IQ

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I was talking about recent past. USSR was as anti gay as it gets, but in the summer camps there was a day, sort of like April fool's day, where boys dressed up in dresses. It wasn't considered wrong or sexual. I was participating in this. I thought it was funny. I find gay sex repulsive.

I came here to say this as well

Into the gas chamber

How do low iq people run (and have run) the world now for hundreds, if not thousands of years?

First of all, who cares?
Second: Crossdressing is a play with gender roles. This has always been common. Some gays do this as well, but not exclusively.
It's this playfulness that makes the difference to traps, who aren't playful, but mentally unstable.
Third: LGBT is Nahhtzeee! Reeeeeee!

Homosexuality is VERY VERY VERY prevalent in far-right spaces.

They get off on the taboo. On doing something that is forbidden.

That's why they're against gay liberation. They want their kinks to remain something they do in secret.

It's more exciting that way.

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Society used to accept crossdressing as a silly thing people did for a laugh. No one seriously thought Bugs Bunny was sucking dick on the sly.

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Imagine believing Jews in 2020...

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Because it’s not the Jews dumbass it’s the Reptilians The Jews are just a scapegoat

they didn't know Jesus Christ

In reality they sent these home to their wives as a joke.

Damn really makes me think
Guess talking shit about National Socialism makes you homophobic now