Four years. Zero scandals

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how does he do it???

Least corrupt president in history.

Shithole gate

You forget when he had two scoops of icecream

this is like calling nixon a scandal free presidency

What has he done that was a scandal? Presidenting while being Orange? You are showing you're true colors user.

>Live Webcam picture of OP

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that was the biggest scandal!

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You must have just shown up from another timeline.

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holy shit I actually forgot about that in the sea of madness that is this timeline

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miga cope


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Unironically this. We didn't even know it, but we elected the most squeaky clean guy in the world. Imagine how many tens of millions of dollars has gone into investigating him and his family. Imagine how many hundreds or thousands of federal, state, and private investigators have tried to find something of substance. Imagine the fine toothed comb the IRS has used on his personal and business taxes for decades. They can't even find a credible lead on a jaywalking charge against him. The most powerful and corrupt investigators in the world can't fucking touch him. Teflon Don.

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what does corrupt GOP1.jpg look like?

Donald Trump created the Coronavirus? Care to back that up with evidence?

The Don brought down the Mafia in Atlantic City
The FBI know none of that shit was true

Checked. It really is amazing isn’t it? To do such a tremendous job and do it clean. What a guy, best President ever!

Obama let them get away

Hahahahah....that obozo line is about to change!

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Technically the scandals were the Democrats trying to overthrow a duely elected president with false information. Worst Trump has done is bang a hooker and call her horseface.

you're right. he's just been the victim of scandals

Ayyyyyyyyyyyy carambaaaa

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I unironically plan to say this for many years after he is gone.

And unparalleled prosperity.

thats it lock him up!

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Ok Zionist

it's lucky for the Michigan protesters that they are simply a raucous and heavily-armed white mob attempting to storm their Governor's office, and not, for example, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that


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How quickly can we repeal the 22nd Amendment?

No, but he fucked everything up by being a fucking retard.

sarcasm aside, let me point out the key part of your statement that explains why there is nothing wrong with it:


No *real* scandals.

There, happy?

Seriously... read the report on what they did to Flynn. It was totally manufactured.

We have the lowest per capital death toll in the world. How is that a screw up?

> Best thread of the night right here people

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triggered by a different thread buddy?

How so? He even enforced a travel ban despite the WHO saying it was a nothingburger.

>Fast and Furious doesn't exist

Two scoops.
Two terms.

> r e p o r t e d l y

Business started opening back up this week where we live. In the past week I've spoken randomly to 10 people or so (gas station manager, a grandma in the line at Publix, ABC store clerk, etc.) and within 30 seconds of talking to them they drop the "you know this is all because of the Democrats wanting to screw Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if they released the virus." There is a silent army made up of people from literally all walks of life. These aren't hard core Trump supporters but random people one would meet throughout the day. It's wild. Really has made me feel good about where we are headed as a country. It feels like things are not only going to be good and normal, but it feels like we are going to slingshot in to fucking great territory by Fall.

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Is this nigga serious?...