The jew fears the indoor rancher

The jew fears the indoor rancher.

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What the fuck krautnigger

Literally everyone hates residential indoor cattle ranchers, they are the plague of suburbia.

The kraut fears the b 17

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all jokes aside, what is the problem with actually doing this?

extremely unhygenic, like actually worse then living in a porta-potty

Kike detected

What's the point of making this thread daily with the same responses faggot?

It's called Quail, its not expensive.

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Imagine the smell


Based, but we can go deeper

The snow jew fears the indoor seal farmer

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Sorry rabbi, we found a way to avoid your wagie hamster wheel.

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I know. I've got two on either side of me. One's a cattle rancher and the other has pigs inside and chickens outside half the year.

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Your body actually builds up a poop tolerance. It’s kinda like a vaccine, not that vaccines work, but you get it.

a master is out

Found the outdoor rancher

imagine living in the adjacent apartment

How'd they take this picture?

>how to fuck your house up before your whore wife gets it in the divorce

There are still real B-17's bombing Germany to this day.

>13 weird tricks your landlord does NOT want you to know about

From another plane

From another B-17? Or it’s a rendering.

Of all the retarded shit to think.

LMAO mein neger

they flew past a paratrooper with a camera

The Jew fears the indoor venison rancher as well.

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wheres the indoor chicken farmer screencap? i need that shit

>When shitposting irl goes too far

Based response

I feed the birds in my back yard for a reason. Lots of dove

>Shit where they stand
>Piss where they sleep

I have 12 pigs and one calf. Here’s my boy.

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she looks like the marrying kind, but she'll be out clubbing soon.

it's like you are begging for another plague

Attached: the jew fears the indoor buffalo rancher.jpg (615x440, 60.73K)

oh deer deer deer

selfie stick you retard



They even had cameras during the war, though they were black and white. Even video. Neat, huh?

They shot timed cameras from flak artillery for photo shoots.


This thread was funny the first time it was posted. what the fuck, man.

>all jokes aside, what is the problem with actually doing this?
you might die from pussy overdose

So awesome

jew fears comfy goyim

Nah those were attached to weather baloons

A seal walks into a club

He’s not supposed to be in my den room. Sometimes he knocks the child gate off the door frame and walks in.

Extremely unhygienic. Houses also weren't designed to handle shit like that so expect structural damage.

No Amir thats why you always have parasites and your kids spread them to all the normal kids at school who don't live in feces and cry when itchy worms crawl out if their butts at night.
No one in town wants to talk about it, but we all think of you when we end up buying anti-worm medicine after our kids interact with yours.