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OP is a lying faggot.

>b-but muh birth certificate!

Name 1 scandle then, that didnt turn out to be retarded fake news.

>from 2 wars to 7
>used the IRS to fuck with political enemies
>fast and furious
>male hookers and drug use surfaced
Many such cases

Gosh you're right. Except for all the scandals. If not for all the scandals there would be zero scandals.

Dyor nigger

>zero scandals
why the fuck is he crying then?

That’s okay. The scandal is coming soon

lol, a nigger at a job I had put a picture of this nigger on the wall

>Name 1 scandle then, that didnt turn out to be retarded fake news.
BLM race riots.
Funding ISIS

>what is fast and furious
>what is constant middle eastern wars

Fast and Furious
Libya Air Strikes


>like fucking clock work

Attached: noscandals.jpg (1000x729, 207.61K)

Traded 5 high profile terrorists for Bergdahl.

The fucker "tortured some folks," invaded countries, ordered police to beat up niggers in Fergusson and hippies at OWS, went to Flint and said that the water was okay for consumption, but you are right user, the media didn't talk about it, because Obama is a very respectable and presentable gentlenig, so technically there wasn't a "scandal."

Also, libs should stop pretending that the media doesn't fucking love Trump. Whenever he says retarded shit like "we should look into bleach" or "let's nuke the hurricane" media moguls make big bucks on you consuming their shit.

Pocket media.

You and all the democrats will never admit he was terrible for the job because he is a nigger.

>cant name a single one
Not surprising.

None of that had anything to do with Obama. BLM is retarded ""woke"" activists. Benghazi is Hillary Clinton. Funding of ISIS goes back more than 30 years. Try again

2 seconds instant sage

Drone bombing American citizens

F-f-fast and furious nigger

Because 0 scandals

Bot bots, botbot botbots

You realize that is a yearly appropriations bill, right? Trump has signed a couple.

Bastard made deals with terrorists and supplied isis, not intentionally but still did worst president of my 25 years living

Murdered Gaddafi and destroyed a prosperous Libya

Nigger drones weddings

Operation Fast and Furious that led to Eric Holder being in contempt of Congress

>100 million spent on "OPINION" pieces at every media agency worldwide which were intended to disempower and delegitimise all white people and their institutions and self pride while replacing it with degeneracy and thottery
>No Scandals

Turned it into a slave trading country. Let that sink in. Obama ordered beating up black protesters in Ferguson and turned an African country into slave central.


>Pro-Obama anti-Trump script #1,943,882 activated for Yas Forums, beep beep boop boop.

Attached: conan_cyberg2.jpg (479x724, 122.19K)

Bradley Manning
Seth Rich
had the most corrupt secretary of state ever
A trillion dollars to Iran

>no scandals