You will never be german just get over it You are a brown subhuman mutt not even worth to be callec a human

You will never be german just get over it You are a brown subhuman mutt not even worth to be callec a human.

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Other urls found in this thread: color eyes albinism color har albinism is leucism

You'll never see a timeline where Hitler won

As a pure Dacian, I love who I am. Having said that, I love Germans too.

Mutt-a buh maimuta dracului


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>You will never be german

Neither will you Hans, your whole country is either half slav or half Arab at this point.

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that looks like my sister

>you will never be German
Cool whatever just fuck off

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Dear germany
Learn from (old, pre-gypsied) romania
Impale the fucking invaders as a warning to the others

>You will never be German

That’s ok we can get into a german frau

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Germans are ugly desu

>tfw both parents are 20-30% Germanic Europe.
>rest is scandinavian and English
>Everyone sees me as Irish


I'm blond haired blue eyed German American trapped in the land of Amerifats. I need to rebuild the Arayan master race in the America's... I'll make German babies and rebuild the master race.

im italian but my fiance is 50% Norwegian and 50% Swedish so my kids will at least be half Scand. I may even cancel out my manlet genes with hers

Imagine caring about this. You faggots aren't "Redpilled", you're miserable autistic fucks.

Low IQ post. Sure, I'll take the "blond hair blue eyes", but you're probably like 300 lbs living with your mom seething about niggers in a city 30 miles from you.

Bend the knee... ...and submit, mongrel.

Ha, I love being anglo anyway, at least no one can say 'muh holocaust' then be forced by social expectations to cry

Imagine the feels bros.... imagine it leading your tanks, and halftracks with panzergrenadieren accross the open steppes with dreams of the 100 acres of land you were going to recieve after you won the war. That must have been a great feel that filled every young captain's mind

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baste, these are the people who want to see my race go extinct

You are mutted sorry kid. any person that is more than 50:50 of two things is officially mutted

fuck man my mom is from calabria and dad is from neihboring sicily and im almost considered a mutt back in europe

Nay, sub human... 5'10 and some were models over the years... I lived in Los Angeles, of course. ;)

i was born in a german colony, am i german Hans? My surname is Raupp and i am blonde

I'm a weird combination of Dutch + Welsh, I speak a Germanic language (English - American dialect), do I count as "German"?

I'm already sad enough that I will never experience Greta Thunberg sitting on top of me or laying on top of me and shoving her feet in my face while she plays Nintendo Switch or fiddles with her mobile phone.

You have to come along and make me feel even worse. Thanks a bunch.

For the glory...!


GIRLS are 5'10 these days, step up your game nigger

You'll always just be upjumped barbarians.

Ok autist

We can find a place for you. Sure.

Blue eyes, blonde hair. Its jut albinism. White people are delusiona bipedal simians who descend from albinism and are so unbelievable cucked by their own hubris and fake thoughts of themselves, they hate their own ancestors.

White pride has never existed on this planet. Whites have never been proud. Albnism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white. Whites are ashamed and the project their feelings of inferiority by flinging shit on others. Subhuman. Monkey. baboon. Ape. Animal. Its all projection. color eyes albinism color har albinism is leucism

Whites hate their own ancestors. Let that sink in.

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but i am german, genetically, dipshit

Nay young negro... only if they have genes pure genes. Mongrels are usually a bit o' stumpy.

Blacked already kraut

Actually, my grandfather came over after WWI directly from Bavaria, so I got 50% goin' for me. The rest is just a mashup of Scottish and Croatian mixed in.

Outliers will exist in any system.

do you even realize how fucking gay you sound right now?

>y-y-you'll never be my ethnicity. i-i-i haven't accomplished anything in my own life so i take credit for my ancestors work, even though they'd whoop my ass and laugh me out of the room if they ever saw me talking like this.

off yourself.

Thanks, frien

That just doesn't sound good to me. But, Imagine you and thousands of your brothers flying fast miles in the air over Germany. The deafening roar of the bombers British, American, and Canadian releasing thousands of tons of bombs over German cities. You can hear as whistling of bombs turns into a screeching as all the bombers simultaneously release their payloads. The Blasting thuds of 50 caliber ball turrets shooting German fighters out of the sky, as many attempt to intercept you and your brothers. You laugh imaging the glorious horror on ground as people awaken to the unmistakable sound of an allied bombing run.

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Whatever just fuck off

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