Amerimutts from /po/

What happens here?

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Cotton. Onions beans. Niggers. Humidity.

It is hot and humid

Shittest weather in the country, low iq and niggers

That's where all the taxes from the nonred states go as reparation to slave descendants
Malaria outbreaks
rural sewage
a delightful accompiment of calibers to the crickets

Sounds godforsaken despite evangelicism having a spike in the early 20th century. Why did that happen

losing traitors fought for kikes
We didn't kill the kikes
Kikes moved to Germany
You know the rest

MS river user here. Lives along this bitch my whole life from nola to memphis and in inbetween. Nola and memphis are niggerfilled shitholes but ms is quiet and nicely segregated. Weathers just peachy its actually 70 all the time right now and beautiful. Does get a bit hot but aint too bad ukno. I spend most of my time reading about the war of northern aggression, working in my garden, strolling through downtown, sittin at the river on a lazy afternoon, or spendin time with the family and neighbors. This is the real america fuck them city slickin fags

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niggers. weird tasting water and niggers.

Huntsville Alabama is Operation Paperclip: The City. They're fucking crazy about Nazi scientist Dr. Wernher von Braun.

Bless your heart user. Rural mutts are usually more honest than your typical sóyfaggot. Would you recommend it as a place to live in though, it sounds pretty comfy from what you said. Rural Mexico is similar in the north but you don't really see too much tranquility for a while due to cartels and shit

Would be easier to list the things that DON'T happen in FL.

I would highly recommend it. For you however my mexican friend please dont come, no offense. Weve got niggers and whites and each stays out of each others business and thats how we like it. Beaners are universally hated here. Other than that yea its super cozy. In 3 years time ill be moving to a community of southern victorian style plantation homes with massive oaks covered in spanish moss and hay fields and southern belles. Would recommend

It's home to both the most based and most trashy Americans well second most trashy compared to commiefornia

Texas and Alabama are the best of those.

why are mexicans so dumb?

This is the REAL Confederate States of America. Virginia and North Carolina were johnny-come-latelys.

- blistering humidity year round along with high temperatures to amplify it
- spics
- niggers
- drugs are run pretty heavily
- the average internet speed is a decent speed from the early 90's
- 30 minutes each way to a store
- decent bit of agriculture in certain areas
- yuppie sheltered displaced yankees moving in to ask us "why is there nothing to do around here?"
- displaced niggers always talking about how "yeah dis nothin compared to mai hood in nyc there wuz gunshots n shiet every night!"
- spics mainly doing yard work or raking pinestraw
atlanta is the displaced yankee colony in this state. it is not part of georgia

I've met some rural folk from California and they seemed a bit similar to Southern babes

I'm not moving to America dw, I might visit though, people are usually overlooking because of the media blackout aspect. It's honestly more attractive to me than visiting a soulless European capital

>moving to a plantation
Sounds fucking based. I bet it's beautiful

>displaced yankee colon
You mean carpetbaggers.

A lotta good times

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Which traditionally republican state is the worst state and which is the best?

Worst probably Missouri
Best SC

yeah same thing, they are scum regardless of how you put it
every californian i have ever come across here thought they were god's blessing for the rest of us just by us encountering them. oh lovely tell me about your mexican sewage filled beaches in fagifornia!
have yet to encounter one of those subhumans that deviates from that

sweat. mosquitoes. dirty brown waters.

Texas is nothing like the rest of those states.

Very lazy but very tough whites.
Niggers who are tolerable in their homogenous bayou communes.
Lots and lots of DIY. Makeshift rafts. Old motors laying around. Tires and tools lying about (tools in cases to keep them safe from rain). Often people kill an skin animals right by the side of the road.
Everyone is really nice. The further west you go the taller they get, with white Texans oddly being the tallest people in the world (in my experience). In the east everyone is very very... clever? Not sure how to put it but they manage to do a lot with very little. There is nothing as unique as ‘swamp culture’ of the far south. Seeing a bunch of Viking looking dudes wading into a swamp to hunt crocs and anacondas is otherworldly.
More generally.
Very christian
Low IQ (I suspect it’s blacks bringing it down, and perhaps a lack of proper schooling, as the whites in the south are remarkably agile mentally, and able to work through very puzzling events that would confound most people)
That said. Southerners seem to think slowly, despite being very astute and hyper aware of things. Northerners (I live in the North) think and speak very quickly.
Women, everywhere, are whores. Though way less likely to racemix.
I think Alabamans also have an extremely high rate of blondism. I noticed they looked like Minnesotans (Germans and Swedes) but I believe Alabama was populated exclusively by the English in the late 1700s.

Yea its a spic filled desert shithole lmao


mostly spics (red) and niggers (dark red)

Honestly you're dealing with a plague. I've heard from Ohio folk that Californians invade cities and ruin them
Then migrate again and ruin them again. Like parasites

Texas sucks. Hot as fuck. Nothing but illegals. Everywhere.

Texas is like a country in itself. You have Austin which is basically San Francisco in Texas, then Dallas which is more conservative and has a more Texan vibe, then you go out west and it's a vast stretch of nothingness and people start actually talking with a Texan accent.

florida is not southern

You forgot spics. The biggest god damn problem of them all. Worse than Jews and blacks.

Wrong. Out west is spicville. Go to el Paso/van horn area. I own land out there. Nothing but spics who hate trump. I fuckin hate texas.

Agree. I fuckin hate it here.

You mean like nonwhites do to white countries?

I swear to god if you come to those states I’m skinning you