Apparently starting on Monday I will no longer be able to go inside any grocery store without a face mask...

Apparently starting on Monday I will no longer be able to go inside any grocery store without a face mask. They will be having checkpoints at the entrance, required by the state.
How is this even legal to make people fulfill a condition to access food?
And I thought we were on the downward trend?

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Just wrap a shirt around your face. Believe me, there will not be enough masks for everyone and people won't know where to get them. As long as your face is covered in case you spread inside the shop they won't give a fuck.

Also, they will maybe supply them there paid for by the state. They really can't stop people from buying food, that's a tipping point that would lead to violence.

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You already have to "fulfill" the condition of wearing clothes and having money. It's legal because they can refuse you business for any reason :)

Ask them if you need to cover your anus too because you have rotten egg gas

Until Trump ends the emergency order they won't stop, it gives them near absolute control.

>How is this even legal to make people fulfill a condition to access food?

Grocery stores are private businesses and can refuse you for whatever reason they want already, there is no constitutional right to food dumbass

*walks into your store*
Wat do?

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Use the proper PPE and wash yo nasty ass hands burger.

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haha weve been kicking out homeless people forever

no shirt no shoes no service

did you know that homeless people make shit sandwiches? They take their turds and put them between 2 slices of bread.

>Apparently starting on Monday I will no longer be able to go inside any grocery store without a face mask. They will be having checkpoints at the entrance, required by the state.
They did this to all the stores in my state, and then all of the other connecting states.

I just walk in without one, no one has said shit to me yet. Fuck 'em.

I live in Boston. They havent done this yet. I want to move to a state thats opening up tho

which faggoty ass state is this? i walked into a whole foods in mass today. I disobeyed the directional signs on the floor and nobody said anything to me.. its obvious this stupid shit is dying down now ... also unless its at least an N95 mask it will do nothing to prevent you in haling airborn virus or from spreading it if you have it... people are morons and I will not adopt the ways of the moron

Its up to the governors, not Trump.

keep your dirty mouth covered you fucking mutt what the fuck is wrong with you, the only people I see without masks are NIGGERS and MUTTS

are you even white?!?!?

Just got a pretty easy gig for 12 dollars an hour to shop for online shoppers at my local store
Get to work with lot of Collrge stacy’s

College Stacys are always down to fuck regardless if they have a boyfriend or not. Take advantage of that fact

Too bad you’re such a disgusting mess of a person for any of those bitches to even consider you more than an awkward coworker. You’re a fucking failure.

Just say you have an underlying respiratory issue that prevents you from wearing a mask. Legally they cannot deny you, or ask you what your issue is. It goes against Hippa and our 4th amendment right. Only the sheeple are wearing masks.

wear your fag rag, nigga! Breathe in that healthy CO2

Tagging in to say if you put your disposable N95 mask in a brown paper bag and isolate it for 4-6 days it should kill off the covid-19 viruses and allow you to reuse your mask. It has to be brown paper and not plastic. This is what my ambulance company has been doing to prepare for the time when we run out of masks but haven’t actually ran out of masks yet due to my company being based AF.

GUYYYYS the government is MAKING me taking safety precautions to protect the health of myself, my loved ones, and the people around us when we go out. This is tyrannical fascism. The storm is here!

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>It's legal because they can refuse you business for any reason :)
With the exceptions of course of:
-Being a sodomite
-Being a baby-killer
-Being a literal unevolved ape-like species
-Being a criminal
-Being criminally insane
This is clown world, you know

What an entitled faggot. Wear a mask or wrap something around your face. Otherwise fuck off and dont shop faggot.

Depends where you are. If I lived in a high density downtown I would, like new York or San Fran. Most of the US population is like Australia, fuck all people in a huge area

Point is most of you shouldn't, it's dumb


Yep, it's a joke.
Everyone I see walking around with a mask looks half brain dead already.

Also, apparently in the 1600s there was a Antimask Group in California when the Spanish Flu came in.
Same shit...we learned nothing.

I'm in Los Angeles. I tried this, some whale of a nigger told me that I can't do it. I asked why. She just said you can't. I put on a mask anyway, reluctantly.

I went home thinking "What the fucking hell. This is bullshit". I went back to the store the next day - same thing, just walked in.

> I just did.

Ignore them. Go get what you need and get out. Security guards can't touch you. If they won't let you pay, then walk out. Prop 47 passed last year and police won't even respond to a shoplifting offense that's under $950 dollars.

How is it that places are just now enforcing this when numbers are dropping? Like, people have ripped the signs off the doors in upstate NY and are just letting people do whatever.

Even the CDC said don't wear masks if you are not sick.
>Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has maintained that you should only wear a mask if you yourself are infected with the new coronavirus or if you are taking care of someone who may be infected. Otherwise, you are just depleting supplies for those people who may actually need such masks such as health care professionals.

>Thus, from a “protecting you” standpoint, wearing a surgical mask would have about the same effect as covering your face with pastrami, except without the obvious advantages of pastrami.

>In fact, doctors, nurses, and other health professionals typically wear such masks to protect you from them.

The CDC actually changed it's website to make wearing masks mandatory.

Current CDC article redirect:

Archived original:

It's all bullshit made up after the fact.

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>How is it that places are just now enforcing this when numbers are dropping?


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>spanish flu

what the fuck?

We all know this is just a political affair at this point. Your axe wound will never make you a woman.

It's because they didn't want people to buy up all the masks and they still fucked it up.

Tell him to get the fuck out unless he wears something to cover his mouth and nose to.

>It's because they didn't want people to buy up all the masks
No you fucking retard, they changed it to validate the over-reaching governors and mayors, and to make the Surgeon General look bad.

Stop being fucking retarded.

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>did you know that homeless people make shit sandwiches?

That’s what I’m wondering

trannical fascism
cdc doesn't seem to take it as serious as their superior institution
they don't even count corona dead if it says "probably" most likely"

No shirt, no shoes = no service
now it's
No shirt, no shoes, no mask = no service.

I'm surprised criminals aren't taking advantage of this. They now expect you to cover your face and you don't have to remove it in the car after you rob them either.

Why do you care so much, it's a fucking mask, they're not keeping a rabbi outside asking to see your circumcision prior to entrance

Who told you it was on a downward trend? Nothing burger general? Shit is spreading and is in no way suppressed and will jump up to a whole new height when states started opening up. Just look at Georgia. Shit will spread fast now.

Wear the fucking mask stupid. Don't be some butthurt contrarian retard over wearing a mask.

the goverment if fining the store as a safty voilation of commercail lincing

Where the most obnoxious mask possible to mock it

Did they give you a mask?

>. They will be having checkpoints at the entrance, required by the state.
fucking retard

Take it in stride OP. I went to my local grocery store wearing this.

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Ahh but then you just call the police on some areas and they will come throw you in the camp for not wearing the mask!

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>Archived original:
>It's all bullshit made up after the fact.

it's not, the CDC should've told everyone to wear a cloth mask from the beginning, it's not them trying changing their website is just them hiding their fuck up.

Pic related is the concentration camp my town erected to arrest the maskless.

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