Canadian weapons ban

>OTTAWA -- The federal government is set to soon announce a ban on certain assault-style weapons that have been used in past mass shootings, including the AR-15, CTV News has confirmed.
>The announcement is expected as early as Friday, and the move has been approved by cabinet.
Are you leafs just gonna let this happen?

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There's literally no reason to own such a weapon other than to compensate for being a manlet and having a baby dick.

I can't wait to annex you in the coming wars and force-fuck freedom down your throat, leaf.

Who cares. I live in the biggest city in Canada and I literally don’t know a single person that owns a gun. This isn’t affecting anyone but a few rednecks. Plus you don’t need AR-15s to hunt anyway which is the only reason we should be allowed to own guns anyway. Nova Scotia was fucked, at least we have the brains to fix problems rather than get caught up with “much rights” theory babble.

>muh freedoms
Holy fuck you're such a typical american retard. This is why your country is suffering the most right now during the pandemic lmao

Good, Humans don't derserve any weapons that has projectiles.

Shooting people is already illegal why do they need to ban ownership?

Is Canada's IQ falling much faster than they planned?


Fuck you Niggers

dear Canadian gun owners,

bury your a4 platform and report it stolen.
(you can thank me later)


An Aussie who had to surrender his semi-auto's back in the 90's under that cock gobbler John 'the coward' Howard.

You don’t have any freedom. If you go outside, you get shot. At least we have the freedom of not getting shot everytime we go out to walk our kids or get candy from the grocery store. You’re an idiot.

>if people aren’t allowed to own guns then they won’t ever affect you

Cmon leaf. This is literally the all time biggest anti gun meme of the West

If you aren't smart enough to own a gun safely, maybe that's a you problem.

Canadians will do nothing

You northern syrup niggers disgust me. Hopefully Alberta has some balls and finally splits off from you cucks

>last time an OIC was used to seize property was during WW2 to seize fishing boats from Japanese Canadians

Go & find the biggest dick you can and suck it to completion.

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Post in country deaths

thinly veiled racism-posting disguised as an appeal to child safety. we all know WHO does the shooting in USA.

ameribros, how do we organize against this type of thing, how do we mount effective political pressure to stop or slow this

Leafs: we need a general, we’re going to prob need sub generals to organize actions in each city. I am willing to take charge in my own city, although I don’t know how

Tbh I thought they were already banned

Phase one has been initiated.

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Enjoy waking up knowing that your government has you by the balls, leafs


There's nothing we can do about it at this point. The canadian patriot has been in a constant state of increasing demoralization for 50 years. The rake is the only option at this point. The largest petition in the history of canada.

Also compliance will be sub 20%, same as New Zealands recent gun control measures, and all previous canadian gun control measures.

That's a big cultural difference between the US and canada. You guys will scream and protest and make a scene in order to stop ridiculous rules being put in place by overreaching governments. Canadians will just quietly not follow the rules once they're implemented.

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>muh guns!!!
If you love them so much go live in the USA retard

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Nobody is gonna risk getting put on a terror watchlist over firearms nobody cares about. This is nothing, nobody is affected.

The best thing you can do at this very moment in time is donate to the CCFR. This is the ideal time for the government to do this as protest gatherings are essentially banned. They're literally going to make this call over what amounts to a skype call so anything we do to let the government know they can fuck right off is in the interest of your rights and the rights of future generations.

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Prepare for very serious "unsafe storage" charges then.

You sound like the same fucktard from the other thread, so I will just copy paste my response:
Fucking faggot little bitch fucker. You must be descended from a long line of pedophile criminal scum that suffered generational sodomization by criminal gangs and has somehow produced such a worthless wretched waste of humanity that makes you completely unfit to claim yourself as even halfway 'human'. It's shameful that you and I share a similar heritage, but I am glad that such a monstrously horrible excuse for a human being was relegated to a penal colony surrounded by sharks that would rip your legs off for fun in the oceans and forced to live in some semi-desert wasteland with prehistoric spiders that would eat you alive and retarded half-horse giraffes you called 'kangaroos' that liked to kick box retards like you and your ancestors. It's a shame you were not stolen by a fucking dingo when you were a child so you could go starve in the outback and save humanity from your absolute retardation.
Either that or you're a Chang. Idk which is worse.

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You have a docile society.. FOR NOW. Have fun with your browning. Eradication of your life and culture will come when your real canucks can no longer support the outsiders. But y’all will celebrate it, lol pussies

You are a huge faggot. I hope you get what you deserve.

Literally no one cares except for rural retards and they have no power

I see this thread is going to be a Canadian self-masturbation extraordinaire. Their only identity is hating USA. If USA was world's #1 safest country Canux would be offended by safety.

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My father stored his shotgun in his locker in high school and no one batted an eye. I hope you realize you're about to get anally raped by taxes next year and part of a failed socialist state in less than 20 if you retards keep letting shit like this go ahead. The only people that think gun ownership isn't a basic human right are people who own nothing, create no wealth for the economy and assume the government will take care of them if things go wrong. Which the government only gives a shit about on paper until anything remotely wrong actually happens.

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Rogan agrees Canadians are nice but will fuck u up in a bar fight like in a hockey fight

This is our new dictator.

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You could by M! carbines in the department stores before you got here

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Keep seething, you freedom fuckers are done for, can't even follow simple social distancing instructions with that sub 60 american IQ. Now inject bleach ameritard.

I concur on the general. And the sentiment. CBG/Canadian Ban General

Nova Scotia was clearly a cover up of a diversity crime .Your not going to stop jihadi's from owning machine guns.

Gopd, I hope Canada becomes even more left and Socialist.

They will come for the pistols next user...

I'm really hoping you guys will make it through this.

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That is so sad.

Liberals already backed down on it
They got worried people would shoot the horse fuckers.
Now their plan is to turn our guns into paperweights

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I'm already on a terrorist watchlist. Don't give a fuck. Get fucked, pussy.
Let's do it.

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Is anyone else willing to fight for this? I am and I am the only person I know who is pro gun/self defence

>sent off PAL
>all PAL applications blocked
>guns getting yeeted
>can't even get a meme Chinese sks rifle

Truly this is the worst timeline

thought they weren't going for the pistols, just grant municipalities ability to make even tighter laws, so montreal and toronto will make pistols illegal for even rpal, when all the deaths from them are american guns brought in through a border rez

Either you're both shills or you both need to shut the fuck up. We're in this together.

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Large diameter irrigation pvc pipe with some end caps either end, waterproof, stores well and it's perfectly safe because firearms don't load and fire themselves. (might wanna apply ample grease just in case)

Pretty much this

Reminder that these are the type of people in charge of licensing.

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Is Trudeau the most based Mexican in Canadian history? I think so and so should you and that's a good thing.

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Moncton noguns larper here

its a GOD given right for me to defend myself
the canadian government is and has been an illegitimate house of thieving faggots and betrayers since this idiotic legislation was put to paper
fuck the house of Parliament and fuck the body double replacing the long dead queen

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Proved his point
If blacks don’t like em then bbc is real

Leafs law

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Especially the part about the long dead queen.

We need a point man for every major city in Canada. It’s your job to assemble opposition in your city.

I’ve got Montreal. Anyone got Toronto? What about out west? Any one in national capital area Ottawa/Gatineau?

Sound off

The guy boxed bounced and brown faced and won
He’s pol if pol wasn’t autistic

We're reopening our country and you're still busy having bad healthcare and banning your freedoms away

Don't forget the time the RCMP lost a literal 40mm grenade launcher that was labelled "non-lethal" in every single news article (since media here is pretty well government cucked) even though it was clearly 40 MIKE MIKE CAPABLE. A concerned citizen returned it after finding it. Almost like most Canadians aren't bad people huh who'd have thought.

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Please annex us. I would absolutely love to be American.

Day of the rake mother fuckers

can't wait to watch your country's death count soar into the air, mutt

Our hospitalization count isn't even increasing, and the restaurant I work at hasn't lost any sales, let alone closed.

stfu you obviously chink divide and conquer shill

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if they're not changing the law, could the conservatives conceivably reverse this?