Be me

>Be me
>Hate people
>Want away from everyone and everything
>Looking north to Alaska
>Long of a solitary life hunting, fishing, and trapping far removed from society
>Saving up funds
>Want to either built or purchase a small remote hunting cabin
>Finally going to be a peace with nature
Am I doing it right pol?

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Yes. Don't forget a small growbox to get some tax free income.

Weed is legal in alaska.

Yes. Sounds like the dream

May I recommend going to prison and repeatedly get put in solitary confinement? Cause what you just described ain’t ever gonna work out.

Wish you the best of luck. You should probably plan for a greenhouse also

Why not somewhere more warm, like North or South Dakota, Montana, etc. plenty of hobunk towns

Awesome goals user. My dream as well, I just need ,3 ,More years of savings and I'm there

different flavor weed then

I would rather go to Alaska and take chances of freezing to death or being eaten by bears than have to deal with lying, dishonorable, corrupt, loathsome humans every day.

this is retarded unless you
1. have a lot of money, or
2. feel okay shitting in a hole in the ground, and
3. don't mind being toothless and dying of a curable disease in a remote area lacking essential services

like Larry you smart bastard

real movers dont look to others for validation, they just move.

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>>Want away from everyone and everything
until you break a leg

you want to kill animals as a means of escaping your sadfag life

just kill yourself instead

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a. its not that much
b. not everyone is as squeamish as you
c. not everyone is as fragile as you

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Then stay in your fucking city and be pampered like a child by big daddy Gov and corporate all for the price of your freedom and dog like obedience. I want freedom and independence from all of it!

Do it and become wiser and stronger than us civilized retards.

If you have a decent head on your shoulders you’ll find there’s a lot to learn but it’s intuitive

If I've learned anything, it's that people who have moved to the actual middle of nowhere all have severe mental problems. And they hate people because THEY are the problem in every last interaction they ever had, but they isolate and blame it on everyone else.

The only people you find in the middle of nowhere are psychos.

bring a woman. any woman.

Why not just sign up for the show "alone"?

You go to the grocery store and by parts of a look slaughtered animals because you are too much of a coward to do it yourself. At least I want to look the animal in the eyes and take his life myself and also thank him for allowing me to survive. Disconnected from nature little faggot.

I want to go back to Wyoming

Good, then leave me alone.

Don't get the Internet when you do so, it defeats the purpose. We don't want to hear from you.

>you will never lay down on a cliff in a valley in Alaska. Why even live

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>people move in the middle of nowhere
>somehow this faggot user still manages to interact enough with them to know they are insane

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Stay the fuck out of my state. We have enough lower 48 retards shitting the place up already. You likely don’t have the skills necessary to actually survive in the middle of nowhere, and will probably just end up being a problem child.

Fuck off we're full

I was thinking the same thing. If it's what you want to do than do it. If you find others loathsome why would you care what they think?

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think you'd be better off in maine
if I went off grid I'd rather do it in new brunswick than yukon, don't get american fixating on alaska
If I could do this in america, I'd be somewhere in appalachia where you can garden 8-9 months a year

As long as you're white and make sure to bring a white wombman with you it's the perfect plan.

I want to do this, what are the odds I get caught overstaying my visa

Just let him be another into the wild anons it’s okay he will eat the monks hood anyways

Just wear a sombrero

Alaska represents a challenge. The last frontier. So far removed from everything that you really can have freedom, independence, solitude. A place you can really test yourself to see how much you can take.

I wish I could move to Alaska

It isn't "hobunk" it's "podunk", you stupid cunt.

With the cold, you can always put more clothes on.

You can't do that in 130f in Arizona

Narrr mate it’s cold as fuck up there. Just thinkin’ about it gives me the shivers

Good work op

>The only people you find in the middle of nowhere are psychos.
Its the best thing I ever experienced. Spent 5 years alone, found myself, found enlightenment. Everything is complete now, and I was never the psycho, society is

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Fuck off we are full

1,000 year UBI. Low population density. Red but not redneck college football southern red, individualism red. Natural life abountiful.