King Gavin Newsom closing California's beaches tomorrow

So what's gonna win this weekend, perfect California weather or a tyrant mad that people are having fun during the corona lockdowns?

The bootlicking lockdown supporter don't want to admit that there's no proof that beaches being open spreads coronavirus

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There is a protest in downtown Huntington Beach tomorrow (Friday) be there or be square.

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considering how many people in Orange County came to America from a Communist country, gotta imagine that sort of energy will be there to oppose a wannabe communist like Newsom.

I’ll see you there!

Are you kidding? You think anyone but white people will be there? You’re dreaming

God damn it Newsom is like that roastie that ruins a party because she's not having fun

These faggots have AC in their homes, it's mostly for the gram anyways

Nah it'll be mostly white people I bet. Insect races don't change a bit once they move here. We are not Reagan's shining city on a hill.

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Just OC not entire California

Good luck and don't let the local police do shit to you. If california wants to enforce this, make them send CHP (state police for outsiders).

Let the 2020 beach wars begin.

fucking based. any assholes going out should be arrested for manslaughter

might be quite a few Vietnamese people

Assuming that the George Zimmerman principle will apply where any Hispanic people protesting will be declared White.

Oh they changed it. Reminder that OC beaches were the place antifa got completely fucked up.

and air conditioning has been linked to more coronavirus cases than the beach.. but I doubt any elected officials will propose banning air conditioning

The local PD were fighting for us. HB is not having Newsom’s shit. They had an emergency council meeting today and are handing this off to the attorneys

I’ve been around the viet my whole life, they won’t fight for shit that isn’t viet organized. We’re just a gold calf tit for them to leech off of

The local police in CA are likely to point blank pepper spray protesters in the face. Saw this years ago with Occupy. This will be fun.

Nice. I doubt CHP will dare to enforce it either or they will get beat up.

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As far as I know the beach cities were not having it. Newport is staying open from, IIRC, 8am-10am. They’re all saying fuck you to newsom

so if I want to go clamming, just head down your way? I'm in LB and I doubt they will stand up to Newsom, our local PD is absolutely not on the side of freedom.

Come on down! As said it’ll be in downtown. Our cops have been 110% supportive and chill. They even congratulated us for having a successful first weekend post-covid.

Newsom can't even read. I don't fully understand CA politics despite living here 15 years, but it seems they just choose a governor from a few ruling families and the only requirement is to look good. There's so much profit being made (no credit to the CA government) that nobody cares how bad it's managed.

They congratulated us on Facebook somewhere can’t remember

>I'm in LB
As in Long Beach? Stay there. No niggers or Cambodians!

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Democrats are always talking about "muh resistance" with Trump. I know California is a very blue state, but there are still millions of conservatives residing there, I hope they defy him.

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I don’t either but what are the chances that people will be over the democrats and go back to red after this?

It's probable. Corona virus is present in fecal matter of those infected, and most beaches have a steady population of browntrout from all the sewer failures caused by crumbling infrastructure. It's more important to embrace diversity while locking it indoors.


I'd say 0% since it's a 1 party state by now.